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Child and Youth Care Resources

Find these articles and thousands of others in our Subject Reading section
CYC Readings


Mental Wellbeing Needs and Support for Care-Experienced Children and Young People in Secondary School and During the Transition to Further Education College
Sarah MacDonald, Gillian Hewitt, Siôn Jones, Alyson Rees, Rachel Brown and Rebecca Anthony

Report: Evidence Base on Good Practice in Schools to Meet the Needs of Students Living in Out-Of-Home Care

The education of children in residential care: A systematic review of the enablers and barriers of educational attainment
McCafferty, Hayes and McCormick

Children's Homes: Building or Threatening the Resilience and Rights of Black Orphans and Vulnerable Children
Daphney Mawila and Lucia Munongi

Care Leavers Into Parenthood: Support Needs and Effective Practice Approaches Through Transitions From Care
Jade Purtell and Sarah Morris

Navigating Relationships with Birth Family After Aging Out of Foster Care: Experiences of Young People
Judy Havlicek

Adulthood trajectories of resilience and vulnerability: exploring gender differences in disadvantage after experience of out-of-home care
Lisa Bornscheuer, Evelina Landstedt, Karl Gauffin and Ylva B. Almquist

Experiences of Young People Leaving Children's Homes as a Form of Institutional Care: A Qualitative Study
Özge Kelebek and Fatih Kucur

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Professional Journals

CYC Forum Children Australia International Journal of Child and Family Welfare European Journal of Social Science Education and Research Journal of Child and Youth Care Work Child & Youth Care Forum Child Care in Practice ICEB Child and Youth Services Therapeutic Care Journal UK Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care NACCW South Africa IJSP IJCYFS IJASS


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Podcasts and Videos

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Book Store

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CYC PD Tracker

The Child and Youth Care Professional Development Tracker (CYC PD Tracker) is a comprehensive tool designed to facilitate the ongoing growth and development of professionals working with children, youth and families.

This dynamic platform serves as a centralized hub for tracking progress, setting goals, all tabled under our CYC Domains of Practice. The platform offers a user-friendly interface, making it easy for users to navigate and utilize its various features. It let’s you see the cumulative hours you have in each of the five domains. A valuable feature is the “Reflection of Learning” that you can choose to complete for each PD activity you track.

Use Trial30 to test it out for 30 days before your credit/debit card is charged. At only $10/year CDN, it is an essential addition to your toolbox.

Register  |  Demonstration Video

The International Child and Youth Care Network

Registered Public Benefit Organisation in the Republic of South Africa (PBO 930015296)
Incorporated as a Not-for-Profit in Canada: Corporation Number 1284643-8

P.O. Box 23199, Claremont 7735, Cape Town, South Africa | P.O. Box 21464, MacDonald Drive, St. John's, NL A1A 5G6, Canada

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