Selected Readarounds in Child and Youth Care
Child to parent violence and abuse: New Zealand’s invisible family violence | Tempest
Explosive and Harmful Impulses: A Subset of Child and Adolescent-to-Parent Violence and Abuse | Rutter
Why Didn’t Anyone Understand? Why Didn’t Anyone Ever Stand in the Way? Detecting Child Abuse in Out-of-Home care Setting: The Role of Safeguard and Protection Systems and Social Workers | Aversa and Filistrucchi
Breaking the circle: Work with young people who sexually abuse | Dobson
Preventing sexual abuse: Rescuers without resources | Loffell
Cries for help: A literature review of the psychological effects of child maltreatment | McPherson
Exploiting daily events to heal the pain of sexual abuse | Fox
Practical steps to protection | Mbambo
If we are the good guys, why do we feel so bad? | Berman
Who cares? Sexual abuse and street children in South Africa | Cockburn
How we can better protect children from abuse and neglect | Pelton
Institutional abuse and the rights of children and youth | Michael
Getting political | Smith
Complementing the therapist: Child care work with sexually abused youth | Oles
How we remember | Perry
Preventing child abuse and neglect with parent training: Evidence and opportunities | Barth
Recent research on child sexual abuse: Implications for child care work | Gabor
The Trauma of Sibling Abuse: A Mother's Perspective | Murray
Abuse and historic abuse in residential child care: Some thoughts about certainty | Steckley
Activity / Play / Sport
Types of leisure-time physical activity participation in childhood and adolescence, and physical activity behaviours and health outcomes in adulthood: a systematic review | Miller, Morley, Fraser, Gall and Cleland
Participation in organised sport to improve and prevent adverse developmental trajectories of at‐risk youth: A systematic review | Filges, Verner, Ladekjær and Bengtsen
Physical Activity and Mental Health in Children and Youth: Clinician Perspectives and Practices | Crichton, Bigelow and Fenesi
Promoting Sustainable Well‑Being Through Nature‑Based Interventions for Young People in Precarious Situations: Implications for Social work - A Systematic Review | Obeng, Kangas, Stamm, Tolvanen
Activity Groups with Children and Youth | Gannon and Karth
Activity groups: II | Involving the kids; and resources | Gannon and Karth
Let the children play | Cottle
Never too young to help | Ramsden
The challenge of outdoor activities | Donahue
Activity groups | Gannon
Enriching Children’s Out-of-School Time | Coltin
Understanding and dealing with anger | Rooth
Gulf Region Universities’ Scout Camp | Fulcher
Inclusion? | Smith
Summer camps, camp counselors and informal education | Smith
Therapeutic recreation | Roush
Child art: A brief review of the developmental stages | Martin
Horticulture therapy in a boys’ remand unit: A personal diary | Nightingale
Therapeutic application of play | Pazaratz
Art therapy on a residential treatment team for troubled children | Mills
Co-operative / Therapeutic Games
Children at play | Nel
Transforming the milieu and lives through the power of activity: theory and practice | VanderVen
’Tis the season for giving ... of yourself | VanderVen
“These kids never had a chance to be productive” ... and a new take on technology | Vanderven
You are what you do and become what you’ve done: the role of activity in development of self | VanderVen
Overprogramming for the few, underprogramming for the many | VanderVen
New perspectives on activities | Vanderven
The younger they are the harder they play | Waterhouse
Promoting physical activity and exercise among children and youth | ERIC
Why every child needs a challenge | Rollins
After-school programs | Schwartz
Youthwork as play | Baizerman
Brief notes on planning activities | Reihl
Fear in a Hat: a group interpersonal understanding exercise | Neil
Utilising metaphoric storytelling in Child and Youth Care Work | Peterson and Fontana
Hints for Program Activities | Whittaker
Program Activities | Whittaker
Play Therapy | Legault
Learning Child and Youth Care work in context: A case example | Krueger
Lunch 101 | Krueger
Better Beginnings, Better Future | Flanagan
Another look at activities | Phelan
The use of creative arts in adolescent group therapy | Rambo
Things to do | Maier
Activities developmentally in sync | Maier
Helping children to see and appreciate their world | Mitchell
Difficult or just plain bored? The use of activities as an effective management and therapeutic tool | Mitchell
What can we learn from climbing trees? | Heald
Working with play | Altman
Outward Bound | Muir
Reaching resistant youth through writing | Skramstad
Social Enterprise: An appropriate model for a Child and Youth Care organisation? | Bell and Fuller
Working with play | Bernard Altman
The resistant artist: Street art as radical youth work | Hillman
12 Fun Activity Ideas | Malczan
Addiction / Substance Use Disorders / Drugs
Improving Access to Child and Youth Addiction and Mental Health Services in New Brunswick: Implementing One‑at‑a‑Time Therapy Within an Integrated Service Delivery Model | Harris‑Lane, King, Bérubé, Burke, Churchill, Cornish, Jaouich, Michaud, Losier, Shah and Rash
Cannabis Use and Its Impact on Mental Health in Youth in Australia and the United States: A Scoping Review | Baral, Hanna, Chimoriya and Rana
Other-initiated Interactions that contribute to resilient outcomes among young adults raised by caregivers who misuse alcohol | Mushonga and van Breda
Trajectories of homelessness and association with mental health and substance use disorders among young people transitioning from out-of-home care in Australia | Chikwava, Cordier, Ferrante, O’Donnell and Pakpahan
Treatment for problematic substance use in Nordic youth: a narrative review from the viewpoint of social services | Kosonen and Kuusisto
Scientifically based approaches to drug addiction treatment
Adolescent substance abuse: Lessons from recent research | White et al
Addiction breakers | Stephens
Crystal Methamphetamine | Lee
One child's story | Talbot
Saving young from legacy of addiction | Bancroft
Breaking through addiction stereotypes | Cummings
The political addiction to tough talking on drugs has failed us all | Deacon
The nightmare of recovery | Miller
Gangs, drugs, and our kids | Chase
New rite of passage for teens may just be gambling | Schmidt
Ecstasy and our youth | Powis
Sexual minority youth and substance abuse: Addressing the issue | Knox
Talking about methamphetamine (meth) | Watt
Why images of Rachel's death may not shock youth away from heroin | Chynoweth
Teenage gambling | Ohlms
Woman reflects on difficult life on the streets | Coburn
Is harm reduction a viable choice for kids enchanted with drugs? | Laursen and Brasler
Is your child a five finger discount expert? | Peters
Young alcoholics offer advice | de Paolo
Cannabis is linked to rising child crime and harder drugs | Ford and Tendler
The Trouble With Tough Love | Szalavitz
Dealing with the grim impact of heroin | Verseckes
US: Ex-drug czar shares findings | Howe
Throwing a lifeline to tormented parents | Kemball
'Date rape' drug GHB making inroads in nation's club scene | Leinwand
Getting Frank in the war on drugs | Dick
A Killer of Families | Fox and Leukhardt
Old programs and new | Hilton
Substance abuse and counseling: A perspective | Sales
Magazine helps kids with family drug woes | de la Cruz
Study elicits ‘child’s eye’ view of methamphetamine abuse and its effects | Haight
Crystal meth | Lasting and Charles
Finding common cause in the campaign against drugs | McCaffrey
Say “No” to Drugging Your Kids | Fewster
Digital Life Story Work: Linking Identity and Security for Young People in Out‑of‑Home Care |Deitz, Morley, Sutherland and Blythe
A Descriptive Study of Swedish Secure Youth Homes in Terms of Their Spatial Factors and Residents’ Individual Characteristics | Nolbeck, Wijk, Lindahl, Olausson & Thodelius
Employer Perspectives on Hiring Youth Previously Involved with Juvenile Justice: A National Survey | Unruh, Reardon, Strycker
The social and emotional wellbeing needs of Aboriginal staff in out of home care: Walking in two worlds | Lukey, Keevers, Trueman, Frith, Chandler, Rawari, Henry and Townsend
Getting serious about humanism in administration: The real unsolved mystery | Burford
Mistakes educational leaders make | Bulach et al
What child care administrators need to know about work on the front line | Samjee et al
The importance of leadership | Maier
Teams in Child Care agencies | Resnick
Child Care Workers and the stage of development of their group home: An organizational secret | Resnick
Planning the daily programme | Burton
Communication skills for leaders | Irmsher
Time management for teams | Lee
Working with a multicultural staff | Weaver
Worker–Management Relations: A Child Care Worker's perspective | Harrison
Let us be | Smith
Shared leadership | Doyle and Smith
I like it here: Making an agency a great place to work | Smiar
Burnout | Lewandowski
Staff morale | Lumsden
Supporting paraeducators: A summary of current practices
Why can't we get anything done? | Pfeffer
Old programs and new | Hilton
Diagnosing organisational conflict: Key questions to ask | Osler
Meetings, decisions, changes | Stein
Burnout | Stein
The importance of facility maintenance | Stein
10 principles of management | Stein
Hiring staff | Stein
Evaluating a Child Care Programme | Cockburn and Giles
Definitions and theories of leadership | Ward
Transformation through staff development | Schubert
Planning staff meetings | Carter
The role of the Manager in Child Care Work | Atmore
The perspectives of “difficult” students on belonging and inclusion in the classroom | Ellis et al
Caring for the Caregivers | Kerins
The perils of planning | Forster
Need and risk and how to tell the difference | Artz et al
Listening: A neglected skill in communicating with co-workers and management | Resnick
Problems between departments | Resnick
The built environment and child care work (1) | Resnick
Careless to caring for troubled youth: A caregiver’s inside view of the youth care system | Krueger
Things are looking up: Positive signs for child and youth work | VanderVen
The role of the middle manager in residential programs | van der Sande
Confronting legal risk in voluntary Child and Youth Care organizations | Forster
The leadership challenge for human services agencies | Gaffley
Relationships between staff as a function of job satisfaction | Walton
Involving staff in decision making | Clough
The Change Codes | Flower
Volunteers: Effective management | Sterling
The impact of organizational culture in Child and Youth Care agencies | Nadesan
“Child care workers should be seen and not heard …?” | Demers
Organisation and leadership (1) | van Weezel and Waaldijk
Organisation and leadership (2) | van Weezel and Waaldijk
Organisation and leadership (3) | van Weezel and Waaldijk
Death of a child care worker | Schreier
Administration of a children's organisation: Concepts and guidelines (Part 1) | Pawson
Administration of a children's organisation: Concepts and guidelines (Part 2) | Pawson
Administration of a children's organisation: Concepts and guidelines (Part 3) | Pawson
Residential Child and Youth Care is fundamentally about team work | Fulcher
Replacing coercive power with relationship power | Boldt et al
Are you managing? The effective management of anxiety in residential settings | Macleod
Collaboration isn’t rocket science: It’s harder and worth the effort! | Kukic
The irreplaceable value of colleagues in relational care | Freeman
Respect, love, and system change | Freeman
A model for Child and Youth Care leaders for excellent decision making | Delano
Some thoughts on Child and Youth Care leadership | van der Westhuizen
Assault and the employer | Lodge
Foster Care Leads to Lower Irritability Among Adolescents with a History of Early Psychosocial Deprivation | Niu, Buzzell, Cosmoiu, Fox, Nelson, Zeanah and Humphreys
The Social and Emotional Impacts of Children and Adolescents in Foster Care | Gappi Elad, Tremper and McNamara Barry
How Adolescents in Residential Care Perceive their Skills and Satisfaction with Life: Do Adolescents and Youth Workers Agree? | Gallardo‑Masa, Sitjes‑Figueras, Iglesias, Montserrat
The Impact of Social Media on the Mental Health of Adolescents and Young Adults: A Systematic Review | Khalaf, Alubied, Khalaf and Rifaey
The impact of family support and organization on adolescents during school closure under Covid-19 lockdown regulations in an area of South Africa | Kvalsvig, Taylor, Watt, Desmond
Eleven survival ideas for adolescents | Gordon
Adolescence is not a medical condition | Baizerman and Erickson
Attachment to parents and adjustment in adolescents: Literature review and policy implications | Doyle et al
Hardcore Punk: Hidden lineages, hidden traditions: Evocations of a youth subculture shown by youth | Skott-Myhre, H.
One child care worker’s approach to resistance in adolescents | Stock
Learning to cope with stresses and strains (1) | Konopka
Learning to cope with stresses and strains (2) | Konopka
Adolescent development and delinquency | Roush
Growing up female: Navigating body image, eating, and depression | Graber and Brooks-Gunn
Parent-child communication, perceived sanctions against drug use, and youth drug involvement | Kelly
Working with Adolescent Girls in a Residential Treatment Centre | Matheson
Adolescence: Not Just for Kids | Stepp
Adolescents and adults: Why working together seems impossible | Baizerman
Adventure boosts empowerment | Howell
Stages of social-emotional development in children and teenagers | Erikson
Who are the kids who self-harm? An Australian self-report school survey | de Leo and Heller
Is harm reduction a viable choice for kids enchanted with drugs? | Laursen and Brasler
Supporting girls in early adolescence | Rothenberg
Aliens and adolescence | Skott-Myhre
Teenage gambling | Ohlms
Peer influences and positive cognitive restructuring | Tate
Correlates of therapeutic involvement among adolescents in residential drug treatment | Hawke
Adolescent sexual offenders: an overview | Charles and Mcdonald
An attachment-based parenting program for caregivers of severely conduct disordered adolescents | Moretti et al
The journey from control to connection | Leaf
Facing life-sized issues: Empowering teens with problem solving skills | DeBord and Gore
Rejected youth in residential treatment: social affiliation and peer group configuration | Hoff et al
Self-esteem: Not just for after-school specials | Walton
The girl in the hood (and how we drew her out) | McGeady
Catch it low to prevent it high: Countering low-level verbal abuse | Goldstein
Why a community needs its adolescents | Baizerman
Attachment representations of adolescents in institutional care | Schleiffer and Muller
Fundamental processes for interventions: Working with high-risk adolescents and their families | Ballantyne et al
Violent parenting, violent children | Pantin
We can work it out: weight training with adolescents | Gudgeon
What makes the difference? Adolescent females’ stories about their suicide attempts | Crockwell and Burford
Reversing the cycle of despair | Kennedy
Perceptions of adolescent sex offenders: From punitive to growth promoting | Charles and Collins
The treatment of adolescent sex offenders: Growth promoting premises of residential care | Charles and Collins
The dynamics of working with sex offenders: Respect, respect, respect | Charles and Collins
Growing up: The development challenge of leaving home | Levine
The causes and correlates of delinquency | Thornberry et al
Children's home revisited | Berridge and Brodie
Troubled young people: How can we love them? | Degregorio
Equipping youth with mature moral judgment | Gibbs
The effects of corporal punishment | Robinson
Being my personal best | Vidal
Restoring Self-Esteem in Adolescent Males | Hendel
My own hero | Maas
Creating Healthy, Guided Rites of Passage for Adolescents | Neill
Translating Research into Intervention | Moretti et al
The First Few Years in a Journey to Finding my Sense of Self | Carty
Assessment / Outcomes
Relationship between Adverse Childhood Experiences, Coping Styles, and Posttraumatic Growth | Nanda
Personal Resources, Well-Being, Internalizing and Externalizing Symptoms of Youth in Out-Of-Home Care | Dunkel, Rueth, Wiemann, Werner, Konrad and Lohaus
Trend Effects of Being in Care, from Early to Late Adulthood: A Comparative Look at Adults Who Were in Residential or Foster Care As Children and Those Who Did Not Experience Out-Of-Home Care | Sauerwein & Graßhoff
Comparison of Systems and Outcomes for Safeguarding Children in Australia and Norway: A Decade of Rapid Change | Kojan, Russ, Skrove and Lonne
Supporting older youth in care: The role of caregivers | Cullen
Pathways of Care: A longitudinal study of children in care in Australia | Cashmore, Wulczyn, POCLS Team
Improving Outcomes for Youth Aging Out of Foster Care by Increasing the Age and Quality of Care | Portnoy
Surviving Childhood: Health Effects of Removing a Child From Home | Helensdotter
Taking Into Care – In The Child's Best Interest? The German Youth Welfare Office is under criticism from the European Parliament | Ballhorn and Holzheimer
‘I never win’: How children and staff in residential facilities experience meaningful participation | Slaatto, Baugerud, Mellblom
A Scoping Review of Mental Health and Wellbeing Outcome Measures for Children and Young People: Implications for Children in Out‑of‑home Care | Jacobs, Power, Davidson, Devaney, McCartan, McCusker and Jenkins
Risk of school exclusion among adolescents receiving social care or special educational needs services: A whole-population administrative data cohort study | Jay, McGrath-Lone, De Stavola, Gilbert
The Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences on the Future of Our Youth | Cobb
For-profit outsourcing and its effects on placement stability and locality for children in care in England, 2011–2022: A longitudinal ecological analysis | Bach-Mortensen, Goodair and Barlow
Interventions to Support Children’s Recovery From Neglect – A Systematic Review | A. L. Jackson, M. Frederico, H. Cleak and B. D. Perry
ADHD in Adults and Families and Concurrent Disorders
Ethics doesn’t belong here | Charles
Evaluating a child care programme | Cockburn and Giles
Strong families, strong children: A family-focused crime prevention program | Morrison et al
Differential assessment of residential group care for children and young people | Fulcher
Looking beyond evidence-based practice | Stein
Personal care and treatment planning | Burford
Reporting, assessment and research in child care practice: A personal account of discovery | McDermott
“Whole days, whole lives: Building competence in the child care environment” | How do you know when your programs are working? | Ameen and Mitchell
Evidence-based cynicism | Gharabaghi
The right place for assessments | Phelan
The assessment of children | van der Westhuizen
Authentic assessment for restorative outcomes | Doerr
Key developmental assets for children and young people in foster care | Fulcher et al
Weighing the evidence: from chaos to consilience | Brendtro and Mitchell
Outcomes, complexities and German stories | Gharabaghi
Expectations and outcomes | Smart and Digney
Does measuring ‘care outcomes’ help to improve services? | Coady
Assessment, uncertainty and confidence | Steckley
How do I know if I am doing a good job | Phelan
Putting in and getting out: Better inputs better outcomes | Smart and Digney
The use of group data in Child and Youth Care practice | Magnuson
Talking about evidence in Child and Youth Care practice | Gharabaghi
Why you should worry about clinical judgment and interviews | Magnuson
The pragmatic youth worker: Idiographic evidence-based practice (EBP) | Magnuson
Supporting older youth in care: The role of caregivers | Cullen
What’s on your mind? The effects of an attachment-based intervention on residential youth workers’ reflexive functioning | Carvalho, Ferreira, Santos, Costa, Matos and Mota
“She has saved my life on many occasions”: care-experienced young women’s reflections on the significance of pets and the impact of loss | Muldoon and Williams
“You’re in my heart while we’re apart”: Reflections on working with parents of children in care | Swann
Attachment | Bowlby
John Bowlby on human attachment | Hoover
Attachment and youth at risk | Tomlinson
Attachment to parents and adjustment in adolescents: Literature review and policy implications | Doyle et al
Establishing meaningful contacts with children and youth | Maier
Relationship | Maier
The life span in care practice | Maier
Genuine child care practice across the North American continent | Maier
Attachment and development | Maier
Establishing meaningful contacts with children and youth | Maier
Attachment and attachment behaviors | Maier
Development of greater attachment | Maier
Interpersonal dependence | Maier
An attachment-based parenting program for caregivers of severely conduct disordered adolescents | Moretti et al
Mary Ainsworth: Our Guide To Attachment Research | Grossman and Grossman
Attachment representations of adolescents in institutional care | Schleiffer and Muller
The biology of behavior: The attachments and affects of adjudicated youth | Boss and Masiker-Nickel
Getting research in to practice: Healing damaged attachment processes in infancy | Newman and McDaniel
Kissing the frog:Severe attachment disorder development from early childhood to puberty | Rygaard
Infant child care | Howes
Attachment and placed children | Gray
“All he wants ... ” | VanderVen
Daring to try again: The hope and pain of forming new attachments | Lanyado
Detachment/attachment | Krueger
Relational-based interventions | Hackney and Macmillan
Caring interaction | Weiner
Five Critical Processes for Positive Development | Bronfenbrenner
Attachment | Koroll
Direct care practitioners as promoters of child development | Ainsworth
Placement Disruption in Treatment Foster Care | Smith
Promoting successful close interpersonal relationships in adolescence | Markiewicz
A pedagogy of belonging | Beck and Malley
Authentic Attachments | Fellers
The resilience of children in care: The influence of adult attachment figures | Boneke
Relational Complexity | Phelan
Direct care practitioners: As promoters of child development | Ainsworth
Relationships between behavior symptoms and academic performance in out-of-home care children who are Aboriginal | Hindman, Rowland and Hassmen
Juvenile Delinquency as a Form of Coping in Broken Home Children | Alfatares, Thariq, Ramadhan, Komang and Muthmainah
Youth Who Have Lived in Alternative Care in Nigeria, Zambia, and Zimbabwe: Mental Health and Violence Outcomes in Nationally Representative Data | Neville, Okunoren and Crea
On the Risks of Outreach | Garfat
They're out of control | Garfat
Overlooked ADHD patients: Girls | Carroll
Self-Inflicted Violence: Helping Those Who Hurt Themselves | Alderman
How can staff cope with disruptive children? | Walton
Janusz Korczak: The fervent diagnostician | Waaldijk
Hate-motivated behaviour | Hatchuel
Let them express anger? | Gannon
Let the punishment fit the crime?
Swearing, aggression and temper outbursts | Lennhoff
Lying and pilfering | Lennhoff
Co-creating positive futures for troubled kids | Powis
Living on the Edge | Green
Understanding and dealing with anger | Rooth
The power of peers | Paul
“All he wants ... ” | VanderVen
Why are kids acting so mean ? “Hurt feelings do really hurt” | VanderVen
The scope of girls' delinquency and crime | Weiler
Angry children: Do we limit a child's emotional range? | Wakeling
Parenting without punishment: Making problem behaviour work for you | Maag
Controlling my temper | Bogle
Violence and aggression in children and youth
All behaviour serves a purpose | Garfat
Sharks, mice and bears: A group-counselling experience with adolescents | Polischuk and Collins
The biology of behavior: The attachments and affects of adjudicated youth | Boss and Masiker-Nickel
Our troubles with defiant youth | Redl
Heart notes from a Child and Youth Care worker | Rose
Controls from within: The enduring challenge | Brendtro and Long
Developmental pathways as rites of passage | Garrison
Practical strategies for working with students who display aggression and violence | Guetzloe
Why adults strike back: Learned behavior or genetic code? | Long
Controlling or managing behavior: A crucial decision | Phelan
Beyond the behavior | Melvin et al
Practical tools for positive behavior facilitation | Olive
Teaching emotional intelligence to impulsive-aggressive youth | Henley and Long
Points, level systems and teaching responsibility | Henley
I can’t hold it in forever: Connecting with a youth in pain | Freado
Anger management: An overview for counselors | Hogan
Manipulative behaviour or assertiveness? | Pragnell
Ritual of Inclusion: An approach to extreme uncontrolled behaviour in children and young adolescents | White
Redirecting pathways to violence: Early identification of risk factors in children | Carney et al
Calming together: The pathway to self-control | Bath
Responding to the temperamentally difficult child | guidelines for a proactive approach | Brooks
Self-regulation through goal setting | Schunk
Self-efficacy and the construction of an optimistic self | Bandura
The Meaning of Behavior | Schubert
Normal Kids | Stein
Feedback, Criticism, and Praise | Stein
Keys | Steckley
The Passive Aggressive Conflict Cycle | Whitson
From Desert through Jungle into the Flourishing Garden | de Moor
Of Haka and Hugs: Displays of Threat and Love | Digney and Smart
Pardon me, Do you have a cold or flu? Or are you just a “sneezaholic”? | Fox
Bridging Experiences | Steckley
The “Born” Enigma | Smart and Digney
Crisis and Connection: Pain and healing in group care | Smart and Digney
Dancing Lessons | Skott-Myhre
Revisiting Pervasive Shame | Steckley
Pain | Steckley
Understanding The Relationship I Have With Children | Drawdy
The Narrative Fallacy | Magnuson
I Have this Cat | Steckley
Renaming, reflecting and apologizing | Phelan
Glorifying suicide? Radical encounters with difficult texts, radical approaches to youth care | Greensmith and Kroese
Renaming, reflecting and apologizing | Phelan
First Aid for the Soul (Part 1 of 3) | Krüger
Nonverbal Miscommunication | Spencer
First Aid for the Soul (Part 2 of 3) | Krüger
First Aid for the Soul (Part 3 of 3) | Krüger
You / Me / Us: Thoughts on boundary management in Child and Youth Care | Mann-Feder
Boundary realities from the wisdom of female youth in residential treatment | Richmond
Professional relationship boundaries and Child and Youth Care practitioners | Davidson
Boundary management: The key to preventive work | Lindsay
Child and youth care family support work | Phelan
Systems and boundaries | Hopkinson
Working across boundaries in group care practice | Hopkinson
Reaching beyond caring to loving in Child and Youth Care Practice | Ranahan
Un-professionalism in Child and Youth Care: “What were they thinking?” | Gahwiler
The Team Meeting: Act III: A Short Three-Act Play | Krueger
Thinking about relationships in group care | Beedell
Ode to joy | McArter
Developmental stages of Child and Youth Care Workers: An interactional perspective | Garfat
Social spaces: private and public | McGowan
Freedom and choice | Carlson
Boundaries and Relationship | Stuart
Making a reflective relationship-based decision: A Letter | Samakosky
The Down and Dirty Essentials of Professional Boundary Terminology | Richmond
Thinking about Boundaries | Phelan
CYC boundaries that create influencing | Phelan
Boundary dynamics for relational Child and Youth Care practitioners | Phelan
More on boundary dynamics | Phelan
Children's Rights
Children's rights in residential settings | Waaldijk
The three P's of children's rights: Provision, protection and participation | Bardy
The rights of children and youth in care
A vision for the 21st century | UNICEF
Rights of children are still violated | Kennedy
Listening to children, speaking for children | Cousins et al
The implementation and enforcement of human rights | Viviers
Rights of South African children to be extended
Optimism in dark times | Mitchell
Janusz Korczak’s Declaration of Children's Rights
New Zealand: Youth spell out right to be recognised | Gregory
South Africa: Vote is a milestone for defence of rights | Jamieson
Children and adults | Smith
Children’s rights and wrongs | Smith
Institutional abuse and the rights of children and youth | Michael
The magic beanstalk: Youth empowerment and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child | Anglin
Children's rights | Sandbaek
Needs and rights | Axford
Vulnerable citizens: The oppression of children in care | Snow
Supporting the religious and spiritual needs of looked-after and accommodated children in Scotland | Barratt
A child rights-based approach in Child and Youth Care practice at the community level | Collins
A Brief Background to Children’s Rights | Collins
Implementing and monitoring children’s | Collins
My First Few Years in Children’s Rights cultures/society | Collins
After the Tragedy in New Zealand: A Brief Children’s Rights Response | Collins
International and Canadian Child Rights Partnership (ICCRP) | Collins et al
Children’s Rights and the South African Child and Youth Care and Youth Conferences | Collins
A Personal Reflection on the 30th Anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child | Collins
A Place to Feel at Home? An Exploratory Study of the Perceived Living Environment in Home- Like Groups, Family-Style Group Homes, and Traditional Residential Youth Care | Riemersma, Zijlstra, Kalverboer, Post & Harder
‘You’re Investing in People … It’s Not a Race. It’s Not a Rush’: Youth Care Worker Emotional Labour in Inner-City Neighbourhoods Across Canada | Enkhtugs and Walby
Childhood Experiences of Alternative Care and Callousness/Unemotionality: A Conceptual Model, Scoping Review, and Research Agenda | Pasalich, Aquilina, Hassall, Goulter, Xyrakis and Khoo
Multiculturalism in Child and Youth Care programmes | Kirkland and du Toit
Community youth work | Krueger
The school as a hub: Best practice model for child and youth work | Kelly
On the difference between traditional and contemporary residential care | Garfat
From soup kitchen to community programme | Scott
The rest of Canada: Child and youth care work in rural communities | Gilberg and Charles
A call to action to strengthen our community for youth
A community approach to reducing risk factors | Chibnall and Abbruzzese
Community mental health in an alternative school, in the public schools, and in the kitchen! | Long et al
Strengthening community capacity: Expanding the vision | Barter
Working with young offenders in the community: Philosophical musings | Winogron
Oregon initiative for reintegrating adjudicated youth | Lehman
A residential treatment community | Lennhoff
Students and teachers develop a resource manual for safe and caring schools | Jeary
Better beginnings, better futures | Flanagan
The natural environment as an element in a therapeutic community treatment programme | Gale
Ontario: Facing substance abuse in the region | Kerr
Reclaiming Juvenile Justice for the 21st Century | Moeser
Police striving to deal with diversity | O'Connor
The Child and Youth Care “SWAT team” and other thoughts on the future of our profession | McDermott
Mentoring: A prevention, diversion, alternative sentencing and reintegration model | Mbambo
What exactly is Child and Youth Care work? | Small and Dodge
Gangs, drugs, and our kids | Chase
“Back to the shop floor” | Smith
What do we mean by 'developmental'? III | Gannon
Positive peer groups: “Helping others” meets primary developmental needs | Quigley
Strong families, strong children: A family-focused crime prevention program | Morrison et al
The classroom community model | Panico
Care workers and community health | Griffin
Overcoming adversity through community schools | Harris and Hoover
The therapeutic community at work | Bloomfield
Why a community needs its adolescents | Baizerman
Child and youth care family support work and the Isibindi projects | Phelan
Promoting resilience in youth through facilitating leisure engagement in self-determined community-serving projects | Delamere et al
Community homes leadership, care and treatment in a planned environment | Daltrey
The question of community involvement | Skott-Myhre
Serving the Community | Urban
Working with emotions in social work practice. A pride-building model for institutional care of young people | Jansson and Gunnarsson
Elements of Communication Competence in Encountering Traumatized Adolescents in Substitute Care | Leinonen, Kaittila, Alin, Vornanen, Karukivi, Kraav and Anis
The Sage Hill program for competency promotion | Durkin et al
Beyond the Tip of the Iceberg: Five Stages Toward Cultural Competence | Hanley
Cultural competence in child welfare | McPhatter
Community Mental Health in an alternative school, in the public schools, and in the kitchen! | Long et al
Residential treatment: A resource for families | Ridgely and Carty
Empowering Children With Chores | Kahlenberg
Discipline in action: some requirements and characteristics | Fox
How adults learn | Muller
Child and youth care: The transition from student to practitioner | Moscrip and Brown
Child and Youth Care Education: Perspectives in Transformation | Demers
Interpersonal and group life in Residential Care: A Competence-centered, Ecological Perspective | Maluccio
Promoting social competence: Implications of work with mentally retarded children and adults in residential settings | Reiter and Bryen
The forgotten intervention: How to design environments that foster friendship | Overton
Adolescent transitions | Borgen and Amundeon
Towards a common denominator in effective group care programming: The concept of the modifying environment | Beker and Feuerstein
Articulating a Child and Youth Care approach to family work | Jones
Conflict / Resistance
Managing violence | Roush
Normal is a Normal does | Stuart
Beyond conflict, custody and alienation | Dodds
Diagnosing organisational conflict: Key questions to ask | Osler
More is "caught" than taught | Foraker-Thompson and Edmunds
Managing conflict: supervisory skills and strategies (1) | Gabor and Ing
Managing conflict: supervisory skills and strategies (2) | Gabor and Ing
Over the net: Encouraging win-win solutions through conflict resolution | Addison and Westmoreland
Respectful discipline: The control game exploring oppositional behavior | Hewitt
Relationships between staff as a function of job satisfaction | Walton
Ripples and rumbles: Towards peaceable school communities | Dovey
Towards mutual understanding in our schools | Tyrell
How to wage peace: the skills of principled negotiation | Lantieri
Multicultural educators as change agents | James-Edwards
Suffer not the children, after divorce | Watkin
Discipline as supportive control | Curtis
Rediscovering Pinocchio | Nass
Supervisee resistance | Bradley and Gould
Maintaining personal integrity and morality in a community home | Walkley
Teaching respect and responsibility | Lickona
Teaching conflict resolution | Olive
Response ability pathways: Restoring bonds of Rrspect | Brendtro and du Toit
Controls from within: The enduring challenge | Brendtro and Long
From coercive to strength-based intervention | Brendtro
An attachment-based parenting program for caregivers of severely conduct disordered adolescents | Moretti et al
Relationships between staff as a function of job satisfaction | Walton
One child care worker’s approach to resistance in adolescents | Stock
Conflict resolution education: preparing youth for the future | Crawford and Bodine
Why adults strike back: Learned behavior or genetic code? | Long
On minding and not minding. Providing a therapeutic space for children and young people | Crawford
Problem children: Views of A.S. Neil of Summerhill | Skidelsky
Combat or Cooperation? | Tate and Copas
Pain and Shame | Digney and Smart
The Passive Aggressive Conflict Cycle | Whitson
Cultural / Indigenous Practice
The S.E.L.F. Framework for Keeping Children Connected to Their Culture in Out-of-Home Care | Karatasas, Noujaim, Conley Wright & Chapman
Supporting Indigenous Youth to Live with Continued Resilience, Meaning and Hope | Sutherland, Sutherland, Minde, Rondeau, Nielssen and Flemons
Relationships between behavior symptoms and academic performance in out-of-home care children who are Aboriginal | Hindman, Rowland and Hassmen
What are Aboriginal children and young people in out-of- home care telling us? A review of the child voice literature to understanding perspectives and experiences of the statutory care system | Burns, Grace, Drake and Avery
Does Virtual Reality Training Increase Mindfulness in Aboriginal Out‑of‑Home Care Children? |Rowland, Hindman, Jomeen and Hassmén
Restoring Children From Out-of- Home Care: Insights From an Aboriginal-Led Community Forum | Newton, Gray, Cripps, Falster, Katz, Chiswell, Wellington, Ardler, Frith, Jones, Kent and Tong
Aboriginal Children Placed in Out-of-Home Care: Pathways Through the Child Protection System | Lima, O’Donnell, Gibberd, Falster, Banks, Jones, Williams, Eades, Harrap, Chenhall, Octoman & Eades
Canadian Federal Policies and the Inuit Youth Suicide Crisis Trauma and Reconciliation | Kwiatek
Identifying key dimensions of indigenous led child welfare services: A qualitative literature review | Paki Paki, King, Tainui, Maniapoto, Lewis, Walker, Mackay, Rangitihi, Anderson, Amante and Kemp
First Nations Care Leavers: Supporting Better Transitions | Walsh, Turnbull, Mendes and Standfield
Care Experience, Ethnicity and Youth Justice Involvement: Key Trends and Policy Implications | Hunter, Francis and Fitzpatrick
The social and emotional wellbeing needs of Aboriginal staff in out of home care: Walking in two worlds | Lukey, Keevers, Trueman, Frith, Chandler, Rawari, Henry and Townsend
Rituals of Encounter that Guarantee Cultural Safety | Fulcher
Child care and education in the Bible | Reisenberger
Introducing my son: An Indian father's plea | Lake
Straight talk about racism | Kirkland
National Youth Policy: Concepts | United Nations
A place of honour for everyone in the family | Sohoni
Multiculturalism in Child and Youth Care Programmes | Kirkland and du Toit
More is "caught" than taught | Foraker-Thompson and Edmunds
Our children are the hope of the world | Hill
A novel charcteristic of role model choice by black male students | Jones
Children with no childhood | Chelala
Critical components of an anti-oppressive framework | Moore
Research on youth violence: Progress by replacement, not addition | Hoagwood
Multicultural practice in youthwork | Whittaker
Child and Youth Care Institutions: Melting pots or cookie cutters? | Weaver
Exploring the function of heroes and heroines in children's literature from around the world | Singh and Lu
Youth as activists in the United States | Whittaker et al
How important is youth worker training? | Bennett
Pueblo | Krueger
Reflecting on conferences, playgrounds, camps and churches | Krueger
Cultural zooming: From close-up to panoramic | Kelly
Our next big challenge: Genuine cultural SELF self awareness | Newbury
Differing values | Smith
Intergenerational learning and social capital
The early days of a better nation | Smith
The next generation of antipoverty policies
Stimulate this! | Gharabaghi
Trends in media use | Roberts and Foehr
Planting Seeds of Peace with Arab and Israeli Youth | Shapiro
Caring for ‘Our Kids’ | Skott-Myhre
Unplugged: Life without social media: A qualitative exploration | Nader et al
Notes on caring under the society of control | Skott-Myhre
The effects of orphanhood on scholastic performance among primary school learners in Mankweng of Limpopo Province, South Africa | Magampa, Sodi, Lunga and Sobane
Go back to which home? The ‘pedagogy of dreams’ as a contribution to the deinstitutionalization of children and young people in South Brazil | Schüssler D’Aroz
A group care framework: The benefits of group care settings in Israel | Tischler
Now You Have Woken the Children | Skott-Myhre
Redefining policies: Black youth participation and critical civic praxis | Edwards
They’re trying to wash us away | Skott-Myhre
Transitions into capitalism and the market-based | Gharabaghi
No Perfection, No Purity | Skott-Myhre
Child and Youth Care Fragility | Vachon
A shameful crisis | Freeman
Resolution regarding immigrant children | Association for Child and Youth Care Practice
Scoundrels, scumbags and downright idiots | Gharabaghi
Refusing band-aids: Un-settling “care” under the carceral settler state | de Finney et al
Honoring the Child’s Unique Song | John
How to Survive in Dark Times | Skott-Myhre
It’s Only a Matter of Time: Cross-Cultural Reflections | Fulcher
The Nativity Play | Cockburn
Us Too: The Impact of Social Media on Youth in the Post #Metoo World | Timmons
An introduction to food and children’s rights | Collins
White Fragility and Me | Skott-Myhre
Using the ‘AS*IF’ Framework to Engage in a Relational Encounter and Create Cultural Safety | McIntyre
Of Dreaming Wild Dogs: Singing Up | Skott-Myhre
I Am Rohingya: A Genocide in Four Acts | Marshall
Erasure | Skott-Myhre
White supervision | Spencer
OK Boomer | Goodwin
CYC: The Profession
Uncharted Thresholds for a Fledged Child and Youth Care Profession | Swanzen
The Professionalisation of Child and Youth Care: Perspectives of Child and Youth Care Workers in eThekwini, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa | Zondeka and Sibiya
A professional field? Educational attainments, gender and age among staff in Swedish residential care | Pålsson, Andersson, Shanks, Wiklund
Challenges Experienced by Child and Youth Care Workers in CYC Centres Working with Children | Mhizha and Nhedzi
What exactly is Child and Youth Care work?
The Field of Child and Youth Care: Are We There Yet? | Freeman
The Child and Youth Care Workers: Who needs them? | Linton and Forster
What's in a Name?: Exploring Title Designations in Child and Youth Care in Ireland | McElwee and Garfat
The Year-2000 model: Child and Youth Care Worker User's Manual | Allsopp and Gannon
What exactly is Child and Youth Care work? | Anglin
Child and Youth Care: A unique profession | Anglin
Qualities of a Child and Youth Care worker | Nightingale
Life space work, Child and Youth Care work, residential work: Is this a Profession? | van Weezel and Waaldijk
Developmental stages of Child and Youth Care Workers: An interactional perspective | Garfat
The Medical Model is Alive and Well and Killing Child and Youth Care | Fewster
Reflections of my journey in Child and Youth Care | Naidoo
Philosophy and principles of Child and Youth Care | Lewis
Challenges facing the Child and Youth Care profession | Hoffman
“Child care workers should be seen and not heard …?” | Demers
Abbott and Costello meet the Multi-Disciplinary Team | Demers and Gudgeon
The ‘IF’ of Child and Youth Work professionalization | VanderVen
A clash where professional philosophy meets practice | Kipling
When youth ends: A new focus for the field | VanderVen
Extending Child and Youth Care to serve the life span: A new look at concepts and practice | Barnes
Child and youth care as a profession | Hardy
The profession that never was | Fewster
A new light in old darkness | Fewster
What we do (and don’t do) | Phelan
Lost in translation: Who should look after children in the care system? | Millar
If I was starting my career this week, I would ... | Phelan
The profession called Child and Youth Care work | Phelan
Youth-worker training: Teaching and learning from an international perspective | Bowie
Dream a little, dream a lot | Stuart
The quest for professionalization | Stein
Moving around vs. moving on | Fox
Reflections on progress | Gharabaghi
Optimism and the future of Child and Youth Care | Freeman
Who wants to be a Child and Youth Care practitioner? | Phelan
Tilting at windmills: The professionalization of Child and Youth Care | Skott-Myhre
Exploring professional attitudes | Stuart
Not so small anymore! | Gharabaghi
The Nash Equilibrium and advancing Child and Youth Care? What's the connection? | VanderVen
Of lineages and callings | Skott-Myhre
Catching up: Child and Youth Care and the 21st Century | Skott-Myhre
21 Hours | Gharabaghi
Changing scenes in California’s system for youth in care | Freeman
Flotsam or jetsam: Claiming the wreckage | Digney and Smart
CYC in the 21st Century: A Radical Proposition | Skott-Myhre
Not where you work but what you do | Gannon
Central themes in Child and Youth Care | Krueger
From a technical rational to a moral practical knowledge base for Child and Youth Care | Smith
Notes on the transfiguration of the field | Skott-Myhre
Speaking the disagreeable truth | Ricks
The agenda of Child and Youth Care | political or individual? | Modlin
Of lessons learned and those relearned | Smart and Digney
CYC: A false dichotomy | Skott-Myhre
Mentorship, boundaries, friendship and love | Gharabaghi
Looking at the past and creating our future | VanderVen
Falsify that theory | Magnuson
What do you believe? | Freeman
Child and Youth Care Conferences: Learning, connecting and making memories | McGrath and Pope
A system in crisis: Violence and Child and Youth Care | Skott-Myhre
Legitimacy in Child and Youth Care practice | Gharabaghi
Embracing dual roles in Child and Youth Care: Researcher and practitioner | Pirnasar
How wounded are our healers? | Smart and Digney
A ‘hidden’ agenda: Or was it? | Smart and Digney
Neuroscience, Child and Youth Care, and constructive conversations | Newbury
Congruence and collective meaning making of relational Child and Youth Care practice | Ward
Professional identity dynamics | Phelan
Reflections from the “Building a Community of Practice” International Conference write on community of practice | Holden et al
Why are we so white? | Gharabaghi
Sharing wounds: Trauma in organizations | Tatum and Freeman
A response to “Why are we so white”: A West-Indian/Indo-Caribbean Canadian practitioner | Batasar-Johnie
Studying Child and Youth Care is more than just theory | Doidge and Moreau-Robitaille
A second language for every Child and Youth Care | Gharabaghi
How to ask for help | Magnuson et al
Moving on into a new world | Gharabaghi
The lost spaces in Child and Youth Care | Gharabaghi
Professionalization through doing | Gharabaghi
A Dedicated Child and Youth Advocacy Space | Gharabaghi
What’s Wrong with Professional Consultations? | Magnuson
A year of great consequence | Gharabaghi
Twenty Years of Connections | Gharabaghi
The moment Lola changed everything | Gharabaghi
Don’t Believe What We Tell You | Magnuson and Healey
Racialized Students as Educational Tools in Child and Youth Care Post-Secondary Education | Hassan and Gharabaghi
South Africa, Again and Again | Gharabaghi
Understanding Where We Stand: The View of a Child and Youth Care Student | Sharpe-Schmid
Trouble will happen | Magnuson
Let’s Talk About Money | Gharabaghi
What’s love got to do with it? How to stabilise children in public care with cost-effective quality | Maginn
The Roller Coaster Profession | Lodge
Re-Launching Child and Youth Care Practice | Gharabaghi
Intersectional Collegiality | Skott-Myhre
Facing Assault | Lodge
Re-Launching Child and Youth Care Practice | Gharabaghi
A Historical Moment | Lodge
Uplift the Children’s Voice | Lodge
Four Questions for 2020 | Gharabaghi
An Endangered Profession | Barrie Lodge
Pain and All the Rest | Skott-Myhre
CYC Conferences: Reflections, Insights and Suggestions | McGrath
Laplace and the Probability of Everyday Life | Magnuson
Supporting Disagreeable Team Members | Phelan
On Conferencing | Goodwin
Juvenile Delinquency as a Form of Coping in Broken Home Children | Alfatares, Thariq, Ramadhan, Komang and Muthmainah
Risk and Protective Factors and Interventions for Reducing Juvenile Delinquency: A Systematic Review | Aazami, Valek, Ponce and Zare
The causes and correlates of delinquency | Thornberry et al
The scope of girls' delinquency and crime | Weiler
Treatment of delinquent children | Wolff
What works in the prevention of youth crime? | Mendel
Cross-national study on the attitude of normal and juvenile youngsters towards social limits | Strijker and Rink
Interpersonal and Group Life in Residential Care | Maluccio
Maintaining personal integrity and morality in a community home | Walkley
From bedtime stories to jail cells: A tale of a lost childhood | Branswell
Adult too soon: Age-sensitive interventions with delinquent girls | Loper
They call them maladjusted | Hill
Developmental pathways as rites of passage | Garrison
Adolescent offenders with mental disorders | Grisso
National implications in juvenile justice: The influence of juvenile mentoring programs on at risk youth | Belshaw and Kritsonis
Holding kids accountable: Shaming with compassion | Campbell and Revering
Helpful juvenile detention | Roush
Management issues | Roush
Adolescent development and delinquency | Roush
Rethinking youthful defiance | Redl
The rise of the child-saving movement: A study in social policy and correction reform | Platt
Positive peer culture | Vorrath and Brendtro
Biographical outline of August Aichhorn | Eissler
A community approach to reducing risk factors | Chibnall and Abbruzzese
Storytelling | Woodard
New approaches to truancy prevention in urban schools | Walls
Developing empathy in children and youth | Cotton
Violent crimes by girls rising, but the reasons why remain unclear | Twohey
Peer influences and positive cognitive restructuring | Tate
Delinquent or simply resilient?: How "problem " behaviour can be a child's hidden path to resilience | Ungar
Attacking crime or kids? Juvenile Justice at the crossroads | Larson
Reclaiming our prodigal sons and daughters | Larson and Brendtro
The Child and Youth Care Workers: Who needs them? | Linton and Forster
Research on youth violence: Progress by replacement, not addition | Hoagwood
Strong families, strong children: A family-focused crime prevention program | Morrison et al
Four complexities in residential treatment of juvenile offenders | Heintzelman
An attachment-based parenting program for caregivers of severely conduct disordered adolescents | Moretti et al
Students with disabilities in correctional facilities | Quinn et al
Reclaiming the unreclaimable | Seita and Brendtro
Working with adolescent girls in a residential treatment centre | Matheson
Understanding the female offender | Cauffman
Fritz Redl: Matchmaker to Child and Environment – A Retrospective | Wineman
Kids on the street they have something to say: Survey of runaway and homeless youth | Kufeldt and Nimmo
Trading power for trust | Coffey
Detached youthworkers | Morse
More Mr Lyward’s Answer | Burn
Strong families, strong children: A family-focused crime prevention program | Morrison et al
Investigating the impact of Out-of-Home Care on early childhood development | Lanais, Gnanamanickam, Maclean and Segal
The Professionalisation of Child and Youth Care: Perspectives of Child and Youth Care Workers in eThekwini, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa | Zondeka and Sibiya
Relationship between Adverse Childhood Experiences, Coping Styles, and Posttraumatic Growth | Nanda
Working with emotions in social work practice. A pride-building model for institutional care of young people | Jansson and Gunnarsson
Cognitive Functioning of Children in Out-of-Home Care | Eiberg
Direct care practitioners: As promoters of child development | Ainsworth
Stages of social-emotional development in children and teenagers | Erikson
The experience of separation | Lennhoff
Understanding TV's effects on the developing brain | Healy
Child art: A brief review of the developmental stages | Martin
Attachment and development | Maier
Developmental group care of children and youth | Maier
China meets new challenges in child development | Nanlan
Direct care practitioners as promoters of child development | Ainsworth
Management perspectives and their potential in staff development and training | Diamond
Deprivation and education | Pringle
The needs of children | Pringle
The changing character of residential child care | Whittaker
The effects of state care on children’s development: new findings, new approaches | Vorria et al
Adolescent development and delinquency | Roush
Learning from nursing about youthwork | Baizerman
Adolescents and adults: Why working together seems impossible | Baizerman
The morality of the school: The theory and practice of values in education | Bottery
Care, treatment and planned environments | Daltrey
Transforming the milieu and lives through the power of activity: theory and practice | VanderVen
What do we mean by 'developmental'? (1) | Gannon
What do we mean by 'developmental'? (2) | Gannon
What do we mean by 'developmental'? (3) | Gannon
Equipping youth with mature moral judgment | Gibbs
Five critical processes for positive development | Bronfenbrenner
John Bowlby on human attachment | Hoover
Young children’s emotional development and school readiness
The spiritual dimension in Child and Youth Care work | Jackson
Attachment representations of adolescents in institutional care | Schleiffer and Muller
Working with play | Altman
Linking youth development and positive psychology | Pittman
Central themes in Child and Youth Care | Krueger
Belonging | Steckley
Emotional attachments motivate children’s language mastery | Stephens
The development of children ages 6 to 14 | Eccles
Encouraging young children's writing | Maehr
Media and children’s aggression, fear and altruism (1) | Wilson
Media and children’s aggression, fear and altruism (2) | Wilson
The role of parents in the development of peer group competence | Moore
Communication problems of deprived children | Van der Ross
Talking to kids about the news | Abraham
Creating safe spaces for feelings | Winfield
Hope and the imagination | Kohl
Boys will be boys | Laidlaw
The power of peers | Paul
Thinking about vulnerability | Gharabaghi
What do children think of themselves? | Stein
Every child needs a home | Stein
Talking about death | Laidlaw
On revelation and recognition | Cottle
Let the children play | Cottle
Developing a sense of place and time | Freeman
Working in dark places | Freeman
The drive to thrive: Lighting the fire | Strother et al
A new conceptualization of development in Child and Youth Care | Amorim
Living life today | Gannon
The kids are us | Skott-Myhre
Child and youth empowerment through sports | Saqlain
I am the young person who impacts me | Skott-Myhre
How Much Sleep Do We Need? | Karns
Prioritizing Free Play is Essential for Childhood Development | Spicer
Breakfast is Served: How School-time Meal Programs Can Support Child Development | Fraser
The Growth of Love | White
Placing Children with Disabilities with Adoptive Families | Brown and Selwyn
A Longitudinal Mixed‑Methods Characterization of Family Support from Adolescence to Young Adulthood in Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities | Schiltz, Clarke, Rosen, Gomez De La Rosa, Masjedi, Christopher and Lord
Digital citizenship of children and youth with autism: Developing guidelines and strategies for caregivers and clinicians to support healthy use of screens | Mayer, Cohen-Eilig, Chan, Kuzyk, Glodjo and Jarus
Successes with autism | Kaufman
Reverse mainstreaming: Helps normal children learn about autism | Donnelly
The forgotten intervention: How to design environments that foster friendship | Overton
ADHD: Remembering the Skinner box | Stein
Exercise an alternative approach to the treatment of ADHD | Putnam and Copans
Basic needs; special needs: Implications for the classroom teacher | Redl
Old labels, new labels, and the difference between a ‘label’ and a ‘noun for a disease’ | Redl
The teacher's additional predicament | Redl
Supporting paraeducators: A summary of current practices
Are early childcare providers ready for inclusion? | Valadie
Adolescent offenders with mental disorders | Grisso
Building a sense of belonging: The PALS program | McNeil
Parents’ role in transition for handicapped youth: an overview | Kerka
All children should know joy: Inclusive, family-centered services for young children with significant disabilities | Thompson et al
Vulnerable populations and the transition to adulthood | Osgood et al
Understanding attachment and loss in young people with complex needs | Grant et al
Reconnecting takes faith | Simon
The role of a psychologist in helping a child with learning disability in India | Louis
Building autism assets | Sarahan and Copas
Autism: Two practicum questions
Non-verbal children with autism
CYCs and ASDs: a Child and Youth Care approach to autism spectrum disorders | Bristow
What real inclusion for kids with autism looks like | O'Grady
Identity-first or person-first language?
BIDing and autism | Bristow
Who cares? The politics of disability | Jackson
Establishing relational care to support young people living with disabilities | Marshall and Thorn
Voices of autism in school | Marshall
Nurturing belonging: (Re)centering Indigenous perspectives on disability | Adams
Inclusion in sport: Supporting the complimentary use of assistive technologies | Steel
From blaming to belonging: Re-examining our approach to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder | Hellard
Speech and language delay/disorder in early childhood | Liao
Universal design for learning: Background and applications in North America | Saunders
Online accessibility for post-secondary students with disabilities | Kotzian
The crack in everything | Skott-Myhre
Child and youth care, disability and some cautions | Gharabaghi
More voices from autism in school | Marshall
Gabe and I | Cicogna
On Praising Inclusion in Childhood Settings | Côté
Autism and Therapies | Getty
A Comparison of Juvenile Misconduct in Residential Facilities in Florida by Gender | Ponce and Scott
Discipline in action: some requirements and characteristics | Fox
Teachers or taunters: The dilemma of true discipline for direct care workers with children | Fox
Pardon me, Do you have a cold or flu? Or are you just a “sneezaholic”? | Fox
Humor and discipline | Mendler and Mendler
Helping schools say “Yes” to children who say ‘‘No” | Osterhouse and Lowe
Beyond obedience: A discipline model for the long term | Curwin and Mendler
Six strategies for helping youth move from rage to responsibility | Curwin and Mendler
The Educational Philosophy of St. John Bosco | Morrison
Discipline as supportive control | Curtis
Points off | Garfat
What I Learned from the threat of punishment | Garfat
Classroom management | van Tassell
Zero tolerance: The school woodshed | rhonda
Negative effects of corporal punishment on children | Banda
Restrictions: Lesson learned | Stein
Consistency: Myth vs. reality | Stein
More about consistency | Stein
The effects of corporal punishment | Robinson
What is wrong with beating children? | Naker
Treatment of delinquent children II | Wolff
Ending corporal punishment in all spheres | Waterhouse
The Circle of Courage | Samjee
Rethinking the effectiveness of suspensions | Sautner
Teacher and Child: A book for parents and teachers | Ginott
Antidote for zero tolerance: Revisiting a “reclaiming” school | Farner
Teaching respect and responsibility | Lickona
The tools of encouragement | Evans
Punitive and non-punitive discipline and subsequent rule-following in young children | Toner
The perspectives of “difficult” students on belonging and inclusion in the classroom | Ellis et al
Limit setting | Sutton
Divisions between behaviour management and therapy: Towards new directions of authority in Child and Youth Care | Vanderwoerd
"Teach me don’t punish me" | Fine and Tomlinson
Ending corporal and other forms of humiliating punishment of children | Waterhouse
Practical tools for positive behavior facilitation | Olive
Respectful discipline: The control game exploring oppositional behavior | Hewitt
"Our hands are tied" | Gannon
Time out on time out | Glenn
Punishment | Phelan
Principle-centered discipline | Laursen
Punishment or self-discipline? Early roots of reform | Kreisle
Punishment | Steckley
Disruption repair: A key element in setting boundaries and limits | Steckley
On punishments | Lennhoff
Bully bully! | VanderVen
Education / Training
How peer relationships affect academic achievement among junior high school students: The chain mediating roles of learning motivation and learning engagement | Shao, Kang, Lu, Zhang and Li
Enhancing interprofessional teamwork between youth care professionals using an electronic health record; a mixed methods intervention study | Benjamins, de Vet & Haveman-Nies
The educational experience of young people in residential care through the lens of learning careers | Marion and Tchuindibi
Rendering Services in Child and Youth Care Centres: Experiences and Challenges of Social Workers | Phaswana and Erlanks
Exploring strategies for re-engaging children and young people in learning while living in out-of-home care in the Northern Territory, Australia | Roche, Dunk-West, Otarra, Taylor and Moss
The problem of learning | Lennhoff
How to teach the unteachable | Ciaccio
Paulo Freire | Smith
Deprivation and Education I | Pringle
Deprivation and Education II | Pringle
Making Letters | Holt
Take-home lessons | Silvis
Antidote for zero tolerance: Revisiting a “reclaiming” school | Farner
Young children’s emotional development and school readiness
Supporting paraeducators: A summary of current practices
Aims in education | Dewey
The risks of rewards | Kohn
The limits of teaching skills | Kohn
New approaches to truancy prevention in urban schools | Walls
Teaching character | Walters
Educational best practice or malpractice: Our choice | Van Bockern and Wenger
Soul-filled teaching and learning | Van Bockern
Check and connect: The role of monitors in supporting high-risk youth | Christenson et al
Mary Carpenter | Smith
Teaching respect and responsibility | Lickona
Constructive alternatives to punishment
Heroes and pioneers: Kindness | Bosco
Brockton's struggle to keep students in school requires truant officer to blend vigilance, sympathy | Coleman
Being my personal best | Vidal
Community Mental Health in an alternative school, in the public schools, and in the kitchen! | Long et al
Lifelong learning | Smith
From post to pillar | Fleetwood
How adults learn | Muller
Alternative programs for at-risk students: wolves in sheep’s clothing? | Sagor
Ending corporal punishment in all spheres | Waterhouse
The tools of encouragement | Evans
Helping schools say “Yes” to children who say ‘‘No” | Osterhaus and Lowe
What are we going to do today? | Molepo
From Barbed Wire to Geraniums | Paton
A pedagogy of belonging | Beck and Malley
Students and teachers develop a resource manual for safe and caring schools | Jeary
Overcoming adversity through community schools | Harris and Hoover
Multicultural educators as change agents | James-Edwards
Why try cooperative learning? | Lyman and Foyle
Classroom management | Van Tassell
Towards a curriculum for more appropriate education for out-of-school children | Pease
The kid underneath: Discovering hidden potential | Olive
Helping students feel they belong | Hewitt
Alternatives to expulsion: Houston's school of last resort | Allen and Edwards-Kyles
Journal writing in experiential education: Possibilities, problems and recommendations | Dyment and O'Connell
Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) | Ullrich
Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi (1746-1827) | Soetard
Alexander Sutherland Neill (1883-1973) | Saffange
Outdoor, experiential and environmental education: Converging or diverging approaches? | Adkins and Simmons
Using instructional design strategies to foster curiosity | Arnone
Bruno Bettelheim (1903-1990) | Zelan
Helping underachieving boys read well and often | Schwartz
Benjamin Bloom (1913-1999) | Eisner
How to be a turnaround teacher | Benard
Teacher mentoring as professional development | Huling
Teaching students to overcome frustration | Henley
Seven keys to motivating difficult students | Mendler and Curwin
Grit: A skeptical Look at the latest educational fad | Kohn
Ikamva Youth: How a simple tutoring programme can make a difference
Ensuring inclusion of children from marginalised communities in India | Dewanji
Personal experiences with social justice in Child and Youth Care practice | Bristow
Relational Child and Youth Care teaching | Phelan
The Child and Youth Care waltz: For Brian Gannon | Skott-Myhre
School’s Out. Forever! | Gharabaghi
The First Few Seasons: Reflections from a Rookie Child and Youth Care Educator | Hillman
First Few Years as a Child and Youth Counsellor in a School Board | King
The Importance of Including Children’s Rights in Child and Youth Care Education | Collins and Ahmadzai
E-learning for Young People in Care | Saqlain
Purpose and Mattering
as Dimensions of Meaning for Young People in Residential
Care from Romania |
Bunea and Cojocaru
Saying Hello | Garfat
Making memories | Egan
Doing with ... | Garfat
Establishing meaningful contacts with children and youth | Maier
Situations in Child and Youth Care: Liz | Maier
Engage don't enrage | Maier
The use of everyday events in Child and Youth Care work | Garfat
Do nothing, nothing changes | Garfat
Sitting with Jason | Garfat
On hanging-out (and hanging-in) | Garfat
Transforming the milieu and lives through the power of activity: theory and practice | VanderVen
You are what you do and become what you’ve done: the role of activity in development of self | VanderVen
Close enough? Professional closeness and safe caring | Kendrick and Smith
Hanging out | Somasundram
Don't touch | Smith
Which Way to Paradise? | Garfat
Soup | Steckley
Reflections on role modelling | Steckley
Journal entries of a Child and Youth Care worker | Rose-Sladde
“Too Old For Crafts?” | Rose
Child and Youth Care Work as dance | Krueger
Lunch 101 grilled cheese | Krueger
Going there from being here | Fewster
Valued Child and Youth Care worker qualities in relationships with young people | Weisman
Relationships: What is it we do? ... It is what we do! | Weisman
Engaging with youth making it happen | Gannon
The process of engaging with young people | Gannon
Purposeful engagement | Gannon
Relationships we have to begin somewhere! | Gannon
Ignoring | Gannon
A four-step blueprint for building relationships with difficult youth | Larson and Brendtro
Building buffers against risk factors looking at engaging and strengthening families | Mbambo
Listening in on what others do, as we seek to develop additional ways of helping art holds a key
Being yourself | Mitchell
What are we going to do today? | Molepo
The tools of encouragement | Evans
How we can foster resiliency in children | Berliner and Bernard
Survey claims children in care miss out | Davies
Activity groups: II – Involving the kids; and resources | Gannon and Karth
Fostering intergenerational relationships for at-risk youth | Freedman
The self as subject in Child and Youth Care supervision | Mann Feder
Trading power for trust | Coffey
Reaching out/reaching in: The long-term challenges and issues of outreach programs | Bocarro and Witt
Treat children with respect and you'll get it straight back | Aynsley-Green
Five critical processes for positive development | Bronfenbrenner
‘Just because’ interventions: Engaging hard-to-reach students | Winter and Haines-Burnham
“In confidence”: Understanding and applying principles of ‘daily life events’ during a tragedy | Donnelly and Digney
Characteristics of a Child and Youth Care improviser: Approaching with “Yes, and ...” | Vachon
Characteristics of a Child and Youth Care improviser: Attend, accept, and advance | Vachon
Memory, creativity, and spontaneity: Characteristics of | Vachon
The new priests | Charles
Philosophy and principles of Child and Youth Care | Lewis
Ethical dilemmas in Child and Youth Care practice: Our code of ethics reflects our cultural values | Ricks
Seven international ethical principles for people working with children and young people
The Medical Model is Alive and Well and Killing Child and Youth Care | Fewster
Taking care of our professional Code of Ethics | Winfield
Core values and principles of a training and development professional | Curry
The training and development professional's ethical responsibilities to clients | Curry
Training and development professional’s ethical responsibilities as a professional | Curry
Training to promote ethical practice | Curry
Training intervention strategies to promote application of ethics learning in practice settings | Curry
Ethics | Smith
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all: The need for moral courage in these times | Ricks
Ethics is hot ... so what! | Greenwald
Beyond good and evil: Towards an a-moral youth work practice | Skott-Myhre
Machinery, myths and individuals | Steckley
A brief history of (residential child care) ethics | Smith
What are we doing? | Skott-Myhre
Exploring professional attitudes | Stuart
Social Media and Ethics | Lodge
Family Support, Resilience, and Life Goals of Young People in Residential Care | Alves, Relva, Costa and Mota
Effects of non-resident fathering on children: A case of selected households in the Hillcrest community, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa | Makosa, Tanga and Ekobi
Family-centred practice and family outcomes in residential youth care: A systematic review | Tang, de Haan, Kuiper and Harder
The impact of family support and organization on adolescents during school closure under Covid-19 lockdown regulations in an area of South Africa | Kvalsvig, Taylor, Watt, Desmond
Family-Centeredness in Secure Residential Treatment and Its Relationship With Parental Involvement and Adolescent Behavioural Outcomes | Broekhoven, Blankestein, van Santvoort, Asscher, van Domburgh, Simons, Albrecht, van der Rijken, Rijnhart, Popma
Children’s perspectives on contact with birth parents: a mixed-methods systematic review | Huseby-Lie
Preparing Agencies and Workers for Family Contract Services | Vanderven and Stuck
Winning, losing, or process in work with families? | Gannon
Residential treatment: A resource for families | Ridgely and Carty
Working with families: A reflection | Migliaccio
Difficult decisions: Lessons learned from one family's story of residential placement | Evans
Relationships between child behaviour problems and family functioning: A literature review | Van As and Janssens
Fundamental processes for interventions: Working with high-risk adolescents and their families | Ballantyne et al
Family secrecy: a comparative study of juvenile sex offenders and youth with conduct disorders | Baker
Families | Howard
Articulating a Child and Youth Care approach to family work | Jones
“Good families don't ...”(and other family myths) | Coleman
Winning, losing, or process in work with families? | Gannon
Walk a mile in my shoes | Bryan and Southern
The same difference: Themes and experiences in Child and Youth Care practice | Elsdon and Priest
Values and attitudes in family work | Dimotoff
Family treatment in residential homes (1) | Lasson
Family treatment in residential homes (2) | Lasson
The Child Care Worker as a facilitator of family treatment | Wilson
Family engagement practices in residential group care: differences between public and private cases | Johnson
Delivering Family Support Services in Rural Ireland | Manktelow
Residential Child Care Workers as primary agents of family intervention | Garland
Building buffers against risk factors looking at engaging and strengthening families | Mbambo
Roles and relationships in the residential unit | Davis
My place or yours? Inviting the family into Child and Youth Care practice | Fewster
Beyond conflict, custody and alienation | Dodds
Some thoughts on using an ecosystem perspective | Phelan
An explanation of family support work | Phelan
Child and youth care family support work | Phelan
A look at the place of heritage in care work | Goodwin
Who are we working with? A short history of Child and Youth Care involvement with families | Garfat
On the difference between traditional and contemporary residential care | Garfat
Some reflections on a Child and Youth Care approach to working with families | Garfat and McElwee
Involving families: An illustration | Modlin
Intervention in the home: A case study | Bass
The role of home-visiting programs in preventing child abuse and neglect | Howard and Brooks-Gunn
Straining the ties that bind: Limits on parent-child contact in out-of-home care | Friesen et al
On the outer circle: Reaching homeless families | McCrary et al
Life stories: We’re all in this together | Huff and Slaton
Family reunification | Wulczyn
Capabilities and contributions unwed fathers | Lerman
Parents and the Children’s Home | Samakosky
Fragile families and child wellbeing | Waldfogel et al
From soup kitchen to community programme | Scott
Work and the family: The impact of job loss on family well-being | Dunlop
Teaching conflict resolution skills to families | Ing and Gabor
Declaring war on children | Fewster
Reflections on a Child and Youth Care approach to working with families | Garfat and Charles
The habits of highly effective families | Covey
Lessons learned about (and from) families | Jamieson
The joys of being a sibling | Laidlaw
Strengthening fragile families | McLanahan et al
The dialectic of care: familial and institutional dimensions in a residential treatment setting | Latus
Connecting with practice in the changing landscape of family support training | Dolan et al
Young carers: Children caring for family members living with an illness or disability | Harstone et al
Moments of growth in Child and Youth Care | Freeman
Being with families in moments of opportunity | Freeman
The M Family – like any other? | Kreiner
Reunion | Steckley
Infants may not be able to speak but their voice is important | Davidson
Some interesting research on Child and Youth Care family practice | Phelan
Foster / Kinship Care
Kinship and Foster Caregivers’ Perspectives on the Need to Tailor Parenting Programs: A Qualitative Study | Freehling, Berset, Fox, Greiner and Beal
Foster Care Leads to Lower Irritability Among Adolescents with a History of Early Psychosocial Deprivation | Niu, Buzzell, Cosmoiu, Fox, Nelson, Zeanah and Humphreys
Experiences From Treatment for Anxiety and Depression Among Youth in Foster Care: A Qualitative Study | Moussavi, Haugland, Wergeland, Lehmann and Mæland
Family foster care or residential care: the impact of home environment on children raised in state care | Bardits and Kertesi
The Role of African Spirituality in the Provision of Kinship Care in the South African Context | Mshayisa, Bhagwan and Dewan
When young people age out of care: Foster care in a life course and network perspective | Oterholm and Höjer
Being a parent, but not: A grounded theory of home-based care | Cooper, Sadowski and Townsend
Improving Outcomes for Youth Aging Out of Foster Care by Increasing the Age and Quality of Care | Portnoy
The Social and Emotional Impacts of Children and Adolescents in Foster Care | Gappi Elad, Tremper and McNamara Barry
The Effect of Family Foster Care vs. Residential Group Care on Educational Attainment | Bolvig and Thorsager
Promoting Healthy Relationships in Foster Care — “If I Had Seen What a Healthy Relationship Looks Like, that Would Have Changed My Perspective” | Ball, Hoefer, Ding, Sevillano and Faulkner
A Longitudinal Analysis of Concerning Psychotropic Medication Regimens Among Adolescents in Foster Care | Palmer, Herd, Swanson, Felt and Font
Foster parents' potential to rescue the foster care system | Gerring
Learning to Cry Out Loud | Cregan
Human costs of foster care | Russo
Young people's experience of long-term foster care | Kristindottir
The experiences of early adolescents in foster care in New York City: Analysis of the 1994 Cohort | Ross et al
Authors foster emotion in 'On Their Own' | Kanigher
'But that's not what I meant': Meaning-making in foster care | Garfat
Life story book weaving together the strands | Rossouw
Youth who chronically AWOL from foster care: Why they run, where they go, and what can be done | Finkelstein et al
Foster care's changing picture | Harvey
Adulthood a challenge for many leaving foster care | Healy
Stands Scotland where it did? Perspectives and possibilities for Child and Youth Care | Smith
Foster care placements | Vanderfaeille et al
Treatment foster care and relationships: Understanding the role of therapeutic alliance between youth and treatment parent | Rauktis et al
How we can better protect children from abuse and neglect | Pelton
Study suggests ways to help foster kids | Elias
Flaws in the screening process for foster parents | Thompson
Young offenders to foster care
Longer foster care better? | Poertner
"Out of control": A youth perspective on secure treatment and physical restraint | Raychaba
My foster mother is my best friend
Foster kids grab reins of plans for their lives | Markey
'The hardest part of foster care was the loneliness'
New study says crowded dockets prolong foster care | Stack
Odds stacked against wards of the court | Adams
Treatment of deprived children | Wolff
Canada: More than 20,000 await adoption, but most remain wards of the state | Papp et al
Birth parents’ connection with their children in foster care | Maier
Residential care with evacuated children: Lessons from Clare Winnicott | Kanter
A better life for foster youth | Vickrey
Child welfare and foster care: Looking to the future | Badeau
Transitions | Perry
Frustration, hope are themes of new book | Caminiti
Independent or indigent: What's next after foster care? | Varner
Fundamental processes for interventions: Working with high-risk adolescents and their families | Ballantyne et al
An attachment-based parenting program for caregivers of severely conduct disordered adolescents | Moretti et al
Out of home programs: A global overview | Hayden
A daily life approach to foster care | Fulcher and Garfat
Safety and stability for foster children: A developmental perspective | Harden
Don’t give up | Abraham
The rusty nail | Abraham
At the kitchen table | Leggett and Morrow
The Time When | Leggett and Morrow
Growing up in the care of strangers | Seita and Brown
Key developmental assets for children and young people in foster care | Fulcher et al
Pushing foster care into national consciousness | Hartman
Women’s Lives | SOS mothers tell their stories 1 | Demuth er al
Women’s Lives | SOS mothers tell their stories 2 | Demuth et al
Women’s Lives | SOS mothers tell their stories 3 | Demuth et al
Significant Stress and Real Rewards: The Ecological and Ambiguous Experiences of Foster Parents | Whiting and Huber
Gangs, drugs, and our kids | Chase
In gangs we trust: A close-up of the new induction | Blankstein and Sandoval
Rites of passage | Pinnock
Judge looks for ways to stem violence | Scott
Being my personal best | Vidal
Wannabe: Gangs in suburbs and schools | Monti
The immigrant gang plague | Macdonald
The wrong way to fight gang crime | Velazque
Schools should not be left to tackle gang problem, says report | Lipsett
Growing up in prison | Rios
The scope of girls' delinquency and crime | Weiler
Anything but child's play | Pearlman
Gangs replace parents as role model for Scots kids, warns shock new report | Stewart
Inside-out: How technology links youth in prison with their 'peers' outside | Weaver and Borchert
What works in the prevention of youth crime? | Mendel
Boys and guns: In search of money, power and respect | Clacherty and Kistner
Opportunities to stop girls drifting into gangs are being missed, study finds | Khan
An overview of research on girls and violence | Weiler
Negative effects of joining a gang last long after gang membership ends
Another path: Can school-based gang prevention programs | Esbensen et al
Contradictions and antagonisms | Skott-Myhre
Conflicts with Friends and Romantic Partners: Qualitative and Quantitative Analyses of the Experiences of Girls in Care | Chan, Wincentak and Connolly
‘We Need to Tackle Their Well Being First’: Understanding and Supporting Care-Experienced Girls in the Youth Justice System | Staines, Fitzpatrick, Shaw and Hunter
The scope of girls' delinquency and crime | Weiler
Working with Adolescent Girls in a Residential Treatment Centre | Matheson
Should girls have access to the pill over the counter? | Davis and Kirby
Growing up female: Navigating body image, eating, and depression | Graber and Brooks-Gunn
If we are the good guys, why do we feel so bad? | Berman
Work with girls | Anderson
Boys or girls – pick your victim | Sacks
Shelter is a safe haven for runaways | Jackson
The challenge of outdoor activities | Donohue
Helping girls in detention | McHugh
For working girls, an innocence lost | Stockman
Supporting girls in early adolescence | Rothenberg
Adult too soon: Age-sensitive interventions with delinquent girls | Loper
The big question: Why are girls committing more crime, and should we be alarmed? | Morris
The causes and correlates of delinquency | Thornberry et al
Self-esteem: Not just for after-school specials | Walton
The needs of children | Pringle
The alternative Africa: Street children in Ghana | Shanahan
Understanding the Female Offender | Cauffman
Serious conduct problems among girls at risk: Translating research into intervention | Moretti et al
Living elsewhere: Stories of successful women who lived in group care as girls | Kreider
Intuition is not Enough: Matching Learnings with Practice in Therapeutic Child Care | Howard
Groups and groupwork | Harte
Rejected youth in residential treatment: social affiliation and peer group configuration | Hoff et al
Why try cooperative learning? | Lyman and Foyle
The use of creative arts in adolescent group therapy | Rambo
Working with groups in residential settings | Biolsi and Gitelson
Understanding the resident group | Edmond
Group and regroup | Gannon
Large groups, bulk discount | Gannon
Extending Child and Youth Care to serve the life span: A new look at concepts and practice | Barnes
The Child Care Worker as a primary practitioner | Barnes
Interactive youth and family work | Krueger
Peer influences and positive cognitive restructuring | Tate
Gisela Konopka and Youthwork | Andrews
How adults learn | Muller
Sharks, mice and bears: A group-counselling experience with adolescents | Polischuk and Collins
The challenge of outdoor activities | Donohue
Teams in Child Care agencies | Resnick
Developmental supervision in residential care | Magnuson and Burger
Verbal management of contagious behavior | Adams
Helping students feel they belong | Hewitt
Rather than fixing kids build positive peer cultures | Laursen
Investing in termination: intervening with youth in the transition to independent living | Mann-Feder and White
Reaching out/reaching in: The long-term challenges and issues of outreach programs | Bocarro and Witt
The Other 23 Hours: Child Care Work with Emotionally Disturbed Children in a therapeutic milieu | Whittaker
Healing the wounded child | Niss
Residential life with children | Beedell
Positive peer culture: Tapping an invaluable resource | Wasmund
Social-class variations in the teacher-pupil relationship | Becker
Mixed age groups in group care
Treatment in cottage programs for children with severe developmental disturbances | Dowling
Uncharted Thresholds for a Fledged Child and Youth Care Profession | Swanzen
A vision for the 21st century | UNICEF
Patterns of child-rearing | McKerrow
Boys – the dear wretches | Father George Potter
Looking back 80 years: Father George Potter
A History of Child and Youth Care | Gannon and Beukes
Mr Lyward's Answer, Chapter 1 | Burns
More Mr Lyward’s Answer, Chapter 2 | Burns
More Mr Lyward’s Answer, Chapter 3 | Burns
Children of the Maybole Ragged School | Law
The Montessori method | George
Ragged Schooling | Dickens
Mary Carpenter | M. K. Smith
Stands Scotland where it did? Perspectives and possibilities for Child and Youth Car | Smith
Kurt Hahn and activities | Skidelsky
Ha'penny | Paton
An historical perspective on residential services for troubled and troubling youth in Canada | Charles and Gabor
Benjamin Bloom 1913-99 | Eisner
Heroes and pioneers of Child and Youth Care work | Brendtro
My pedagogic creed | Dewey
Janusz Korczak’s Declaration of Children's Rights
But what of practice? | Hart
Problem children: Views of A.S. Neil of Summerhill | Skidelsky
The Maelstrom, 1850-1900 | Stroud
The Shorn Lamb | Stroud
Detached youthworkers | Morse
Growing up in an orphanage led to success | Augustin
Our identity from 50 years of education | McDermott
Child management | Hoghughi
Reflections on an international experience | Allsopp
Talking about Child Care Work | Redl
Residential care with evacuated children: Lessons from Clare Winnicott | Kanter
George Lyward: Anger of a therapist | Auster
The global situation of youth | UN Report
Bruno Bettelheim (1903-1990) | Zelan
Youth-worker training: Teaching and learning from an international perspective | Bowie
Five women of the 20th century
Children as scapegoats | Shapiro
The land of red apples | Zitkala-Sa
Community homes leadership, care and treatment in a planned environment | Daltrey
Down on the farm | Lennhoff
An appreciation of Finchden Manor | Robinson
Examining context and the Bicentenary Issue of CYC-Online | Fulcher
South African musings on the occasion of the 200th issue of CYC-Online | Allsopp
Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission: A Child and Youth Care call to action | Megens
A difficult year | Gharabaghi
Relational leadership | Freeman
A tribute to Brian Gannon | Allsopp
Brian Gannon meeting Henry Maier | Stabrey
Changing Lens: Becoming and Unbecoming and Becoming a Child and Youth Care | Kelly
The healthful effects of laughter | Puder
Building Resilience through Humor | Vande Berg and Van Bockern
Humour, relationships and communication | Digney
Humor, relationships and cajoling | Digney
‘A Time to Reflect’ | Humour within the supervision process | Digney
‘You’ve gotta be kidding me’: A reflection on humour in Child and Youth Care | Digney
A time to laugh, a time to think, a time to act | Digney
Humor, relationships and caring | Digney
Fun and laughter | Gannon
Humor and discipline | Mendler and Mendler
Lightness of being: The value of humor for health, healing and recovery | Burger
Cross the anger gap: build humor bridges! | Paulson
Humour in the pool | Gompf
Humour: A valuable laugh skill | Chubb
Connecting humour and touch to recognise containment | Steckley and Mulvey
Four parts magic: The anatomy of a Child and Youth Care intervention | Garfat
The use of everyday events in Child and Youth Care work | Garfat
Congruence between supervision and practice | Garfat
Developing Effective Interventions with Families | Garfat and McElwee
Intervention techniques for child/youth care workers | Krueger
Central themes in Child and Youth Care | Krueger
Crisis intervention in the residential setting | Isaacson
Young children’s emotional development and school readiness
The use of Life Space Intervention in residential youth care | Graham
The forgotten intervention: How to design environments that foster friendship | Overton
Violence and aggression in children and youth | Fitzsimmons
Fundamental processes for interventions: Working with high-risk adolescents and their families | Ballantyne et al
New approaches to truancy prevention in urban schools | Walls
Exploiting daily events to heal the pain of sexual abuse | Fox
Discipline in action: some requirements and characteristics | Fox
Controls from within: The enduring challenge | Brendtro and Long
Depression and disability in children and adolescents | Guetzloe
Helping schools say “Yes” to children who say ‘‘No” | Osterhaus and Lowe
Building resilience and hope for the future | Jewitt
Articulating a Child and Youth Care approach to family work | Jones
The future of residential treatment in a family-centred system of care | Small
Need and risk and how to tell the difference | Artz et al
‘You’ve gotta be kidding me’: A reflection on humour in Child and Youth Care | Digney
Teaching children to manage their tempers | Stein
Adult too soon: Age-sensitive interventions with delinquent girls | Loper
The dynamics of working with sex offenders: Respect, respect, respect | Charles and Collins
A less than divine intervention | Cedrick
On being accountable in schools: Strategies for the Child and Youth Care practitioner | Jarrett
School-based program to teach children empathy and bully prevention | Rock
Crime prevention through social development | Rawlinson
A feminist's view of caring | Ricks
Matching therapeutic style with developmental level: A guide for child care workers | Oles
What works in the prevention of youth crime? | Mendel
Misconceptions about early child care, education and intervention | Canning and Lyon
An attachment-based parenting program for caregivers of severely conduct disordered adolescents | Moretti et al
“Intervention”: attempting a definition | Gannon
Theories, approaches and principles of education and treatment | Gannon
Teaching emotional intelligence to impulsive-aggressive youth | Henley and Long
Relational-based interventions: The medium is the message | Hackney and MacMillan
Six strategies for helping youth move from rage to responsibility | Curwin and Mendler
Leaving residential placement: A guide to intervention | Mann-Feder and Garfat
Implications of attachment theory and research for therapeutic interventions | Markiewicz
Effectiveness of the life space interview?
With tentative certainty: The art of experimental Child and Youth Care Part I | Skott-Myhre
With tentative certainty: The art of experimental Child and Youth Care Part II | Skott-Myhre
Thinking about Interventions in Child and Youth Care | Gharabaghi
Juvenile and Restorative Justice / The Law
Lived Experience of Reformed Children in Conflict with the Law | Solmayor and Embornas
‘Back to Basics’: A Practice Approach to Reforming Youth Justice | Day and Malvaso
Staff Support for Families of Youth involved in Juvenile Justice in Residential Treatment Programs | Akakpo
Exploring factors associated with chronic and serious offending in detained dual system youth | Moriarty, Papalia, Spivak, Ali, Luebbers & Shepherd
Exploring Restorative Justice: An Alternate Dispute Resolution Mechanism in Islamic Law and Customary Law | Akhter, Mahr and Imtiaz
Employer Perspectives on Hiring Youth Previously Involved with Juvenile Justice: A National Survey | Unruh, Reardon, Strycker
Measuring Juvenile Justice Outcomes for Restorative Justice Diversion Programs | Hahn
Do School Resource Officers Really Refer Black Students to the Justice System for Less Serious Offenses? | May, Barranco, Roberts and Robertson
Care Experience, Ethnicity and Youth Justice Involvement: Key Trends and Policy Implications | Hunter, Francis and Fitzpatrick
The 40-year debate: a meta-review on what works for juvenile offenders | Pappas and Dent
Legal Protection of Children in Contact with the Law based on the Principle of Best Interest for the Child | Rosyada and In’am
Looked after children and offending: An exploration of risk, resilience and the role of social cognition | Schofield, Biggart, Ward and Larsson
Consultation with children on the SA Child Justice Bill | Ehlers
The juvenile court in the 21st century | Shepherd
Giving crime victims a voice and holding offenders accountable | Emerson
The state of juvenile justice in Malawi | Stapleton
The juvenile court in the 21st century | Shepherd
Finding depression behind aggression | McKay
Attacking crime or kids? Juvenile Justice at the crossroads | Larson
Assistant Probation Officers: A desperate and definite need | Kassan
A probation officer at a One-stop Child Justice Centre | Du Plessis
Trying out ways to help | Hilvers et al
Child sex offenders: Legal reform for better or worse? | Ehlers
Oregon initiative for reintegrating adjudicated youth | Lehman
Youth violence: Facts and findings in the US
Adolescent sexual offenders: an overview | Charles and McDonald
Following the Morning Star: An integrated young offender program | Dissel
Outlaw riders: Equine-facilitated therapy with juvenile capital offenders | Moreau
The causes and correlates of delinquency | Thornberry et al
Strong families, strong children: A family-focused crime prevention program | Morrison et al
Kids in trouble or troubled kids? | Hayes
Thinking outside the box | Bezuidenhout
A community approach to reducing risk factors | Chibnall and Abbruzzese
The wood for the trees | Gannon
A small country’s big efforts at law and policy reform | Mezmur
National implications in juvenile justice: The influence of juvenile mentoring programs on at risk youth | Belshaw and Kritsonis
Focus on after-school time for violence prevention | Patten and Robertson
Helpful juvenile detention | Roush
Restricting or educating? | Roush
Adolescent development and delinquency | Roush
Count us in! A family and professional collaboration | Mankey et al
Keeping adolescents out of prison | Steinberg and Haskins
Understanding the female offender | Cauffman
From pessimism to youth policies based on hope | Calhoun
The rhetoric of youth crime prevention | Gharabaghi
Adolescent offenders with mental disorders | Grisso
Prevention and intervention programs for juvenile offenders | Greenwood
Sustained, intensive television? | Ingwerson
Juvenile justice reform from a developmental approach | Van Antwerp
Issues of Equality and Justice Affect us All | Rice
Let us be | Roush
The juvenile careworker | Roush
Ten common interactional problems and suggested solutions | Roush
Restricting or educating? | Roush
Mentoring: A prevention, diversion, alternative sentencing and reintegration model | Mbambo
Attacking crime or kids? Juvenile Justice at the crossroads | Larson
A probation officer at a One-stop Child Justice Centre | du Plessis
Juveniles and life imprisonment | Goliath
Four complexities in residential treatment of juvenile offenders | Heintzelman
Students with disabilities in correctional facilities | Quinn et al
Youth custody: Is a rethink of youth justice required?
Island of last resort | O'Kane
Education and the South African Juvenile Justice System | Gast
Juvenile court magistrate: Our hands are tied | Sawyer
Our child thugs | Lawrence
The treatment of children in custody in Lesotho | Malea and Stout
The scope of girls' delinquency and crime | Weiler
The war on youth | O'Keeffe
Lawmakers study juvenile justice | Kalahar
A new deal for British children | Moore
Adolescent sexual offenders: an overview | Charles and McDonald
Thinking outside the box | Bezuidenhout
Kids in trouble or troubled kids? | Hayes
Keeping adolescents out of prison | Steinberg and Haskins
Adolescent offenders with mental disorders | Grisso
From pessimism to youth policies based on hope | Calhoun
Prevention and intervention programs for juvenile offenders | Greenwood
Life Space
Thinking about the Life Space | Maier
How is Child and Youth Care work unique and different from other fields? | VanderVen
The use of Life Space Intervention in residential youth care | Graham
Thinking about the Life Space | Payne and White
Life space work, Child and Youth Care work, residential work: Is this a Profession? | van Weezel and Waaldijk
The use of everyday events in Child and Youth Care work | Garfat
A Good Hearing? An Application of the Life Space Interview in Residential Child Care | Gibson
Exploiting daily events to heal the pain of sexual abuse | Fox
Controls from within: The enduring challenge | Brendtro and Long
Simply lifespace work | Allsopp
Extending Child and Youth Care to serve the life span: A new look at concepts and practice | Barnes
From self-destruction to self-awareness: A ‘Massaging Numb Values’ LSCI | Thomas et al
Fritz Redl and the life space interview | Sharpe
I can’t hold it in forever: Connecting with a youth in pain | Freado
Negotiating the Life Space (Part 1) | Phelan
Negotiating the life space (Part 2) | Phelan
Effective life space work, the next step (Part 3) | Phelan
Working in the life space for the emerging professional Child and Youth Care practitioner (Part 4) | Phelan
The wounded healer as helper and helped: A Child and Youth Care model | Phelan
Early intervention | Gannon
Teaching lifespace working by using the lifespace in teaching | Feilberg
Is life-space a threshold concept? | Steckley
Effectiveness of the life space interview?
From desert through jungle into the flourishing garden | De Moor
Letting go in love | Smith
Love tenderly | Smith
Loving with an open hand | Sandford
Heroes and pioneers of Child and Youth Care work | Brendtro
The trouble with tough love | Szalavitz
The nature of caring | Wrenn
Reaching beyond caring to loving in Child and Youth Care practice (1) | Ranahan
Reaching beyond caring to loving in Child and Youth Care practice (2) | Ranahan
The needs of children and how they are met | Pringle
Remembering Fritz Redl | Garfat
Roles and relationships in the residential unit | Davis
Human relationships | Dyer
Daring to try again: The hope and pain of forming new attachments | Lanyado
On being a Child and Youth Care worker | Rose
Healing the wounded child | Niss
A feminist's view of caring | Ricks
A wall of strength to be admired | Michieli
The dialectic of care: Familial and institutional dimensions | Latus
One child's story | Talbot
Problem children: Views of A.S. Neil of Summerhill | Skidelsky
The sacred moment and its pain | Pithers
Living with complexity and simplicity | Phelan
Primary care in secondary settings: inherent strains | Maier
Finding depression behind aggression | McKay
Violent parenting, violent children | Pantin
Protecting themselves from love | Gannon
Reaching reluctant students: Insights from Torey Hayden | Marlowe
From bedtime stories to jail cells: A tale of a lost childhood | Branswell
Echoes in the hills | Donahue
Love: the who or what and Thanksgiving | Krueger
Love and sex | Gharabaghi
Love and Child and Youth Care | Akbar
Extending Child and Youth Care to serve the life span: A new look at concepts and practice | Barnes
Transforming the milieu and lives through the power of activity: theory and practice | VanderVen
Understanding the nature of the therapeutic milieu | Trieschman
The role of milieu therapy in the treatment of sexually abused children | Reeves
The milieu of real relationships | Weiner
What is milieu therapy? | Part 1 | Jonsson
What is milieu therapy? | Part 2 | Jonsson
Meeting the developmental needs of incarcerated youth | Brendtro and Cunningham
On being accountable in schools: Strategies for the Child and Youth Care practitioner | Jarrett
Towards a common denominator in effective group care programming: The concept of the modifying environment | Beker and Feuerstein
Remembering Fritz Redl | Garfat
Changing paradigms in residential services for disturbed/disturbing children: retrospect and prospect | Whittaker and Maluccio
Activity programming in the milieu setting: Commonalties in work with children and older adults | Griff
Treatment approaches | Andersson et al
The milieu | Wineman
The milieu staff | Rabinovitch
The Child Care Worker as a primary practitioner | Barnes
Bad milieu, good milieu: restoring a culture of hope | Olive
Psychoanalytic approaches to residential treatment (1) | Whittaker
Psychoanalytic approaches to residential treatment (2) | Whittaker
The Sage Hill program for competency promotion | Durkin et al
Working with adolescent girls in a residential treatment centre | Matheson
Four parts magic: The anatomy of a Child and Youth Care intervention | Garfat
A pedagogy of belonging | Beck and Malley
The nature of the communicative relationship within a residential milieu | Pazaratz
Fritz Redl and the life space interview | Sharpe
Complementing the therapist: Child care work with sexually abused youth | Oles
New Workers
On being a Child and Youth Care worker | Rose-Sladde
The seventh moment | Krueger
Welcome to the second day | Cavaliere
Training child care workers: Three essentials | Liberatore
Philosophy and principles of Child and Youth Care | Lewis
One day in the life of an inner-city school-based Child and Youth Care Worker | Chrest
The children don't listen ... | Gannon
Developmental stages of Child and Youth Care Workers: An interactional perspective | Garfat
The use of everyday events in Child and Youth Care work | Garfat
What exactly is Child and Youth Care work? | Small and Dodge
Beware of the Bunny People and other thoughts of a new youth care worker | Matthews
The Child and Youth Care Workers: Who needs them? | Linton and Forster
The Year-2000 model: Child and Youth Care Worker User's Manual | Allsopp and Gannon
What exactly is Child and Youth Care work? | Anglin
Qualities of a Child and Youth Care worker | Nightingale
A wall of strength to be admired | Michieli
Stages of Child and Youth Care worker development | Phelan
Child and youth care: The transition from student to practitioner | Moscrip and Brown
A care worker and a social worker compare jobs | Gerber and Slavin
Some key characteristics of Child and Youth Care workers | Kelly
Values and attitudes in family work | Dimitoff
Reflections of my journey in Child and Youth Care | Naidoo
The perfection of imperfection: A surfer’s guide to Child and Youth Care | Maerz
Ode to joy | McArter
Working with families: A reflection | Migiaccio
Staying sane as a child care worker | Gannon
“Child care workers should be seen and not heard …?” | Demers
A clash where professional philosophy meets practice | Kipling
Impersonal work culture can be a shock | Resnick
How is Child and Youth Care work unique and different from other fields? | VanderVen
Boundaries and relationship | Stuart
“If I could supervise my supervisor...” | Delano
Jean Itard: The first Child and Youth Care Counsellor | McDermott
Challenges facing the Child and Youth Care profession | Hoffman
Hanging out | Somasundram
You /me /us: Thoughts on boundary management in Child and Youth Care | Mann-Feder
What child care administrators need to know about work on the front line | Samjee et al
On being accountable in schools: Strategies for the Child and Youth Care practitioner | Jarrett
Holistic approach | Newbury
Worker–management relations: A Child Care Worker's perspective | Harrison
Reflections on a successful practicum experience in Child and Youth Care | McManus
Challenges be damn or changed? (Complexity in the practice process) | Ricks
Advice to Child and Youth Care staff | Digney
CYC supervision: Some thoughts on developing newer workers | Phelan
Supervising new Child and Youth Care staff | Phelan
It’s not about a calling, it’s about being... just be... and an experience of learning to be | Koury
I went on a mission at eighteen | Ireland
Over-identification as a Child and Youth Care practitioner: A letter to a group home | Morden
I am still not a fan of mashed potatoes | Kroll-Neary
Friluftsliv in residential youth care: a resilience perspective on character-forming outdoor experiences | Haaland and Baklien
Outdoor education and troubled youth | Berman and Davis-Berman
Outward Bound | Muir
Bush tucker kids | Kemp
A day in the life of an outward bound instructor | Woolmer
Do ... or drown! | VanderVen
Why every child needs a challenge | Rollins
Learning by doing | Kartun
Hope on a rope | Gamble
A walk on the mountain | Gamble
Wilderness: Rethinking life choices | Gamble
The challenge of outdoor activities | Donohue
Generosity: Developing altruism | Brendtro and Du Toit
The natural environment as an element in a therapeutic community treatment programme | Gale
When going out is also going in | Jowell
Missing the experience | Griffin
Horticulture therapy in a boys’ remand unit: A personal diary | Nightingale
Adventure boosts empowerment | Howell
Bringing hope to Britain’s derelict docklands | Devlin
Outdoor programmes | Slingsby
Outdoor programmes for children | Slingsby
Summer camps, camp counselors and informal education | Smith
Wilderness Therapy for youth-at-risk: helping troubled teenagers | Rosol
Journal writing in experiential education: possibilities, problems, and recommendations | Dyment and O'Connell
Therapeutic uses of outdoor education | Berman and Davis-Berman
Outdoor, experiential and environmental education: Converging or diverging approaches? | Adkins and Simmons
'Going beyond', going where? | Gharabaghi
Wilderness vs. residential treatment | Harper and Russell
Taming dragons | Wilson
Parents / Parenting / Caring
Parental Risk Factors and Children Entering Care: A Non-Technical Briefing on the Quantitative Findings Nell Warner, Jonathan Scourfield, Rebecca Cannings-John, Yongchao Jing, Karen Broadhurst and Ann John
Limiting and enabling the caring role: Young Carers and Young Adult Carers in Upper Austria | Kadi, Pot, Simmons, Leichsenring and Staflinger
Raising the Grandchildren | Ruyue
Residential Child Care workers as primary agents of family intervention | Garland
On being the parent of a handicapped child | Greer
Birth parents’ connection with their children in foster care | Maier
Parents and the Children’s Home | Samakosky
Parents and the child and youth agency | Resnick
Violent parenting, violent children | Pantin
The alcoholic parent | Fortuin
The challenges of parent involvement research | Baker and Soden
Attachment to parents and adjustment in adolescents: Literature review and policy implications | Doyle et al
Parents or prisons | Morse
Beyond conflict, custody and alienation | Dodds
Straining the ties that bind: Limits on parent-child contact in out-of-home care | Friesen et al
Parental overinvolvement can hurt children | Dunnewind
Children and grief | McEntire
When a youth starts to fail | Robertson
Treatment of deprived children I | Wolff
Treatment of delinquent children II | Wolff
The Child Care Worker as a facilitator of family treatment | Wilson
Why every child needs a challenge | Rollins
Patterns of child-rearing | McKerrow
The role of parents in the development of peer group competence | Moore
How we can better protect children from abuse and neglect | Pelton
Functioning of youngsters: No more partings: an examination of long-term foster family care | Fein et al
To spank or not to spank: Is it still a question? | Oppenheimer
The joyless childhood | Vuoto
Achievement behaviour | Niss
An evaluation of the effectiveness of intervention in families with children with behavioural problems | Brown et al
Difficult decisions: Lessons learned from one family's story of residential placement | Evans
Working with families: A reflection | Migliaccio
Preventing child abuse and neglect with parent training: Evidence and opportunities | Barth
Divisions between behaviour management and therapy: Towards new directions of authority in Child and Youth Care | Vanderwoerd
An attachment-based parenting program for caregivers of severely conduct disordered adolescents | Moretti et al
Building a parent support program and learning network | Baker and Pisecco
Parenting | Greenspan
Harmonious parenting | Greenspan
Family treatment in residential homes | Lasson
Diagnosing stress: Identifying and aiding the pressured child | Longo
Focus on after-school time for violence prevention | Patten and Robertson
Take-home lessons | Silvis
The Children's Ten Commandments | Goldstuck
Summer sports: A recreationally based program for building peer relations | Pelham and Gnagy
When it’s hard to leave home | Peterson
Empowered parents are the solution to ending this race to nowhere | Nielsen
Successful parenting in high-risk neighborhoods | Jarrett
Parental drug abuse | Cousins and Milner
Lost Boys: Why our sons turn to violence and how we can save them | Garbarino
Values and attitudes in family work | Dimotoff
Towards a curriculum for more appropriate education for out-of-school children | Pease
The hardest advice: Listen to your kids | Fewster
An explanation of family support work | Phelan
Child and youth care family support work | Phelan
Deprivation and education | Pringle
A community school in action | Dryfoos
Parenting without punishment: Making problem behaviour work for you | Maag
The tools of encouragement | Evans
Overparenting/helicopter parenting and Child and Youth Care Work
Lessons learned about (and from) families | Jamieson
Being with families in moments of opportunity | Freeman
Strengthening fragile families | McLanahan et al
How peer relationships affect academic achievement among junior high school students: The chain mediating roles of learning motivation and learning engagement | Shao, Kang, Lu, Zhang and Li
Bullying in early adolescence: The role of the peer group | Espelage
Peer influences and positive cognitive restructuring | Tate
The social climates of peer group and other residential programs | Wasmund
The influence of the peer group | Hudson
The role of parents in the development of peer group competence | Moore
Rejected youth in residential treatment: social affiliation and peer group configuration | Hoff
“Helping others” meets primary needs | Quigley
Positive peer groups: “Helping others” meets primary developmental needs | Quigley
Understanding the resident group | Edmond
From coercive to strength-based intervention: Responding to the needs of children in pain | Brendtro
The vision of Urie Bronfenbrenner: Adults who are crazy about kids | Brendtro
Troubled children and youth: Turning problems into opportunities | Brendtro and Shahazian
Rather than fixing kids, build positive peer cultures | Laursen
Caring for troubled children | Whittaker
Two worlds of childhood | Bronfenbrenner
The peer pressure myth | Ungar
For the unloved care worker | Blackman
Learning to LUMP it?’ How to improve the mental health of children in public care | Buchanan
Equipping youth with mature moral judgment | Gibbs
Positive Peer Culture | Vorrath and Brendtro
The Circle of Courage | Samjee
The Child and Youth Care “SWAT team” and other thoughts on the future of our profession | McDermott
Do schools teach aggression? Recognizing and retooling the interactions that lead students to aggression | Grant and Van Acker
School-based program to teach children empathy and bully prevention | Rock
Learning to cope with stresses and strains | Konopka
The inpatient basketball group as an alternative to group therapy: Helping the ‘bad boys’ feel good about themselves | Elias and Soth
The art of kid whispering: Connecting with adult-wary youth | Chambers
Social exclusion and social inclusion: Themes and issues in residential child care | Kendrick
Helping students feel they belong | Hewitt
Adventure boosts empowerment | Howell
Existential theory: helping school counselors attend to youth at risk for violence | Carlson
Developmental group care of children and youth: Concepts and practice | Maier
Rituals of humiliation and exclusion | Hoover and Milner
The forgotten intervention: How to design environments that foster friendship | Overton
Depression: Rejection by peers | Snow et al
Everyday Care: What Helps Adults Help Children in Residential Childcare? | Burns and Emond
Residential Social Care Experiences of LGBTQ+ Young People in England: A Qualitative Interview Study | Schaub, Stander and Montgomery
An Analysis of Policies and Legislation Relating to Child Participation by Children by Children in Alternative Care in South Africa | Schiller, Strydom, Lombard and Rademeyer
Act justly, love tenderly, walk humbly | Smith
Perspectives on Mastery | Brokenleg
The embodiment of knowledge: A phenomenological approach to child care | Austin and Halpin
Working phenomenologically with children | Roberts
Exploring the role of community Child and Youth Care workers in South Africa | Thumbadoo
Why train youth workers? | Baizerman
A philosophy of youthwork in practice | Whittaker
Philosophy and principles of Child and Youth Care | Lewis
The effective Child and Youth Care intervention: a phenomenological inquiry | Garfat
Being a humanist, day and night | Waaldijk
Valued Child and Youth Care worker qualities in relationships with young people | Weisman
Tribute to Dad | Weisman
Context and competence in work with children and youth | Krueger and Stuart
On juxtaposition | Krueger
Parallel lines never connect | Gannon
Daily events | Nadesan
Care to try? | Steckley and Howden
The tools of encouragement | Evans
Humor, relationships and caring | Digney
Walking the talk through tragedy: A story about presence and loss | Andrew
Owning the job, winning the job: how three youth workers make meaning of their work | Wilder
Therapeutic application of play | Pazaratz
Reporting, assessment and research in child care practice: A personal account of discovery | McDermott
A less than divine intervention | Cedrick
From coercive to strength-based intervention: Responding to the needs of children in pain | Brendtro
Reaching reluctant students: Insights from Torey Hayden | Marlowe
Old labels, new labels, and the difference between a ‘label’ and a ‘noun for a disease’ | Redl
Working with young offenders in the community: Philosophical musings | Winogron
Extending Child and Youth Care to serve the life span: A new look at concepts and practice | Barnes
You don't know what you've got 'til it's gone | Smith
The call to care | Smith
Philosophically speaking | Smith
Things are looking up: Positive signs for child and youth work | VanderVen
Optimism in dark times | Mitchell
What happens to children raised in children's homes? | Killian
The juvenile careworker | Roush
Musings on the art and science of professionalizing Child and Youth Care | Stuart
A philosophical stroll through Child and Youth Care | Fewster
“Child care workers should be seen and not heard …?” | Demers
A clash where professional philosophy meets practice | Kipling
The Children’s System of Care Initiative | Wagner
Ethical dilemmas in practice: Some thoughts on the children | McLaughlin and Pinkerton
The light goes on: Reflecting on the values and principles of the Child and Youth Care Program | Rose Sladde
Intuition is not enough: Matching learning with practice in Therapeutic Child Care | Cain
The determinants and influence of size on residential settings for children | Chipenda-Dansokha
Administration of a children's organisation: Concepts and guidelines (1) | Pawson
Administration of a children's organisation: Concepts and guidelines (2) | Pawson
Empire and identity: The ethics of becoming other than what we are | Kouri
Pedagogies of care: Thinking-with and paying attention | Berry et al
The force of water | Skott-Myhre
The statistical reason why youth work ought to be voluntary | Magnuson and Healey
‘Back to Basics’: A Practice Approach to Reforming Youth Justice | Day and Malvaso
Supporting older youth in care: The role of caregivers | Cullen
The Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences on the Future of Our Youth | Cobb
Can leadership make the difference? A scoping review of leadership and its effects in Child and Youth Care | Ressang-Wildschut, Oldenhof and Leistikow
The same difference: Themes and experiences in Child and Youth Care practice | Elsdon and Priest
Genuine child care practice across the North American continent | Maier
Role playing: Structures and educational objectives | Maier
Re-thinking Christmas | Shaw
A clash where professional philosophy meets practice | Kipling
Child care practice with disturbed children | Harper and Barends
Reflective Child and Youth Care practice | Garfat
Christmas in Care | Garfat
The use of everyday events in Child and Youth Care work | Garfat
Some reflections on a Child and Youth Care approach to working with families | Garfat and McElwee
But what of practice? | Hart
Challenges be damn or changed? (Complexity in the practice process) | Ricks
Learning Child and Youth Care work in context: A case example | Krueger
Thinking theory, doing practice | Winfield
The Rest of Canada: Child and Youth Care work in rural communities | Gilberg and Charles
Multicultural practice in youthwork | Whittaker
Critical components of an anti-oppressive framework | Moore
What is strength-based Child and Youth Care anyway? | Racco
Practice excellence | Gannon
Youth work: the threat from ‘hungry predators’ | Davies
“Child care workers should be seen and not heard …?” | Demers
Straining the ties that bind: Limits on parent-child contact in out-of-home care | Friesen et al
Listening for the absurd | Phelan
Simple complexity in Child and Youth Care practice | Phelan
Use of Self, a complex idea | Phelan
Sophisticated Child and Youth Care practice; creating powerful possibilities | Phelan
Caring | Phelan
How do I know if I am doing a good job? | Phelan
Knowing what you don’t know | Phelan
Socialized thinking limitations in Child and Youth Care practice | Phelan
The journey to self-authoring thinking | Phelan
Socialized thinkers | Phelan
Understanding the fear of connecting | Phelan
Ten Child and Youth Care hacks to maximize your impact | Freeman
How to show up and be present in conversation | Freeman
Meaningful development of social interaction skills | Freeman
Time for tea: Finding meaning in the rhythm of mealtime experiences | Freeman
Lingering in the moment | Freeman
Listening as a Child and Youth Care improviser | Vachon
The improvising voice of Child and Youth Care | Vachon
Playing games | Vachon
Some thoughts about authority | Steckley
Ever so simple | Gharabaghi
A tribute to an amazing residential team | Gharabaghi
Gazes and mazes: Navigating the complexities of ‘watching’ | Digney and Smart
The fear of non-doing | Paget
Advocacy project take two: An uncomfortable challenge? | De Monte and Sago
Rhythm n’ blues, ebbs and flows | Digney and Smart
Play it again Sam ... Just for the hell of it | Fewster
The ghosts of Christmas: On the Christmas wobble | Smart and Digney
In gratitude | De Monte
Assessment, uncertainty and confidence | Steckley
The use of group data in Child and Youth Care practice | Magnuson
Strengthening relationships through alternatives to physical restraint | Bristow
A perfect lasagne (perhaps) | Smart and Digney
Signs and symptoms in Child and Youth Care evaluation and judgement | Magnuson
Riding your bike to the moon: Creating hope in our care ecologies | Smart and Digney
The imitation game | Smart and Digney
Embodiment of practice | De Monte
Embodying self and body in practice | De Monte
Gifts from our elders | Skott-Myhre
The naivete of evidence-based practice | Magnuson
Action or inaction: dealing with what we do not know | Digney and Smart
Working towards an anti-oppressive framework in Child and Youth Care practice | Bristow
Valuing the intuitive, irrational and ineffable | Skott-Myhre
Introducing children’s rights in Child and Youth Care practice | Collins
Promoting Autonomy in Child and Youth Care Practice | Gharabaghi
Why relationships are left out of evaluations | Magnuson
What are we doing? And why is it important to be skillful | Phelan
Using what we know for sure to keep hope alive | Fox
Evidence based practices: Are they becoming extinct? | Thorne
Relatedness and control | Mann-Feder
Knowing and doing Child and Youth Care | Phelan
The Tipping Point | Phelan
The Secret of Caring for Life: Zhuangzi | Skott-Myhre
“Do you remember me?” | Thompson
Focus on The New Practitioner | Phelan
Is power a threshold concept? | Phelan
Thinking out loud: Child and Youth Care and radical youthwork | Skott-Myhre
The body as a site for revolutionary Child and Youth Care practice | Skott-Myhre
Teaching Child and Youth Care practice and power dynamics | Phelan
The need to raise awareness about children’s rights | Collins
Vulnerable youth in Halton region: CYCs share their perceptions | Velkovska et al
Just us is all we got | Skott-Myhre
Meaningfulness as a practical strategy | Magnuson
Power is naturally fearful | Phelan
Hesitations | Skott-Myhre
Role Modelling, Being Liked, Boundaries and Loving | Major Child and Youth Care issues | Phelan
Social Impact versus Outcomes | Gharabaghi
Thinking Boundaries and Personal Focus | Phelan
Take the Magic Out of Your Day | Magnuson
The seven actions of effective listening | Gharabaghi
Fear and Joy | Skott-Myhre
The trauma trap | Gharabaghi
Between and Within: The Ecological Fallacy | Magnuson and Healey
Thinking About Counselling and Child and Youth Care Practice | Phelan
Delivering the Medicine | Phelan
Being a Good Child and Youth Care Practitioner | Gharabaghi
The Unconditional Space: A 6th Dimension | Digney and Smart
The Good Life | Gharabaghi
A Day in the Life of a Child and Youth Care practitioner | Awender
Who Wins When Nobody Wins? Exploring Ethics Surrounding Competition for Children in Recreation | Land
A Place to Feel at Home? An Exploratory Study of the Perceived Living Environment in Home- Like Groups, Family-Style Group Homes, and Traditional Residential Youth Care | Riemersma, Zijlstra, Kalverboer, Post & Harder
A Descriptive Study of Swedish Secure Youth Homes in Terms of Their Spatial Factors and Residents’ Individual Characteristics | Nolbeck, Wijk, Lindahl, Olausson & Thodelius
Static and dynamic factors underlying placement instability in residential youth care: A scoping review | Riemersma, Harder, Zijlstra, Post, Kalverboer
Challenges Experienced by Child and Youth Care Workers in CYC Centres Working with Children | Mhizha and Nhedzi
Growing Up Together: The Design of Small-Scale Youth Care Facilities | Elenbaas
Difficult decisions: Lessons learned from one family's story of residential placement | Evans
Outdoor education and troubled youth | Berman and Davis-Berman
The partial care program: children’s home transforms | Rogers
High octane program for youth offenders | Gamble
The EQUIP program: Helping youth see, really see, the other person | Gibbs et al
Trying out ways to help | Berry
Alternative programs for at-risk students: wolves in sheep’s clothing? | Sagor
An attachment-based parenting program for caregivers of severely conduct disordered adolescents | Moretti et al
A probation officer at a One-stop Child Justice Centre | Du Plessis
A community approach to reducing risk factors | Chibnall and Abbruzzese
De-programming kids | Gharabaghi
After-school programs | Schwartz
What works in the prevention of youth crime? | Mendel
Truancy | De Kalb
Therapeutic recreation | Roush
Interpersonal and group life in residential care: A competence-centered, ecological perspective | Maluccio
On being accountable in schools: Strategies for the Child and Youth Care practitioner | Jarrett
Program activities | Whittaker
Residential treatment: A resource for families | Ridgely and Carty
The scope of girls' delinquency and crime | Weiler
Perceptions of adolescent sex offenders: From punitive to growth promoting | Charles and Collins
Planning staff meetings | Carter
Peer assistance for out-of-the-mainstream youth | Carr
Reflections on activities in a youth club in Northern Ireland | Megahead
Punishment / Corporal Punishment / Discipline
“Why didn’t we do this years ago?” Ireland’s Journey to Prohibiting All Corporal Punishment of Children | van Turnhout
Raising Respectful Kids | Brokenleg, Van Bockern and Brendtro
Reclaiming our prodigal sons and daughters | Larson and Brendtro
The effects of corporal punishment | Robinson
Support to advocates of spanking? | Goode
The dilemma of youth : How do you punish, or treat, a youngster who commits murder? | Steinberg and Levick
Smacking children | Bainbridge and Thorpe
Parenting without punishment: Making problem behaviour work for you | Maag
Physical punishment a health risk for children
To punish or not to punish, that is the question | Stein
Restrictions: Lesson learned | Stein
Discipline in action: some requirements and characteristics | Fox
Ending corporal punishment in all spheres | Waterhouse
Punitive and non-punitive discipline and subsequent rule-following in young children | Toner
Heroes and pioneers: Kindness | Bosco
Response ability pathways: Restoring bonds of respect | Brendtro and Du Toit
How to teach the unteachable | Ciaccio
Ideas: Consequences ... or? | Gannon
"Our hands are tied" | Gannon
Physical restraint | Lee et al
Prohibition of corporal punishment: An international overview
What I learned about physical punishment and working with families | Phelan
Punishment | Phelan
What I Learned from the threat of punishment | Garfat
What is wrong with beating children? | Naker
Zero tolerance: The school woodshed | Rhonda
Divisions between behaviour management and therapy: Towards new directions of authority in Child and Youth Care | Vanderwoerd
Controls from within: The enduring challenge | Brendtro and Long
To spank, or not to spank? | Hayter
Punishment | Steckley
On punishments | Lennhoff
Suicide and Sadness | Hans Skott-Myhre
Relationship / Relational Practice
The Lived Experience of Youth in Congregate Care: Youth Perceptions of Safety, Relationships, and Support Through Qualitative Inquiry with 10 Young Adults | Parmenter, McCarthy, Benavides, Bayar, Jack and Yoon
How peer relationships affect academic achievement among junior high school students: The chain mediating roles of learning motivation and learning engagement | Shao, Kang, Lu, Zhang and Li
Adolescents’ Subjective Well‑Being: The Unique Contribution of Fathers | Walsh, Kliewer and Sullivan
The youth-caregiver relationship quality in residential youth care: Professionals’ perceptions and experiences | Magalhães, Ferreira, Ornelas, Silva, Camilo and Calheiros
Adolescents’ and young people’s experiences of social relationships and health concerns during COVID-19 | Sundler, Bergnehr, Haffejee, Iqbal, Orellana, Del Solar, Angeles, Faircloth, Liu, Mwanda, Galeas, Simelane, Twamley and Darcy
Relationship | Maier
The relationship trap | Gharabaghi
Beginning the relationship | Markey
Roles and relationships in the residential unit
Kymaru and the magnificent multicolored bird: Metaphors for an angel | Garfat
Valued Child and Youth Care worker qualities in relationships with young people | Weisman
Ode to joy | McArter
Rapport and relationships: The basis of child care | Burns
Seeing "I" to "I": A Phenomenological Analysis of the Caring Relationship | Austin and Halpin
Going there from being here | Fewster
'Role' interaction and 'person-to-person' interaction
Central themes in Child and Youth Care | Krueger
Establishing meaningful contacts with children and youth | Maier
Relationships: A sideways view | Gompf
Healing the wounded child | Niss
Check and connect: The role of monitors in supporting high-risk youth | Christenson et al
In the beginning | Reid
Limit setting | Sutton
Close enough? Professional closeness and safe caring | Kendrick and Smith
Love tenderly | Smith
Letting go in love | Smith
Unconditional schools, youth of promise | Lloyd
John Bowlby on human attachment | Hoover
Seven habits of reclaiming relationships | Laursen
You/me/us: Thoughts on boundary management in Child and Youth Care | Mann-Feder
I was a ‘child in care’: My perspective on relationships | Masson
The meat and potatoes of relationships | Gannon
Hanging out | Somasundram
Integrated conversations in Child and Youth Care | Garfat
Connecting with the inner world | Garfat
Initial reflections on the 'talk smart institute' and relating | Krueger
Relationships: Thoughts on their origin and their power | Parry
Respect begets respect and other lessons from Project Breakaway | Skooglund
Notes on relationships | Steckley
Relationships: What is it we do? ... It is what we do! | Weisman
An objective look at relationships | McDermott
A phenomenological analysis of the caring relationship | Austin and Halpin
Transferable relationships | Gharabaghi
CYC and relationship in the 21st Century | Skott-Myhre
Friendship and hope | Digney and Smart
Maybe you smiled for the rest of the day? Some comments on relationships and their infinite variety | VanderVen
Power in the relational exchange | Freeman
Suicide and relational care | Freeman
Hope in moments of pain | Freeman
Relating to the Relationship | VanderVen
The early stages of the care relationship | Phelan
The challenge of relational Child and Youth Care practice | Phelan
Relational thinking | Phelan
The Child and Youth Care practitioner’s nightmare | Phelan
“From the heart” practice | Phelan
Close enough encounters: Close to me close to you | Digney and Smart
Hide or Seek: looking for love in all the wrong places | Smart and Digney
Balancing care: The after view | Smart and Digney
Personal values | Gibb
The real “money in the bank”: Building relationships in Child and Youth Care | Delano
Professional boundaries in Child and Youth Care | Marshall
Nurturing creativity | De Monte
Putting in and getting out: Better inputs, better outcomes | Smart and Digney
It’s not about a calling, it’s about being... just be… and an experience of learning to be | Koury
I spy with my little eye ... something that is grey | Fellers
A Life-Space Interaction | Gharabaghi
Connecting with youth through storytelling | Bristow
Hanging out and drawing | Bristow
The quiet revolution of Thom Garfat | Skott-Myhre
The relationship is not everything | Hilton
A feminist's view of caring | Ricks
Relational conversations and explorations | Phelan
Relationship in Child and Youth Care - A Deep Dive | Carty
Relatedness and control | Mann-Feder
Characteristics of a relational Child and Youth Care approach revisited | Garfat et al
A reflection on relational messages | Phelan
There Was a Little Girl | Shaw
Embedded in my heart | Hedlin
It just doesn’t get any better than this! | Leggett
Mattering in the moment | Charles
Thinking About Relational Thinking | Phelan
Relational Practice in Child and Youth Care Theory | Gharabaghi
How do we measure relationships? | Magnuson and Healey
Boundary dynamics for relational Child and Youth Care practitioners | Phelan
A Very Special Student and her Kitty Cat | Gharabaghi
Residential / Group / Congregate Care
The Lived Experience of Youth in Congregate Care: Youth Perceptions of Safety, Relationships, and Support Through Qualitative Inquiry with 10 Young Adults | Parmenter, McCarthy, Benavides, Bayar, Jack and Yoon
Digital Life Story Work: Linking Identity and Security for Young People in Out‑of‑Home Care |Deitz, Morley, Sutherland and Blythe
Autistic Children and Group Homes: A Personal Testimony | Bedard
A Place to Feel at Home? An Exploratory Study of the Perceived Living Environment in Home- Like Groups, Family-Style Group Homes, and Traditional Residential Youth Care | Riemersma, Zijlstra, Kalverboer, Post & Harder
Family foster care or residential care: the impact of home environment on children raised in state care | Bardits and Kertesi
“How can our children learn from us about our way of life or understand who they are?”: Residential schools and their impact on the wellbeing of Indigenous youth in Attapadi, South India | George, Ramu, Prasad, Prashanth, Kenjoor and Grant
Pathways of Care: A longitudinal study of children in care in Australia | Cashmore, Wulczyn, POCLS Team
Family-centred practice and family outcomes in residential youth care: A systematic review | Tang, de Haan, Kuiper and Harder
Does Group Size of Provision Matter for Children Who Experience Residential Group Care in Scotland? | Whitelaw
Everyday Care: What Helps Adults Help Children in Residential Childcare? | Burns and Emond
The educational experience of young people in residential care through the lens of learning careers | Marion and Tchuindibi
Adolescents in therapeutic residential care: treatment needs and characteristics | Kanestrøm, Stallvik, Lydersen, Skokauskas & Kaasbøll
Static and dynamic factors underlying placement instability in residential youth care: A scoping review | Riemersma, Harder, Zijlstra, Post, Kalverboer
The Effect of Family Foster Care vs. Residential Group Care on Educational Attainment | Bolvig and Thorsager
A Comparison of Juvenile Misconduct in Residential Facilities in Florida by Gender | Ponce and Scott
Purpose and Mattering
as Dimensions of Meaning for Young People in Residential
Care from Romania |
Bunea and Cojocaru
A systematic review and meta-analysis of the type and prevalence of mental health disorders and symptoms among children living in residential care | Westlake, Hillman, Kerr-Davis, Viziteu, Silver and Dykiert
Taking Into Care – In The Child's Best Interest? The German Youth Welfare Office is under criticism from the European Parliament | Ballhorn and Holzheimer
Family-Centeredness in Secure Residential Treatment and Its Relationship With Parental Involvement and Adolescent Behavioural Outcomes | Broekhoven, Blankestein, van Santvoort, Asscher, van Domburgh, Simons, Albrecht, van der Rijken, Rijnhart, Popma
Improving the alternative care system in Thailand: Research to develop the National Alternative Care Action Plan | Rujisatiensap, Ladaphongphatthana and Srivilas
For-profit outsourcing and its effects on placement stability and locality for children in care in England, 2011–2022: A longitudinal ecological analysis | Bach-Mortensen, Goodair and Barlow
Placement Matching of Children and Young People within Out-of-Home Residential Care: A Qualitative Analysis | Kor, Fernandez and Spangaro
Assessment of Needs in Residential Care: Perspectives of Youth and Professionals | Calheiros and Patricio
Experiences of “I” and “we” among former looked‐after children in South Africa | Nurcombe‐Thorne, Nadesan and van Breda
An exploration of the differential usage of residential childcare across national boundaries | Ainsworth and Thoburn
The Impact of Residential Placement on Child Development: Research and Policy Implications | Little, Kohm and Thompson
Leaving Residential Placement: A Guide to Intervention | Mann-Feder and Garfat
Your Pain or Mine? | Molepo
Setting objectives for residential units | Douglas and Payne
Trends in residential care in Finland | Hujala
Real-time communication in residential care | Ward
Children's rights in residential settings | Waaldijk
Conceptual foundations of developmental oriented residential education | Levy
The unacceptable face of behaviourism | Elliot
Are you managing? The effective management of anxiety in residential settings | Macleod
What do we know of our children? | Lennhoff
Developmental group care of children and youth | Maier
Developmental group care of children and youth: concepts and practice | Maier
Primary care in secondary settings | Maier
Four complexities in residential treatment of juvenile offenders | Heintzelman
Out-of-home care: Practice and research between head and tail | Knorth et al
The known and the used in residential Child and Youth Care work | Eisikovits et al
Towards a common denominator in effective group care programming | Beker and Feuerstein
A care worker and a social worker compare jobs | Gerber and Slavin
Residential care with evacuated children: Lessons from Clare Winnicott | Kanter
Crisis intervention in the residential setting | Isaacson
Understanding the resident group | Edmond
Worthy not worthwhile? Choosing careers in caring occupations | Wells et al
Thinking about relationships in group care | Beedell
The good goodbye: Helping children through transitions using storytelling | McNicol and Kirkpatrick
Residential special schooling : The inclusive option | Jackson
Stands Scotland where it did? Perspectives and possibilities for Child and Youth Care | Smith
Child care workers: Builders of self esteem | Keating
A longitudinal evaluation of prevalent negative beliefs about residential placement for troubled adolescents | Friman et al
The Child Care Worker as a primary practitioner | Barnes
The Child and Youth Care workers: Who needs them? | Linton and Forster
Rejected youth in residential treatment: social affiliation and peer group configuration | Hoff
Working with adolescent girls in a residential treatment centre | Matheson
A good hearing? An application of the Life Space Interview in residential child care | Gibson
Residential treatment: A resource for families | Ridgely and Carty
Difficult decisions: Lessons learned from one family's story of residential placement | Evans
Children 'at risk' in secure accommodation | O'Neill
Rights of children are still violated | Kennedy
In defiance of compliance | Burton
Roles and relationships in the residential unit | Davis
"Manipulative" or manipulative skills in residential practice | Pragnell
Attachment representations of adolescents in institutional care | Schleiffer and Muller
The use of life space intervention in residential youth care | Graham
An historical perspective on residential services for troubled and troubling youth in Canada | Charles and Gabor
Life space work, Child and Youth Care work, residential work: Is this a profession? | van Weezel and Waaldijk
Group supervision and the supervision of teams in residential care: the Slovene experience | Kobolt
The use of everyday events in Child and Youth Care work | Garfat
A commitment to care: residential child care work in England | Mainey
What works in residential care: Making it work | Archer
The needs of children in residential care | Brennan
Token economies or point and level systems: Whatever we call them, let's rethink them! | VanderVen
“The milieu of real relationships” | Weiner
Close enough? Professional closeness and safe caring | Kendrick and Smith
Residential care and the industrial model | Douglas and Payne
"Out of control": A youth perspective on secure treatment and physical restraint | Raychaba
Central themes in Child and Youth Care | Krueger
Theories, approaches and principles of education and treatment | Gannon
Child and youth care during a natural disaster | Freeman
Key working and the quality of relationships in secure accommodation | McKellar and Kendrick
Metaphor and poetry | Steckley
Separation | Steckley
Touch something, throw something | Gharabaghi
Stuff that never happens... (when you live in care) | Gharabaghi
Good intentions with bad results | Phelan
When is a program not a program? | Phelan
Sense of place in children’s residential care homes: perceptions of home? | Clark et al
A different language: Implementing the total communication approach | Wilson
Love and sex | Gharabaghi
The end of treatment! | Gharabaghi
The immediacy of childhood | Freeman
New conversation partners for residential services | Gharabaghi
Putting the “home” in group home and the “care” in youth care: My journey | Crooks
Surveillance versus supervision in residential group care | Gharabaghi
Stories | Skott-Myhre
Strong youth | Gharabaghi
From a young person’s perspective: Towards a better residential care system for youth | Chung
Can residential care and treatment be good? | Gharabaghi
Children and young people living in alternative care | Fulcher
Go back to which home? The ‘pedagogy of dreams’ as a contribution to the deinstitutionalization of children and young people in South Brazil | Schüssler D’Aroz
A group care framework: The benefits of group care settings in Israel | Tischler
Reflections: My Practitioner Development | Briegel
The First Few Years: The early theoretical building blocks of a residential social worker | Whitelaw
Reflections: My work in residential care in Egypt | Megahead
Chris, Ava and Jenny | Hilton
Brendan | Smith
Tough Choices | Skott-Myhre
Making Moments Meaningful | Lodge
Key working and the quality of relationships in secure accommodation | McKellar and Kendrick
The Changing Face of Residential Care in Australia | Walsh
Epidemic Positives | Phelan
The Worst Interview Ever | Gharabaghi
Considering Child Welfare Lived Experience Privilege | Cherry and Vachon
Family Support, Resilience, and Life Goals of Young People in Residential Care | Alves, Relva, Costa and Mota
Supporting Indigenous Youth to Live with Continued Resilience, Meaning and Hope | Sutherland, Sutherland, Minde, Rondeau, Nielssen and Flemons
Friluftsliv in residential youth care: a resilience perspective on character-forming outdoor experiences | Haaland and Baklien
Other-initiated Interactions that contribute to resilient outcomes among young adults raised by caregivers who misuse alcohol | Mushonga and van Breda
Can resilience change over time? Patterns and transitions in resilience among young children involved with the child welfare system | Yoon, Yang, Pei, Benavides, Bayar, Logan, Hamby
Moving Beyond Trauma: Activating Resilience to Support Our Most Vulnerable Youth Malloy
Learning from Older adults’ Trauma Exposure and Resilience: Children’s Perspectives from Five Majority World Countries | Yilmaz, Eruyar, Haffejee, Hassan, O’Reilly and Vostanis
Growth in Context: An Exploratory Study of Vicarious Resilience in Child and Youth Care Counsellors | McNaughton
Factors supporting resilience during out-of-home care: Experiences of former child welfare clients in Finland | Kaittila, Alin, Leinonen, Kraav, Vornanen, Karukivi and Anis
Using academic strategies to build resilience | Pikes et al
Resilience: What it is and how children and young people can be helped to develop it | Maclean
If you build it, they will come: A nontraditional approach for systems change | Reavis et al
Resistance | McIntyre
Resilience | Harvey
Overcoming four myths that prevent fostering resilience | Rockwell
Heavy mettle: Stories of transition for delinquent youth | Yellin et al
Attracting resilience: Helping kids do better | Sapien
Me-do-it! | Parry
Building resilience and hope for the future | Jewitt
Rather than fixing kids, build positive peer cultures | Laursen
How we can foster resiliency in children | Berliner and Bernard
Nurturing resilience and school success in American Indian and Alaska Native students | Strand and Peacock
Coming out resilient: Strategies to help gay and lesbian adolescents | DuBeau and Emenheiser
Creating resiliency in urban neighborhoods | Timmermans et al
Easier said than done: Shifting from a risk to a resiliency paradigm | Wolin
The resilience of children in care: The influence of adult attachment figures | Boneke
Promoting resilience in youth through facilitating leisure engagement in self-determined community-serving projects | Delamere et al
The (potential) ultra-conservatism of resilience theory | Gharabaghi
Contextual and cultural aspects of resilience in child welfare settings | Ungar
Delinquent or simply resilient?: How "problem " behaviour can be a child's hidden path to resilience | Ungar
The resilient brain | Brendtro and Longhurst
Being resilient | Dean
Reviving hope by fostering resilience | Hewitt-Gervais
The search for islands of competence: A metaphor of hope and strength | Brooks
Making the transition from rage to resilience | Andrews
And now for the good news | Brendtro
Here’s my number, call if you need | De Monte
Restorative Practice
Exploring Restorative Justice: An Alternate Dispute Resolution Mechanism in Islamic Law and Customary Law | Akhter, Mahr and Imtiaz
“You’re in my heart while we’re apart”: Reflections on working with parents of children in care | Swann
Victims face their tormentor | Parkes
A restorative approach to residential treatment | Thumbadoo
Setting standards for diversion | Skelton
The healing journey towards forgiveness | Smidt
Family matters: How young offender' families engage in restorative justice | Muntingh and Monaheng
Holding kids accountable: Shaming with compassion | Campbell and Revering
Restorative justice: Making justice work | Robson
Restorative work: An integral feature of South African Child and Youth Care | Siluma
A new reality for troubled youth in Hungary: An update | Mirsky
Phone Ellen | Modiboa
Restorative justice in everyday life: Beyond the formal ritual | Wachtel
Restorative practices as a tool for organizational change | Boulton and Mirsky
Re-storying our restorative practices | Rundell
A family plan forged out of commitment and love | Welden
Authentic assessment for restorative outcomes | Doerr
The case for restorative justice | Michaels
Runaways / Homelessness / Street Living
Social Determinants of Health and Psychological Capital Among Youth Experiencing Homelessness | Preston, Rew and Spees
Children and youth in street situations in Nairobi. A study for a comprehensive model of care | Ravazzini, Reggi, Magoni and Inghilleri
The children on our streets (1) | Bourdillon
The Children on our streets (2) | Bourdillon
Homeless: Neither a profession nor an employer offers shelter or a place to go | Baizerman
Social support networks in services for adolescents and their families | Barth
Cross-cultural problems faced by people who work with street children | Aptekar
Society makes survival a crime | Richter
Moulding a life with nimble fingers | Dawood
The opportunity: Working with street youth with HIV/AIDS | Lees
Oceanside's youngest homeless often forgotten | Walsh
Street children and homelessness
Who cares? Sexual abuse and street children in South Africa | Cockburn
Those Homestead boys | Cockburn
Violent minority | Bones
Family reunification: children and youth living on the streets | Hemmens
Kids on the street they have something to say: Survey of runaway and homeless youth | Kufeldt and Nimmo
Youth who chronically AWOL from foster care: Why they run, where they go, and what can be done | Finkelstein et al
On the outer circle: Reaching homeless families | McCrary et al
Homelessness | Kasting and Artz
Runaway dogs and runaway kids | Stein
Youth who run away and are disengaged in programming?
New York City: We’re stemming flow of foster-care kids into homelessness | Scaccia
Emerging street children in Papua New Guinea | Sali
Peer assistance for out-of-the-mainstream youth | Carr
Growing up homeless in suburbia | Dosani
Emergency Rooms and Open Air Prisons: Conversations with Reggie Harris | Skott-Myhre
School / Academic
Bullying in School from the Experiences of the Bullies: A Multiple Case Study | Torino Jr. and Compas
Relationships between behavior symptoms and academic performance in out-of-home care children who are Aboriginal | Hindman, Rowland and Hassmen
Virtual schools for care-experienced learners in Scotland: Reflections on an emerging concept in a new context | McIver and Bettencourt
Youth in Danger and Students at Risk of Dropping Out | Muzammil and Arshad
Do School Resource Officers Really Refer Black Students to the Justice System for Less Serious Offenses? | May, Barranco, Roberts and Robertson
Effects of School-Based Mental Health Services on Youth Outcomes | Golberstein, Zainullina, Sojourner, Sander
Ragged Schooling | Dickens
Mary Carpenter | Smith
Missing male | Bawden
On being accountable in schools: Strategies for the Child and Youth Care practitioner | Jarrett
School-based field placements: A Montreal perspective | Kruger
Child and youth care work in a school undergoing complex language and cultural adjustment in South Africa | Nightingale
Yellowwood | Rubel
Towards a curriculum for more appropriate education for out-of-school children | Pease
Overcoming adversity through community schools | Harris and Hoover
Climbing Everests at William Gee School | Cook
Pathways from discouragement to courage | Van Bockern et al
Practical strategies for working with students who display aggression and violence | Guetzloe
Catch it low to prevent it high: Countering low-level verbal abuse (1) | Goldstein
Catch it low to prevent it high: Countering low-level verbal abuse (2) | Goldstein
Teaching character | Walters
Students and teachers develop a resource manual for safe and caring schools | Jeary
Helping schools say “Yes” to children who say ‘‘No” | Ostergaus and Lowe
The school as a hub: Best practice model for child and youth work | Kelly
A pedagogy of belonging | Beck and Malley
Experience beyond words: Giving children a voice through poetry writing | Alexander and Shaw-Benson
Students and teachers develop a resource manual for safe and caring schools | Jeary
Classroom management | Van Tassell
The forgotten intervention: How to design environments that foster friendship | Overton
Community mental health in an alternative school, in the public schools, and in the kitchen! | Long et al
How to teach the unteachable | Ciaccio
One day in the life of an inner-city school-based Child and Youth Care Worker | Chrest
Supporting families: A school based Child and Youth Care worker's perspective | Aubey
From polarization to partnership: Learning to listen to families | Osher and Keenan
Self-awareness in the child care worker | Young
Self-awareness model for training and application in Child and Youth Care | Ricks
The light goes on: Reflecting on the values and principles of the Child and Youth Care program | Rose Sladde
Talking about ‘getting stuck’ | Vanderheyden
Residential life with children | Beedell
Letting go in love | Smith
Four parts magic: The anatomy of a Child and Youth Care intervention | Garfat
Developmental stages of Child and Youth Care workers: An interactional perspective | Garfat
Child and Youth Care education: Perspectives in transformation | Demers
Central themes in Child and Youth Care | Krueger
Beware of the Bunny People and other thoughts of a new youth care worker | Matthews
Maintaining personal integrity and morality in a community home | Walkley
The importance of self-care | Kostouros and McLean
Without the self there is no other | Ricks
Report on a self-care camp for staff | Hough
Let us be self-serving! Reframing our vocabulary | VanderVen
Our next big challenge: Genuine cultural SELF self awareness | Newbury
What exactly is Child and Youth Care work? | Anglin
Self-regulation through goal setting | Schunk
Self-regulation and school readiness | Blair
Some key characteristics of Child and Youth Care workers | Kelly
Child and Youth Care education: My journey | Coolen
Self-determination: An essential element of successful transitions | Field and Hoffman
Restoring self-esteem in adolescent males | Hendel
Supervision in the helping professions | Hawkins and Shohet
Calming together: The pathway to self-control | Bath
Exeriencing differences: The challenges, opportunities and cautions | Hoskins and Ricks
Personal reflections on an emerging self | Chubb
You/me/us: Thoughts on boundary management in Child and Youth Care | Mann-Feder
Self-determination | Field
Perception and reality | Rogers
Major goals of counselling | Rogers
An inquiry into self-doubt in Child and Youth Care practice | Sanrud
Mr. Self comes home | Gharabaghi
Reaching beyond caring to loving in Child and Youth Care practice | Ranhan
Turning myself inside out: My theory of me | Fewster
The road less graveled: A philosophical stroll through Child and Youth Care | Fewster
The self as subject in Child and Youth Care supervision | Mann-Feder
Sexual Issues
Understanding the sexual behavior of children (1) | Cavanagh
Understanding the sexual behavior of children (2) | Cavanagh
Who cares? Sexual abuse and street children in South Africa | Cockburn
Juvenile sexual aggression | Weinrott
The experience of sexual abuse
Breaking the circle: Work with young people who sexually abuse | Dobson
Adolescent sexual offenders: an overview | Charles and McDonald
Perceptions of adolescent sex offenders: From punitive to growth promoting | Charles and Collins
The treatment of adolescent sex offenders: Growth promoting premises of residential care | Charles and Collins
The dynamics of working with sex offenders: Respect, respect, respect | Charles and Collins
Sexual minority youth and substance abuse: Addressing the issue | Knox
Exploiting daily events to heal the pain of sexual abuse | Fox
Preventing sexual abuse: Rescuers without resources | Loffell
Good enough care? Looking after sexually abused young people in residential settings | Roesch-Marsh
The child welfare system and gay, lesbian and bisexual youth in care | Legault
Gaps and silences: The culture and adolescent sex offenders | Coleman
Cries for help: A literature review of the psychological effects of child maltreatment | McPherson
Is childhood becoming oversexed? | McPherson
The perils of no-tolerance sex law | Gibson
A rainbow ends for Daddy's little girl | Arndt
The trouble with sex | Kahan
Adult too soon: Age-sensitive interventions with delinquent girls | Loper
Adolescent sex offenders | Innes
Motivational factors for positive change: A comparison of research on issues in youth | Maltais
Wearing purple | Smith
Zero tolerance: The school woodshed | Rhonda
Complementing the therapist: Child care work with sexually abused youth | Oles
School practitioners supporting LGBTQ | Bochenek
Research as change: GLBTTQ and allies' relationships in transition | Ricks and Vilches
Coming out resilient: Strategies to help gay and lesbian adolescents | DuBeau and Emenhauser
“Out” and “in”: Homophobic issues in residential care | Moore and Moore
Becoming Dani | Skott-Myhre and Wagner
Rethinking the way we work with adolescent sexual offenders: Building relationships | Charles
A story for Grant | Garfat
Dave | Anderson-Nathe
How Adolescents in Residential Care Perceive their Skills and Satisfaction with Life: Do Adolescents and Youth Workers Agree? | Gallardo‑Masa, Sitjes‑Figueras, Iglesias, Montserrat
What is strength-based Child and Youth Care anyway? | Racco
Strengths-based recording | Lithuli
Focus on strengths | Phelan
Is harm reduction a viable choice for kids enchanted with drugs? | Larsen and Brasler
Seven habits of reclaiming relationships | Laursen
Rather than fixing kids, build positive peer cultures | Laursen
The Rest of Canada: Child and Youth Care Work in Rural Communities | Gilberg and Charles
Child Strengths and the Level of Care for Children with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders | Oswald et al
Child care workers: Catalysts for a future world | Garfat
How to ride a wave when the tide turns | Mbambo
The importance of taking a strength-based perspective | Hewitt
Helping students feel they belong | Hewitt
The problem with problems: Developing polarities and curriculum | Gannon
Theories, approaches and principles of education and treatment | Gannon
Living elsewhere: Stories of successful women who lived in group care as girls | Kreider
Positive peer groups: “Helping others” meets primary developmental needs | Quigley
Walk a mile in my shoes | Bryan and Southern
Learning Child and Youth Care work in context: A case example | Krueger
Restoring self-esteem in adolescent males | Hendel
Easier said than done: Shifting from a risk to a resiliency paradigm | Wolin
Need and risk and how to tell the difference | Artz et al
How we can foster resiliency in children | Berliner and Bernard
Child and Youth Care education: My journey | Coolen
The teacher teaches the curriculum: The teacher is the curriculum | Kirkland
The tools of encouragement | Evans
Resilience: What it is and how children and young people can be helped to develop it | Maclean
Strong families, strong children: A family-focused crime prevention program | Morrison et al
Creating resiliency in urban neighborhoods | Timmermans et al
The resilient brain | Brendtro and Longhurst
From coercive to strength-based intervention: Responding to the needs of children in pain | Brendtro
Controls from within: The enduring challenge | Brendtro and Long
Self-determination | Field
The school as a hub: Best practice model for child and youth work | Kelly
Stress / Self-Care / Mental Health
Burnout in Residential Support Workers: The Impact of Locus of Control and Perceived Supervisor Support | Benveniste, Madsen, Chappel & Sprajcer
Compassion Fatigue in Out of Home Care Workers: A Systematic Review | Benveniste, Smith, Gupta, Chappel & Sprajcer
‘You’re Investing in People … It’s Not a Race. It’s Not a Rush’: Youth Care Worker Emotional Labour in Inner-City Neighbourhoods Across Canada | Enkhtugs and Walby
Exploring the interconnection of social media, mental health and youth: A bibliometric analysis | Abas, Hussin, Hardi, Hashim
Exploring the Challenges and Resilience of Child and Youth Care Workers Employed in a Child and Youth Care Centre in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa | Dewa and Dewa
Anxiety and depression amongst youth as adverse effects of using social media: A review | Prasad, Souabni, Anugwom, Aneni, Anand, Urhi, Obi-Azuike, Gibson, Khan and Oladunjoye
Interventions targeting the mental health and wellbeing of care‑experienced children and young people in higher‑income countries: Evidence map and systematic review | Evans, MacDonald, Trubey, Noyes, Robling, Willis, Boffey, Wooders, Vinnicombe and Melendez‑Torres
The Child Care Worker and occupational stress | Whitehead
Burnout | Powis
The visibility and vulnerability of residential work | Staples
Respect in the face of violence: Keeping everybody safe | Smiar
Psychosomatic illness and symptoms in children | Levenstein
If we are the good guys, why do we feel so bad? | Berman
Staying sane as a child care worker | Gannon
The nature of caring (1) | Wrenn
The nature of caring (2) | Wrenn
Understanding our limitations | Bernstein and Halaszyn
Supervision in helping professions: An individual, group and organizational approach | Hawkins and Shohet
Personal sources of satisfaction | Krueger
Stress and burnout in the field
Burn out in Child and Youth Care
Enduring in the field | Garfat
Staying alive | Garfat
Organizational factors contributing to worker frustration: the precursor to burnout | Lewandowski
Understanding and preventing burnout
Occupational stress in child care work | Dillenburger
Report on a self-care camp for staff | Hough
Modelling morale, job satisfaction, retention and training among residential child care personnel | Colton
Taking care of ourselves so we can care for others: A challenge for crisis intervention personnel | Reyes
The importance of self-care | Kostouros and Mclean
Self care | Koroll
Burnout | Stein
Care Workers and residential care | Knorth et al
Advice to Child and Youth Care staff | Digney
Broken or unsupportive office teams?
Occupational stress for group care personnel | Mattingly
The value and practice of self care | Freeman
Sorrows and lamentations: The force of sadness in Child and Youth Care | Skott-Myhre
Exasperation and inclination | Smart and Digney
Taking care of whole selves | De Monte
Self care and the imagination | Gharabaghi
‘You’re Investing in People … It’s Not a Race. It’s Not a Rush’: Youth Care Worker Emotional Labour in Inner-City Neighbourhoods Across Canada | Enkhtugs and Walby
‘I never win’: How children and staff in residential facilities experience meaningful participation | Slaatto, Baugerud, Mellblom
Developing a sense of the possible | Blankstein and Guetzloe
Factors in success in residential programmes | Donohue
Why try cooperative learning? | Lyman and Foyle
Accountability, failure and success | Charles
Thoughts about success and failure | Charles
Experiencing success is easier than measuring it | Charles
Being my personal best | Vidal
Thinking about success criteria | Gannon
Developing empathy in children and youth | Cotton
A pedagogy of belonging | Beck and Malley
Living elsewhere: Stories of successful women who lived in group care as girls | Kreider
The tools of encouragement | Evans
The perils of planning | Forster
Young children’s emotional development and school readiness
We can’t place ourselves in someone else’s shoes, but we can try | Krueger
Fundamental processes for interventions: Working with high-risk adolescents and their families | Ballantyne et al
Unconditional schools, youth of promise | Lloyd
Self-efficacy and the construction of an optimistic self | Bandura
Andrew | Martin
Experience beyond words: Giving children a voice through poetry writing | Alexander and Shaw-Benson
Ode to joy | McArter
Time management for teams | Yu-Ting Lee and Kleiner
Therapeutic recreation | Roush
Spitting from windmills: The therapeutic value of effective instruction | Valore
How we can better protect children from abuse and neglect | Pelton
Self-regulation and school readiness | Blair
Storytelling | Woodard
Correlates of therapeutic involvement among adolescents in residential drug treatment | Hawke
How adults learn | Muller
Difficult decisions: Lessons learned from one family's story of residential placement | Evans
Resilience: What it is and how children and young people can be helped develop it | Maclean
Successful parenting in high-risk neighborhoods | Jarrett
Stats on success of treatment centres/group homes
Hope doesn’t just happen | Pregent
Mind-sets for a happier life | Webber
Climbing Everests at William Gee School | Cook
What do you expect? | Stein
Supervision / Support
Supporting older youth in care: The role of caregivers | Cullen
Child and Youth Care Practice: The foundation for great supervision | Gilberg and Charles
The good supervisor | Borders
The power in numbers | Charles
Group supervision | Werstlein
Congruence between supervision and practice | Garfat
Support-Education-Training (S.E.T.): A framework for supervision in Child and Youth Care | Garfat
The Supervision Connection | Garfat
Consultation as a complement to the clinical supervision of youth care | Maas and Ney
Leadership in building supervisory relationships | Reinsilber
Teaching and Training as a Facet of Supervision of Care Staff: An overview | Maier
Developmental supervision in residential care | Magnuson and Burger
Evaluation and feedback in supervision | Harris
IPR: Recalling thoughts and feelings in supervision | Cashwell
Some characteristics of a Child and Youth Care approach as they apply to Life Space Supervision | Michael
Life-space supervision | Michael
Parallel process in supervision
Peer consultation as a form of supervision
Selecting the correct frame for supervision | Hilton
Understanding supervision | Hilton
Supervision in addictions counseling: Special challenges and solutions | Juhnke and Culbreth
Supervision in child care | Groning
Supervision: What it means to me | Graves
Peer consultation as a form of supervision | Benshoff
The self as subject in Child and Youth Care supervision | Mann-Feder
Learning to build a “Professional package”: Helping supervisors confront constructively | Delano and Shah
Lovers and supervisors: Same things, just different? | May
Value-based supervision | Shepard and Freado
Supervisee resistance | Bradley and Gould
Stages of Child and Youth Care Worker Development | Phelan
How do you know if you are a competent Child and Youth Care supervisor? | Phelan
CYC supervision: Some thoughts on developing newer workers | Phelan
The relationship boundaries that control programming | Phelan
Supervising new Child and Youth Care staff | Phelan
Supervising new Child and Youth Care staff: the next three months | Phelan
Ethical training through supervision | Hanekamp
Talking about ‘getting stuck’ | Vanderheyden
External Supervision | Gharabaghi
Preparation for new supervisors | Mitchell
‘A Time to Reflect’: Humour within the supervision process | Digney
A little supervisory help | Murray
It’s what you do | Burnison
The Child and Youth Care Workers: Who needs them? | Linton and Forster
Power and empowerment | Gannon
Group supervision and the supervision of teams in residential care: the Slovene experience | Kobolt
The supervisory relationship | Dye
How can staff cope with disruptive children? | Walton
The social work supervisor: Supervision in community, day care and residential settings | Brown and Bourne
The social work supervisor (1) | Brown and Bourne
The social work supervisor (2) | Brown and Bourne
Building Bridges | Reid
Supervision and “The Millennials”: Collaborating to Bridge the Generation Gap | Delano
Supervision Possibilities With Socialized Thinkers | Phelan
Threshold Concepts | Phelan
CYC Supervision: The Growth from Manager to Professional Developer | Phelan
Supervision in Relational Child and Youth Care Practice | Garfat and Freeman
Unusual Challenges in Supervising Child and Youth Care Professionals | Fox
Being in Child Care Supervision: A Renewed Journey into Self | Marshall
About Supervision | Phelan
Reflections of Supervision: The Development of a Growing Child and Youth Care | Batasar-Johnie
Bad Supervisors | Gharabaghi
Supervision in Child and Youth Care: A Personal Reflection on Two Experiences | Deol
The Power of Description | Skott-Myhre
Being a Subject in Supervision Matters | Kavanagh
Is Formal Supervision Necessary? | Steckley
Humour in the Supervisory Relationship | Brown
‘Hanging In’ in Child and Youth Care Supervision | Hann
Socialized thinking and supervision | Phelan
Supervision: A matter of leadership or management? | Carty
Why supervisors should be built from the floor up | Squires
Promoting Reflective Non-Compliance | Gharabaghi
The supervisor’s responsibility and privilege to mentor new practitioners | Biedrzycki
The role of supervision | Moore
It’s all a matter of change | Goodwin
Staff burnout | Lodge
Does Virtual Reality Training Increase Mindfulness in Aboriginal Out‑of‑Home Care Children? |Rowland, Hindman, Jomeen and Hassmén
Re-thinking youth work as initial mental health support for young people | Ní Charraighe and Reynolds
Supervision models | Leddick
Classroom management | Van Tassell
My introduction to family systems theory | Phelan
Why moral reasoning theory is helpful in Child and Youth Care work | Phelan
Some thoughts on using an ecosystem perspective | Phelan
Thinking theory, doing practice | Winfield
Ethical dilemmas in practice | McLaughlin and Pinkerton
A pedagogy of belonging | Beck and Malley
Articulating a Child and Youth Care approach to family work | Jones
A framework for understanding and practice in residential group care | Anglin
Why theory? | Steckley
Transforming the milieu and lives through the power of activity: theory and practice | VanderVen
Token economies or point and level systems: whatever we call them, let's rethink them! | VanderVen
“All he wants ... ” | VanderVen
Nurturing hidden resilience in troubled youth | Ungar
Mapping change in a child and family centre in Melbourne, Australia | McNamara
Critical components of an anti-oppressive framework | Moore
Relationships: we have to begin somewhere! | Gannon
Protecting themselves from love | Gannon
Developmental and systemic approaches: The clash of paradigms in group care treatment | Braga
You, me and us | Fewster
Turning myself inside out: My theory of me | Fewster
Attachment and youth at risk | Tomlinson
Over the net: Encouraging win-win solutions through conflict resolution | Addison and Westmoreland
The (potential) ultra-conservatism of resilience theory | Gharabaghi
Working with play | Altman
Unifying values and practice in Child and Youth Care programmes | Vilakazi
Beyond good and evil: Towards an a-moral youth work practice | Skott-Myhre
Theoretical considerations: Recovery work with child victims of sexual abuse | O'Doherty et al
But what of practice? | Hart
Ecological systems theory | Fenske
An attachment-based parenting program for caregivers of severely conduct disordered adolescents | Moretti et al
Matching therapeutic style with developmental level: A guide for child care workers | Oles
Children's participation in Family Group Conference as a resolution model | Strandbu
The biology of behavior: The attachments and affects of adjudicated youth | Boss and Masiker-Nickel
Politics and the language of Child Care | Gudgeon
Articulating a Child and Youth Care approach to family work | Jones
Groups and groupwork | Harte
Praxis | White
Mind-sets for a happier life | Webber
Living more connected lives: Applications of Glasser’s Choice Theory in Child and Youth Care | Freeman
Propaganda with and without Evidence | Magnuson
Child and Youth Care – The enhancement of praxis: Theory to practice or theory vs practice | Edwards and Gaidhu
“She has saved my life on many occasions”: care-experienced young women’s reflections on the significance of pets and the impact of loss | Muldoon and Williams
Play therapy | Legault
The use of creative arts in adolescent group therapy | Rambo
Art therapy | Fletcher
Music Therapy With Emotionally Disturbed Children | Hussey and Layman
Family secrecy: a comparative study of juvenile sex offenders and youth with conduct disorders | Baker
Divisions between behaviour management and therapy: Towards new directions of authority in Child and Youth Care | Vanderwoerd
Residential treatment: A resource for families | Ridgely and Carty
Therapy | Krueger
Aesthetics or therapy in art? | Hemensley and Coates
Outlaw riders: Equine-facilitated therapy with juvenile capital offenders | Moreau
Art therapy on a residential treatment team for troubled children | Mills
What is Milieu Therapy? (1) | Jonsson
What is Milieu Therapy? (2) | Jonsson
Youth in a difficult world: Multisystemic therapy
Talking about ‘getting stuck’ | Vanderheyden
Beyond therapeutic nihilism | Alessi
Wilderness therapy for youth-at-risk: helping troubled teenagers | Rosol
Scientifically based approaches to drug addiction treatment
Therapeutic application of play | Pazaratz
The milieu of real relationships | Weiner
Perception and reality | Rogers
Treatment programs for children with sexually problematic behaviour | Gagnon et al
What is bibliotherapy? | Abdullah
The healthful effects of laughter | Puder
Residential treatment: A co-operative competency based approach to therapy and program design | Durrant
Therapeutic uses of outdoor education | Berman
Prevention of serious and violent juvenile offending | Wasserman et al
Matching therapeutic style with developmental level: A guide for child care workers | Oles
An evaluation of the effectiveness of intervention in families with children with behavioural problems within the context of a Sure Start Programme | Brown and Dillenburger
Integrated therapeutic interactions | Blase and Fixsen
Articulating a Child and Youth Care approach to family work | Jones
Child and Youth Care practice as psychotherapy | Rayment
Care is therapy | Burton
The inpatient basketball group as an alternative to group therapy: Helping the ‘bad boys’ feel good about themselves | Elias and Soth
Healing the wounded child | Niss
Building resilience and hope for the future | Jewitt
Correctional psychology with young offenders in the community: Philosophical musings | Winogron
The process of engaging with young people | Gannon
Perceptions of adolescent sex offenders: From punitive to growth promoting | Charles and Collins
The treatment of adolescent sex offenders: Growth promoting premises of residential care | Charles and Collins
The dynamics of working with sex offenders: Respect, respect, respect | Charles and Collins
Therapeutic storytelling | Burns
Care, treatment and planned environments | Daltrey
Stop and think: The application of cognitive-behavioral approaches in work with young people | Gabor and Ing
Classroom management | Van Tassell
“Good families don't...”(and other family myths) | Coleman
One child’s smile: Non-verbal approaches to cognitive therapy | Toman and Gray
Further considerations relating to Michael White’s ‘Ritual of Inclusion’ | Epston and Henwood
The EQUIP program: Helping youth see, really see, the other person | Gibbs et al
Teaching children to manage their tempers | Stein
Opening space: Towards dialogue and discovery | Sanders and Thomson
The therapeutic power of kindness | Long
Through a keyhole: An insight into play therapy | Przybylo
The power of relationship: the theoretical foundation of child-centered play therapy | Przybylo
Canaries in the coal mine | John
Working Together: Interdisciplinary Training within Live-In Treatment | O’Leary, McGill, Nagar, Colasanto, Trull and Phythian
Enhancing interprofessional teamwork between youth care professionals using an electronic health record; a mixed methods intervention study | Benjamins, de Vet & Haveman-Nies
Training for caring | Brennan
What exactly is Child and Youth Care work? | Anglin
Why train youth workers? | Baizerman
A process-oriented in-service training model for child care personnel | Powis
Child and youth care: The transition from student to practitioner | Moscrip and Brown
Training child care workers: Three essentials | Liberatore
Learning: What? How? | Van Weezel and Waaldijk
Three-day wilderness training camp for child and youth work students
Training intervention strategies to promote application of ethics learning in practice settings | Curry
Time for faculty renewal; valuing Child and Youth Care education | Seibel
KSS AND TELL: A Canadian Perspective on the Training of Child and Youth Care Workers | Kiffiak
Training the untrained | Karth
Power and empowerment | Gannon
Understanding and assessing | Steckley
Dear Student | Winfield
Practicing what we preach: The importance of consistency in staff and youth training initiatives | Schubert
Child and youth care education | Fewster
An evaluation of training in social pedagogy in Slovenia | Kobolt
Assessing learning from the inside-out | Finch
Practica experiences | Liptak
What does a Child and Youth Care practioner look like? | Phelan
Identification of difficult question domains for Child and Youth Care students | Ruttan and Denholm
Self-awareness model for training and application in Child And Youth Care | Ricks
CYC education and the ‘clinical’ debate | Gharabaghi
Preparing Child and Youth Care practitioners for the field | Fraser
How to choose a Child and Youth Care program? An investigation | Magnuson and McGrath
Training professionals working with children in care | Mangan, Nemtzov and Rask
Being competent about competence | Magnuson and Vachon
Promoting Reflective Non-Compliance | Gharabaghi
Power is naturally fearful for supervisors too | Phelan
International online Child and Youth Care education: How to train care worker groups | Rygaard
The supervisor’s responsibility and privilege to mentor new practitioners | Biedrzycki
Swallow Your Pride | Ostrowska
The Accidental Practitioner: 12 Learning Points from the Film “Short Term 12” | Kelly and Curry
The Circle of Courage and the Supervisory Relationship with Practicum Students | Lam
From Trauma to Resilience | Hotchkin
Transitions / Care Leavers
Navigating the world of work: experiences and perspectives of care leavers in China | Yin
Examining narratives of Swedish care-leaving bureaucracy from a lived citizenship perspective: framing the problem in political terms | Bečević and Höjer
Trend Effects of Being in Care, from Early to Late Adulthood: A Comparative Look at Adults Who Were in Residential or Foster Care As Children and Those Who Did Not Experience Out-Of-Home Care | Sauerwein & Graßhoff
Trajectories of homelessness and association with mental health and substance use disorders among young people transitioning from out-of-home care in Australia | Chikwava, Cordier, Ferrante, O’Donnell and Pakpahan
When young people age out of care: Foster care in a life course and network perspective | Oterholm and Höjer
First Nations Care Leavers: Supporting Better Transitions | Walsh, Turnbull, Mendes and Standfield
Examining the Mental Health Care Needs and Outcomes of Young People Transitioning from Out-of-Home Care (OOHC) in Australia | Mendes and Chaffey
Youth in Transition: Exploring a life course perspective on leaving care in Africa | Kelly, van Breda, Pinkerton, Frimpng-Manso, Chereni and Bukuluki
Youth carceral deinstitutionalisation and transinstitutionalisation in Ontario: Recent developments and questions | Mussell and Evans
Needs and Coping Strategies of Care Experienced Young People | Živković and Bulat
Male Care-Leavers' Transfer of Social Skills from Care into Independent Living in South Africa | Mmusi and van Breda
Children and young people leaving care | Cashmore and Mendes
Leaving care | Kennedy
Adolescent transitions | Borgen and Amundson
Notes on change, transformation and transition | Winfield
Leaving residential placement: A guide to intervention | Mann-Veder and Garfat
Transitions into residential placements
Making more sense of transitions | Smart
Child and youth care: The transition from student to practitioner | Moscrip and Brown
Transitions from public care to independence | Munro et al
Transitions | Smith
More than a game: Eight transition lessons chess teaches | Kennedy
Oregon initiative for reintegrating adjudicated youth | Lehman
The next twenty-four months | Gray et al
Helping at-risk youth make the school-to-work transition | Lowry
When it’s hard to leave home | Peterson
Heavy mettle: Stories of transition for delinquent youth | Yellin et al
Investing in termination: intervening with youth in the transition to independent living | Mann-Feder and White
One family’s adventures in transition | Harmon
Transitions | Perry
Self-determination: An essential element of successful transitions | Field and Hoffman
Vulnerable populations and the transition to adulthood | Osgood et al
On a new schedule: Transitions to adulthood and family change | Furstenberg
The logic of chronos: Age-based and other mandated transitions | Hare
What’s going on with young people today? The long and twisting path to adulthood | Settersten and Ray
Programs and policies to assist high school dropouts in the transition to adulthood | Bloom
Parents’ role in transition for handicapped youth: an overview | Kerka
Best practices in transition programs for youth | Deschenes and Clark
The impact of providing a continuum of care in the | Chittleburgh
Home alone | Evans
The loss of innocence | Laidlaw
To see or not to see: Hidden in plain view | Smart and Digney
Peering behind the invisibility cloak | Smart and Digney
I can see clearer now: Hoping for hope | Digney and Smart
18 to 23: The time(s) of your life | Digney
Transition | Freeman
Udayan Care’s (Sunshine Homes) After Care Program: Successful transitions from children’s home to independence | Modi et al
Ready or not: Youth aging out of care | Wiseman
Transitions and early learning | McGrath
How to Prepare the Ideal Agency Exit Strategy | Almaoui and Delano
Ready or Not: Youth Aging Out of Care | Wiseman
Experiences From Treatment for Anxiety and Depression Among Youth in Foster Care: A Qualitative Study | Moussavi, Haugland, Wergeland, Lehmann and Mæland
Autism, Stigma, and South Asian Immigrant Families in Canada | Shafi, Karunakaran and Ahmad
Adolescents in therapeutic residential care: treatment needs and characteristics | Kanestrøm, Stallvik, Lydersen, Skokauskas & Kaasbøll
Responding to children's ambiguous loss in out-of-home care: The HEAR practice model | Kor, Park, Dear, Fabrianesi
Family-Centeredness in Secure Residential Treatment and Its Relationship With Parental Involvement and Adolescent Behavioural Outcomes | Broekhoven, Blankestein, van Santvoort, Asscher, van Domburgh, Simons, Albrecht, van der Rijken, Rijnhart, Popma
Living on the Edge | Green
Overlooked ADHD patients: Girls | Carroll
Care, treatment and planned environments | Daltrey
ADHD in Adults and Families and Concurrent Disorders
Essential components in care and treatment environments for children | Maier
Self-Inflicted Violence: Helping Those Who Hurt Themselves | Alderman
Residential treatment: A resource for families | Ridgeley and Carty
Treatment of deprived children (1) | Wolff
Treatment of deprived children (2) | Wolff
Treatment programs for children with sexually problematic behaviour | Gagnon et al
Family treatment in residential homes (1) | Lasson
Family treatment in residential homes (2) | Lasson
The Treatment Plan | Phelan
Developing effective residential treatment for youth
Youth treatment as brutal 'tough love' | Chen
Difficult decisions: Lessons learned from one family's story of residential placement | Evans
Art therapy on a residential treatment team for troubled children | Mills
Perceptions of adolescent sex offenders: From punitive to growth promoting | Charles and Collins
The treatment of adolescent sex offenders: Growth promoting premises of residential care | Charles and Collins
The dynamics of working with sex offenders: Respect, respect, respect | Charles and Collins
Straining the ties that bind: Limits on parent-child contact in out-of-home care | Friesen et al
Treatment foster care and relationships: Understanding the role of therapeutic alliance between youth and treatment parent | Rauktis et al
Parenting attitudes and moral development of treatment foster parents: Implications for training and supervision | Richardson et al
The changing character of residential child care | Whittaker
Organizational tenets and actions | Krueger
Child and Youth Care organization | Krueger
Scientifically based approaches to drug addiction treatment
The utility of residential treatment programs in the prevention and management of juvenile delinquency | Billick and Mack
The unacceptable face of behaviourism | Elliot
If we are the good guys, why do we feel so bad? | Berman
Four complexities in residential treatment of juvenile offenders | Heintzelman
Supervision in addictions counseling: Special challenges and solutions | Juhnke and Culbreth
Adolescent substance abuse disorders: From acute treatment to recovery management | White et al
"Out of control": A youth perspective on secure treatment and physical restraint | Raychaba
Attacking crime or kids? Juvenile Justice at the crossroads | Larson
Rejected youth in residential treatment: social affiliation and peer group configuration | Hoff et al
Teaching children to manage their tempers | Stein
Spirituality in rehabilitation counselor education: A pilot survey | Green
Abbott and Costello meet the multi-disciplinary team | Demers and Gudgeon
Crystal methamphetamine | Lee
Thoughts on being | Schreier
Creative treatment planning at a home for troubled adolescents | Davis
From yesterday and today into tomorrow, or Henry, Fritz and friends | Garfat
Treating problem children | Hoghughi et al
Quirky brilliance in residential care and treatment | Gharabaghi
The multi-armed bandit algorithm | Magnuson and Healey
What of diagnosis and drugs? | Skott-Myhre
Children’s Treatment for Mental Health Issues | Rice and Howard
Trauma / Violence / Bullying
Child to parent violence and abuse: New Zealand’s invisible family violence | Tempest
Bullying in School from the Experiences of the Bullies: A Multiple Case Study | Torino Jr. and Compas
Bullying Victimization and Out-of-Home Care: The Role of Personal and Social Resources? | Wiemann, Werner, Konrad, Niestroj, Steden, Boecker and Lohaus
Explosive and Harmful Impulses: A Subset of Child and Adolescent-to-Parent Violence and Abuse | Rutter
‘We are on a journey’: implementing trauma informed approaches in Northern Ireland | Fargas, MacDonald, O'Neill, Walsh, Hayes, & Montgomery
Breaking the Silence: The Untold Journeys of Racialized Immigrant Youth through Family Violence | George, Medhekar, Osborne, Chaze and Cove
Learning from Older adults’ Trauma Exposure and Resilience: Children’s Perspectives from Five Majority World Countries | Yilmaz, Eruyar, Haffejee, Hassan, O’Reilly and Vostanis
What we can do about bullying | Rigby
Bullying in Schools | Banks
Facing life-sized issues: Empowering teens with problem solving skills | deBord and Gore
Finding depression behind aggression | McKay
Doing something about bullying | Elliot
Bullies and victims | O'Moore
Lack of attention the root of youth violence | Chopra
Violence and aggression in children and youth
Bullying in early adolescence: The role of the peer group | Espelage
Defusing teen rage | Shaunnessy
What to do about bullying? | Hayman
Research on youth violence: Progress by replacement, not addition | Hoagwood
School-based program to teach children empathy and bully prevention | Rock
Practical strategies for working with students who display aggression and violence | Guetzloe
Bully for them | Payne
Rituals of humiliation and exclusion | Hoover and Milner
Lost Boys: Why our sons turn to violence and how we can save them | Garbarino
Focus on after-school time for violence prevention | Patten and Robertson
Teaching emotional intelligence to impulsive-aggressive youth | Henley and Long
Preventing bullying | Lumsden
Use student-first language to stop bullying behavior | Barahal
What are the adult health consequences of childhood bullying? | McNamee
Voice of Youth
What have Children and Adolescents made of what the pandemic has done to them? | de Oliveira, Fernandes and Rodrigues Carrano
The Lived Experience of Youth in Congregate Care: Youth Perceptions of Safety, Relationships, and Support Through Qualitative Inquiry with 10 Young Adults | Parmenter, McCarthy, Benavides, Bayar, Jack and Yoon
What are Aboriginal children and young people in out-of- home care telling us? A review of the child voice literature to understanding perspectives and experiences of the statutory care system | Burns, Grace, Drake and Avery
An Analysis of Policies and Legislation Relating to Child Participation by Children by Children in Alternative Care in South Africa | Schiller, Strydom, Lombard and Rademeyer
Youth as activists in the United States | Whittaker et al
The voices of youth | Charles
Frame by frame: the lost voices from Britain’s urban hell | Briggs
Help the young make their voices heard | Blake
Alone and far from home: In the care system | Saddington
Don't make a secret of being in care | Akinsanya
Experience beyond words: Giving children a voice through poetry writing | Alexander and Shaw-Benson
They can’t stop me | Stoltie
A lasting change | Norman
Growing up in prison | Rios
The person behind the file number | Lay
Trading power for trust | Coffey
American hero(es) | Valore
My journey: From care to college | Thomas
From down-and-out to up-and-coming | Gauthier
Balance of power: Making sure youths are seen and heard | Nation and Stevenson
Kids on the street they have something to say: Survey of runaway and homeless youth | Kufeldt and Nimmo
From peer deviance to peer helping | Longhurst and McCord
Confessions of a dead girl | Chantel
Where is home? The voice of children and young persons
The next sunny day | Sampson
Thinking on good things | Hysten
From a young person’s perspective: Towards a better residential care system for youth | Chung
Transitioning from care to independence in provincial South Africa | Van Der Westhuizen and Valentine
More voices from autism in school | Marshall
Voices of Youth | Freado, Crisp, Sverdrup and Riefle