Selected Reading in Child and Youth Care
Abuse / Trauma / Violence / Bullying
Managing Masculinity When Growing up With a Violent Father: A Qualitative Study of Boys’ Experiences | Callaghan, Fellin, Mavrou, Alexander, Deliyianni-Kouimtzis and Sixsmith
Male Survivors of Institutional Child Sexual Abuse: A Review | Wyles, O’Leary, Tsantefski and Young
Child to parent violence and abuse: New Zealand’s invisible family violence | Tempest
Explosive and Harmful Impulses: A Subset of Child and Adolescent-to-Parent Violence and Abuse | Rutter
Why Didn’t Anyone Understand? Why Didn’t Anyone Ever Stand in the Way? Detecting Child Abuse in Out-of-Home care Setting: The Role of Safeguard and Protection Systems and Social Workers | Aversa and Filistrucchi
Breaking the circle: Work with young people who sexually abuse | Dobson
Preventing sexual abuse: Rescuers without resources | Loffell
Child to parent violence and abuse: New Zealand’s invisible family violence | Tempest
Bullying in School from the Experiences of the Bullies: A Multiple Case Study | Torino Jr. and Compas
Bullying Victimization and Out-of-Home Care: The Role of Personal and Social Resources? | Wiemann, Werner, Konrad, Niestroj, Steden, Boecker and Lohaus
Explosive and Harmful Impulses: A Subset of Child and Adolescent-to-Parent Violence and Abuse | Rutter
‘We are on a journey’: implementing trauma informed approaches in Northern Ireland | Fargas, MacDonald, O'Neill, Walsh, Hayes, & Montgomery
Breaking the Silence: The Untold Journeys of Racialized Immigrant Youth through Family Violence | George, Medhekar, Osborne, Chaze and Cove
Learning from Older adults’ Trauma Exposure and Resilience: Children’s Perspectives from Five Majority World Countries | Yilmaz, Eruyar, Haffejee, Hassan, O’Reilly and Vostanis
What we can do about bullying | Rigby
Bullying in Schools | Banks
Facing life-sized issues: Empowering teens with problem solving skills | deBord and Gore
Finding depression behind aggression | McKay
Doing something about bullying | Elliot
Bullies and victims | O'Moore
Lack of attention the root of youth violence | Chopra
Violence and aggression in children and youth
Bullying in early adolescence: The role of the peer group | Espelage
Defusing teen rage | Shaunnessy
What to do about bullying? | Hayman
Research on youth violence: Progress by replacement, not addition | Hoagwood
School-based program to teach children empathy and bully prevention | Rock
Practical strategies for working with students who display aggression and violence | Guetzloe
Bully for them | Payne
Rituals of humiliation and exclusion | Hoover and Milner
Lost Boys: Why our sons turn to violence and how we can save them | Garbarino
Focus on after-school time for violence prevention | Patten and Robertson
Teaching emotional intelligence to impulsive-aggressive youth | Henley and Long
Preventing bullying | Lumsden
Use student-first language to stop bullying behavior | Barahal
What are the adult health consequences of childhood bullying? | McNamee
Cries for help: A literature review of the psychological effects of child maltreatment | McPherson
Exploiting daily events to heal the pain of sexual abuse | Fox
Practical steps to protection | Mbambo
If we are the good guys, why do we feel so bad? | Berman
Who cares? Sexual abuse and street children in South Africa | Cockburn
How we can better protect children from abuse and neglect | Pelton
Institutional abuse and the rights of children and youth | Michael
Getting political | Smith
Complementing the therapist: Child care work with sexually abused youth | Oles
How we remember | Perry
Preventing child abuse and neglect with parent training: Evidence and opportunities | Barth
Recent research on child sexual abuse: Implications for child care work | Gabor
The Trauma of Sibling Abuse: A Mother's Perspective | Murray
Abuse and historic abuse in residential child care: Some thoughts about certainty | Steckley
Activities / Play / Sport / Music
Drill music: The experience and beliefs of carers supporting looked after children in residential care | Elgie, Cometson, Sales and Proudman
Types of leisure-time physical activity participation in childhood and adolescence, and physical activity behaviours and health outcomes in adulthood: a systematic review | Miller, Morley, Fraser, Gall and Cleland
Participation in organised sport to improve and prevent adverse developmental trajectories of at‐risk youth: A systematic review | Filges, Verner, Ladekjær and Bengtsen
Physical Activity and Mental Health in Children and Youth: Clinician Perspectives and Practices | Crichton, Bigelow and Fenesi
Promoting Sustainable Well‑Being Through Nature‑Based Interventions for Young People in Precarious Situations: Implications for Social work - A Systematic Review | Obeng, Kangas, Stamm, Tolvanen
Activity Groups with Children and Youth | Gannon and Karth
Activity groups: II | Involving the kids; and resources | Gannon and Karth
Let the children play | Cottle
Never too young to help | Ramsden
The challenge of outdoor activities | Donahue
Activity groups | Gannon
Enriching Children’s Out-of-School Time | Coltin
Understanding and dealing with anger | Rooth
Gulf Region Universities’ Scout Camp | Fulcher
Inclusion? | Smith
Summer camps, camp counselors and informal education | Smith
Therapeutic recreation | Roush
Child art: A brief review of the developmental stages | Martin
Horticulture therapy in a boys’ remand unit: A personal diary | Nightingale
Therapeutic application of play | Pazaratz
Art therapy on a residential treatment team for troubled children | Mills
Co-operative / Therapeutic Games
Children at play | Nel
Transforming the milieu and lives through the power of activity: theory and practice | VanderVen
’Tis the season for giving ... of yourself | VanderVen
“These kids never had a chance to be productive” ... and a new take on technology | Vanderven
You are what you do and become what you’ve done: the role of activity in development of self | VanderVen
Overprogramming for the few, underprogramming for the many | VanderVen
New perspectives on activities | Vanderven
The younger they are the harder they play | Waterhouse
Promoting physical activity and exercise among children and youth | ERIC
Why every child needs a challenge | Rollins
After-school programs | Schwartz
Youthwork as play | Baizerman
Brief notes on planning activities | Reihl
Fear in a Hat: a group interpersonal understanding exercise | Neil
Utilising metaphoric storytelling in Child and Youth Care Work | Peterson and Fontana
Hints for Program Activities | Whittaker
Program Activities | Whittaker
Play Therapy | Legault
Learning Child and Youth Care work in context: A case example | Krueger
Lunch 101 | Krueger
Better Beginnings, Better Future | Flanagan
Another look at activities | Phelan
The use of creative arts in adolescent group therapy | Rambo
Things to do | Maier
Activities developmentally in sync | Maier
Helping children to see and appreciate their world | Mitchell
Difficult or just plain bored? The use of activities as an effective management and therapeutic tool | Mitchell
What can we learn from climbing trees? | Heald
Working with play | Altman
Outward Bound | Muir
Reaching resistant youth through writing | Skramstad
Social Enterprise: An appropriate model for a Child and Youth Care organisation? | Bell and Fuller
Working with play | Bernard Altman
The resistant artist: Street art as radical youth work | Hillman
12 Fun Activity Ideas | Malczan
Addiction / Substance Use Disorders / Drugs
Improving Access to Child and Youth Addiction and Mental Health Services in New Brunswick: Implementing One‑at‑a‑Time Therapy Within an Integrated Service Delivery Model | Harris‑Lane, King, Bérubé, Burke, Churchill, Cornish, Jaouich, Michaud, Losier, Shah and Rash
Cannabis Use and Its Impact on Mental Health in Youth in Australia and the United States: A Scoping Review | Baral, Hanna, Chimoriya and Rana
Other-initiated Interactions that contribute to resilient outcomes among young adults raised by caregivers who misuse alcohol | Mushonga and van Breda
Trajectories of homelessness and association with mental health and substance use disorders among young people transitioning from out-of-home care in Australia | Chikwava, Cordier, Ferrante, O’Donnell and Pakpahan
Treatment for problematic substance use in Nordic youth: a narrative review from the viewpoint of social services | Kosonen and Kuusisto
Scientifically based approaches to drug addiction treatment
Adolescent substance abuse: Lessons from recent research | White et al
Addiction breakers | Stephens
Crystal Methamphetamine | Lee
One child's story | Talbot
Saving young from legacy of addiction | Bancroft
Breaking through addiction stereotypes | Cummings
The political addiction to tough talking on drugs has failed us all | Deacon
The nightmare of recovery | Miller
Gangs, drugs, and our kids | Chase
New rite of passage for teens may just be gambling | Schmidt
Ecstasy and our youth | Powis
Sexual minority youth and substance abuse: Addressing the issue | Knox
Talking about methamphetamine (meth) | Watt
Why images of Rachel's death may not shock youth away from heroin | Chynoweth
Teenage gambling | Ohlms
Woman reflects on difficult life on the streets | Coburn
Is harm reduction a viable choice for kids enchanted with drugs? | Laursen and Brasler
Is your child a five finger discount expert? | Peters
Young alcoholics offer advice | de Paolo
Cannabis is linked to rising child crime and harder drugs | Ford and Tendler
The Trouble With Tough Love | Szalavitz
Dealing with the grim impact of heroin | Verseckes
US: Ex-drug czar shares findings | Howe
Throwing a lifeline to tormented parents | Kemball
'Date rape' drug GHB making inroads in nation's club scene | Leinwand
Getting Frank in the war on drugs | Dick
A Killer of Families | Fox and Leukhardt
Old programs and new | Hilton
Substance abuse and counseling: A perspective | Sales
Magazine helps kids with family drug woes | de la Cruz
Study elicits ‘child’s eye’ view of methamphetamine abuse and its effects | Haight
Crystal meth | Lasting and Charles
Finding common cause in the campaign against drugs | McCaffrey
Say “No” to Drugging Your Kids | Fewster
Finding traces of everyday life in unusual places: looking beyond case files in German and Scottish residential child care | Emond, Eßer, Schäfer, Buncombe, Burns, Lucas and Magee
Digital group archives in residential childcare: an investigation into memory responsibility | Lucas, Burns, Emond and Reid
Digital Life Story Work: Linking Identity and Security for Young People in Out‑of‑Home Care |Deitz, Morley, Sutherland and Blythe
A Descriptive Study of Swedish Secure Youth Homes in Terms of Their Spatial Factors and Residents’ Individual Characteristics | Nolbeck, Wijk, Lindahl, Olausson & Thodelius
Employer Perspectives on Hiring Youth Previously Involved with Juvenile Justice: A National Survey | Unruh, Reardon, Strycker
The social and emotional wellbeing needs of Aboriginal staff in out of home care: Walking in two worlds | Lukey, Keevers, Trueman, Frith, Chandler, Rawari, Henry and Townsend
Getting serious about humanism in administration: The real unsolved mystery | Burford
Mistakes educational leaders make | Bulach et al
What child care administrators need to know about work on the front line | Samjee et al
The importance of leadership | Maier
Teams in Child Care agencies | Resnick
Child Care Workers and the stage of development of their group home: An organizational secret | Resnick
Planning the daily programme | Burton
Communication skills for leaders | Irmsher
Time management for teams | Lee
Working with a multicultural staff | Weaver
Worker–Management Relations: A Child Care Worker's perspective | Harrison
Let us be | Smith
Shared leadership | Doyle and Smith
I like it here: Making an agency a great place to work | Smiar
Burnout | Lewandowski
Staff morale | Lumsden
Supporting paraeducators: A summary of current practices
Why can't we get anything done? | Pfeffer
Old programs and new | Hilton
Diagnosing organisational conflict: Key questions to ask | Osler
Meetings, decisions, changes | Stein
Burnout | Stein
The importance of facility maintenance | Stein
10 principles of management | Stein
Hiring staff | Stein
Evaluating a Child Care Programme | Cockburn and Giles
Definitions and theories of leadership | Ward
Transformation through staff development | Schubert
Planning staff meetings | Carter
The role of the Manager in Child Care Work | Atmore
The perspectives of “difficult” students on belonging and inclusion in the classroom | Ellis et al
Caring for the Caregivers | Kerins
The perils of planning | Forster
Need and risk and how to tell the difference | Artz et al
Listening: A neglected skill in communicating with co-workers and management | Resnick
Problems between departments | Resnick
The built environment and child care work (1) | Resnick
Careless to caring for troubled youth: A caregiver’s inside view of the youth care system | Krueger
Things are looking up: Positive signs for child and youth work | VanderVen
The role of the middle manager in residential programs | van der Sande
Confronting legal risk in voluntary Child and Youth Care organizations | Forster
The leadership challenge for human services agencies | Gaffley
Relationships between staff as a function of job satisfaction | Walton
Involving staff in decision making | Clough
The Change Codes | Flower
Volunteers: Effective management | Sterling
The impact of organizational culture in Child and Youth Care agencies | Nadesan
“Child care workers should be seen and not heard …?” | Demers
Organisation and leadership (1) | van Weezel and Waaldijk
Organisation and leadership (2) | van Weezel and Waaldijk
Organisation and leadership (3) | van Weezel and Waaldijk
Death of a child care worker | Schreier
Administration of a children's organisation: Concepts and guidelines (Part 1) | Pawson
Administration of a children's organisation: Concepts and guidelines (Part 2) | Pawson
Administration of a children's organisation: Concepts and guidelines (Part 3) | Pawson
Residential Child and Youth Care is fundamentally about team work | Fulcher
Replacing coercive power with relationship power | Boldt et al
Are you managing? The effective management of anxiety in residential settings | Macleod
Collaboration isn’t rocket science: It’s harder and worth the effort! | Kukic
The irreplaceable value of colleagues in relational care | Freeman
Respect, love, and system change | Freeman
A model for Child and Youth Care leaders for excellent decision making | Delano
Some thoughts on Child and Youth Care leadership | van der Westhuizen
Assault and the employer | Lodge
Foster Care Leads to Lower Irritability Among Adolescents with a History of Early Psychosocial Deprivation | Niu, Buzzell, Cosmoiu, Fox, Nelson, Zeanah and Humphreys
The Social and Emotional Impacts of Children and Adolescents in Foster Care | Gappi Elad, Tremper and McNamara Barry
How Adolescents in Residential Care Perceive their Skills and Satisfaction with Life: Do Adolescents and Youth Workers Agree? | Gallardo‑Masa, Sitjes‑Figueras, Iglesias, Montserrat
The Impact of Social Media on the Mental Health of Adolescents and Young Adults: A Systematic Review | Khalaf, Alubied, Khalaf and Rifaey
The impact of family support and organization on adolescents during school closure under Covid-19 lockdown regulations in an area of South Africa | Kvalsvig, Taylor, Watt, Desmond
Eleven survival ideas for adolescents | Gordon
Adolescence is not a medical condition | Baizerman and Erickson
Attachment to parents and adjustment in adolescents: Literature review and policy implications | Doyle et al
Hardcore Punk: Hidden lineages, hidden traditions: Evocations of a youth subculture shown by youth | Skott-Myhre, H.
One child care worker’s approach to resistance in adolescents | Stock
Learning to cope with stresses and strains (1) | Konopka
Learning to cope with stresses and strains (2) | Konopka
Adolescent development and delinquency | Roush
Growing up female: Navigating body image, eating, and depression | Graber and Brooks-Gunn
Parent-child communication, perceived sanctions against drug use, and youth drug involvement | Kelly
Working with Adolescent Girls in a Residential Treatment Centre | Matheson
Adolescence: Not Just for Kids | Stepp
Adolescents and adults: Why working together seems impossible | Baizerman
Adventure boosts empowerment | Howell
Stages of social-emotional development in children and teenagers | Erikson
Who are the kids who self-harm? An Australian self-report school survey | de Leo and Heller
Is harm reduction a viable choice for kids enchanted with drugs? | Laursen and Brasler
Supporting girls in early adolescence | Rothenberg
Aliens and adolescence | Skott-Myhre
Teenage gambling | Ohlms
Peer influences and positive cognitive restructuring | Tate
Correlates of therapeutic involvement among adolescents in residential drug treatment | Hawke
Adolescent sexual offenders: an overview | Charles and Mcdonald
An attachment-based parenting program for caregivers of severely conduct disordered adolescents | Moretti et al
The journey from control to connection | Leaf
Facing life-sized issues: Empowering teens with problem solving skills | DeBord and Gore
Rejected youth in residential treatment: social affiliation and peer group configuration | Hoff et al
Self-esteem: Not just for after-school specials | Walton
The girl in the hood (and how we drew her out) | McGeady
Catch it low to prevent it high: Countering low-level verbal abuse | Goldstein
Why a community needs its adolescents | Baizerman
Attachment representations of adolescents in institutional care | Schleiffer and Muller
Fundamental processes for interventions: Working with high-risk adolescents and their families | Ballantyne et al
Violent parenting, violent children | Pantin
We can work it out: weight training with adolescents | Gudgeon
What makes the difference? Adolescent females’ stories about their suicide attempts | Crockwell and Burford
Reversing the cycle of despair | Kennedy
Perceptions of adolescent sex offenders: From punitive to growth promoting | Charles and Collins
The treatment of adolescent sex offenders: Growth promoting premises of residential care | Charles and Collins
The dynamics of working with sex offenders: Respect, respect, respect | Charles and Collins
Growing up: The development challenge of leaving home | Levine
The causes and correlates of delinquency | Thornberry et al
Children's home revisited | Berridge and Brodie
Troubled young people: How can we love them? | Degregorio
Equipping youth with mature moral judgment | Gibbs
The effects of corporal punishment | Robinson
Being my personal best | Vidal
Restoring Self-Esteem in Adolescent Males | Hendel
My own hero | Maas
Creating Healthy, Guided Rites of Passage for Adolescents | Neill
Translating Research into Intervention | Moretti et al
The First Few Years in a Journey to Finding my Sense of Self | Carty
Assessment / Outcomes
Challenges when Combining Expertise to Provide Integrated Care for Youth At-Risk and Their Family: A Qualitative Study | Veerman, Mulder, Vermeiren, van Domburgh, van der Maas and Nooteboom
The impact of parental phubbing on social withdrawal in preschool children: the serial mediating roles of parent–child conflict and negative emotions | Zhang and Wang
Child maltreatment in young adults with residential youth care background: Prevalence and post-placement trends | Åsen, Schalinski, Lehmann, Lydersen, Von Oertzen and Klæboe Greger
Differences in ambulance attendances between children with and without an identified history of out-of-home-care | Baldwin, Baidawi, Grove, Lam, Ogeil, Nehme, Faulkner, Beard, Lubman and Scott
Diminishing their voice through choice? How ‘selfplacing’ in out-of-home care affects children and young people’s participation in decision-making | Venables, Cullin, Ellem & Healy
Relationship between Adverse Childhood Experiences, Coping Styles, and Posttraumatic Growth | Nanda
Personal Resources, Well-Being, Internalizing and Externalizing Symptoms of Youth in Out-Of-Home Care | Dunkel, Rueth, Wiemann, Werner, Konrad and Lohaus
Trend Effects of Being in Care, from Early to Late Adulthood: A Comparative Look at Adults Who Were in Residential or Foster Care As Children and Those Who Did Not Experience Out-Of-Home Care | Sauerwein & Graßhoff
Comparison of Systems and Outcomes for Safeguarding Children in Australia and Norway: A Decade of Rapid Change | Kojan, Russ, Skrove and Lonne
Supporting older youth in care: The role of caregivers | Cullen
Pathways of Care: A longitudinal study of children in care in Australia | Cashmore, Wulczyn, POCLS Team
Improving Outcomes for Youth Aging Out of Foster Care by Increasing the Age and Quality of Care | Portnoy
Surviving Childhood: Health Effects of Removing a Child From Home | Helensdotter
Taking Into Care – In The Child's Best Interest? The German Youth Welfare Office is under criticism from the European Parliament | Ballhorn and Holzheimer
‘I never win’: How children and staff in residential facilities experience meaningful participation | Slaatto, Baugerud, Mellblom
A Scoping Review of Mental Health and Wellbeing Outcome Measures for Children and Young People: Implications for Children in Out‑of‑home Care | Jacobs, Power, Davidson, Devaney, McCartan, McCusker and Jenkins
Risk of school exclusion among adolescents receiving social care or special educational needs services: A whole-population administrative data cohort study | Jay, McGrath-Lone, De Stavola, Gilbert
The Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences on the Future of Our Youth | Cobb
For-profit outsourcing and its effects on placement stability and locality for children in care in England, 2011–2022: A longitudinal ecological analysis | Bach-Mortensen, Goodair and Barlow
Interventions to Support Children’s Recovery From Neglect – A Systematic Review | A. L. Jackson, M. Frederico, H. Cleak and B. D. Perry
ADHD in Adults and Families and Concurrent Disorders
Ethics doesn’t belong here | Charles
Evaluating a child care programme | Cockburn and Giles
Strong families, strong children: A family-focused crime prevention program | Morrison et al
Differential assessment of residential group care for children and young people | Fulcher
Looking beyond evidence-based practice | Stein
Personal care and treatment planning | Burford
Reporting, assessment and research in child care practice: A personal account of discovery | McDermott
“Whole days, whole lives: Building competence in the child care environment” | How do you know when your programs are working? | Ameen and Mitchell
Evidence-based cynicism | Gharabaghi
The right place for assessments | Phelan
The assessment of children | van der Westhuizen
Authentic assessment for restorative outcomes | Doerr
Key developmental assets for children and young people in foster care | Fulcher et al
Weighing the evidence: from chaos to consilience | Brendtro and Mitchell
Outcomes, complexities and German stories | Gharabaghi
Expectations and outcomes | Smart and Digney
Does measuring ‘care outcomes’ help to improve services? | Coady
Assessment, uncertainty and confidence | Steckley
How do I know if I am doing a good job | Phelan
Putting in and getting out: Better inputs better outcomes | Smart and Digney
The use of group data in Child and Youth Care practice | Magnuson
Talking about evidence in Child and Youth Care practice | Gharabaghi
Why you should worry about clinical judgment and interviews | Magnuson
The pragmatic youth worker: Idiographic evidence-based practice (EBP) | Magnuson
Supporting older youth in care: The role of caregivers | Cullen
What’s on your mind? The effects of an attachment-based intervention on residential youth workers’ reflexive functioning | Carvalho, Ferreira, Santos, Costa, Matos and Mota
“She has saved my life on many occasions”: care-experienced young women’s reflections on the significance of pets and the impact of loss | Muldoon and Williams
“You’re in my heart while we’re apart”: Reflections on working with parents of children in care | Swann
Attachment | Bowlby
John Bowlby on human attachment | Hoover
Attachment and youth at risk | Tomlinson
Attachment to parents and adjustment in adolescents: Literature review and policy implications | Doyle et al
Establishing meaningful contacts with children and youth | Maier
Relationship | Maier
The life span in care practice | Maier
Genuine child care practice across the North American continent | Maier
Attachment and development | Maier
Establishing meaningful contacts with children and youth | Maier
Attachment and attachment behaviors | Maier
Development of greater attachment | Maier
Interpersonal dependence | Maier
An attachment-based parenting program for caregivers of severely conduct disordered adolescents | Moretti et al
Mary Ainsworth: Our Guide To Attachment Research | Grossman and Grossman
Attachment representations of adolescents in institutional care | Schleiffer and Muller
The biology of behavior: The attachments and affects of adjudicated youth | Boss and Masiker-Nickel
Getting research in to practice: Healing damaged attachment processes in infancy | Newman and McDaniel
Kissing the frog:Severe attachment disorder development from early childhood to puberty | Rygaard
Infant child care | Howes
Attachment and placed children | Gray
“All he wants ... ” | VanderVen
Daring to try again: The hope and pain of forming new attachments | Lanyado
Detachment/attachment | Krueger
Relational-based interventions | Hackney and Macmillan
Caring interaction | Weiner
Five Critical Processes for Positive Development | Bronfenbrenner
Attachment | Koroll
Direct care practitioners as promoters of child development | Ainsworth
Placement Disruption in Treatment Foster Care | Smith
Promoting successful close interpersonal relationships in adolescence | Markiewicz
A pedagogy of belonging | Beck and Malley
Authentic Attachments | Fellers
The resilience of children in care: The influence of adult attachment figures | Boneke
Relational Complexity | Phelan
Direct care practitioners: As promoters of child development | Ainsworth
Drill music: The experience and beliefs of carers supporting looked after children in residential care | Elgie, Cometson, Sales and Proudman
The impact of parental phubbing on social withdrawal in preschool children: the serial mediating roles of parent–child conflict and negative emotions | Zhang and Wang
Caregivers on point: a randomized treatment–control prevention trial for foster and kinship caregivers to reduce behavior challenges among children in foster care | Beal, Zion, Mara, Patel, Bettencourt, Breitenstein, Vaughn, Greiner and Ammerman
Relationships between behavior symptoms and academic performance in out-of-home care children who are Aboriginal | Hindman, Rowland and Hassmen
Juvenile Delinquency as a Form of Coping in Broken Home Children | Alfatares, Thariq, Ramadhan, Komang and Muthmainah
Youth Who Have Lived in Alternative Care in Nigeria, Zambia, and Zimbabwe: Mental Health and Violence Outcomes in Nationally Representative Data | Neville, Okunoren and Crea
On the Risks of Outreach | Garfat
They're out of control | Garfat
Overlooked ADHD patients: Girls | Carroll
Self-Inflicted Violence: Helping Those Who Hurt Themselves | Alderman
How can staff cope with disruptive children? | Walton
Janusz Korczak: The fervent diagnostician | Waaldijk
Hate-motivated behaviour | Hatchuel
Let them express anger? | Gannon
Let the punishment fit the crime?
Swearing, aggression and temper outbursts | Lennhoff
Lying and pilfering | Lennhoff
Co-creating positive futures for troubled kids | Powis
Living on the Edge | Green
Understanding and dealing with anger | Rooth
The power of peers | Paul
“All he wants ... ” | VanderVen
Why are kids acting so mean ? “Hurt feelings do really hurt” | VanderVen
The scope of girls' delinquency and crime | Weiler
Angry children: Do we limit a child's emotional range? | Wakeling
Parenting without punishment: Making problem behaviour work for you | Maag
Controlling my temper | Bogle
Violence and aggression in children and youth
All behaviour serves a purpose | Garfat
Sharks, mice and bears: A group-counselling experience with adolescents | Polischuk and Collins
The biology of behavior: The attachments and affects of adjudicated youth | Boss and Masiker-Nickel
Our troubles with defiant youth | Redl
Heart notes from a Child and Youth Care worker | Rose
Controls from within: The enduring challenge | Brendtro and Long
Developmental pathways as rites of passage | Garrison
Practical strategies for working with students who display aggression and violence | Guetzloe
Why adults strike back: Learned behavior or genetic code? | Long
Controlling or managing behavior: A crucial decision | Phelan
Beyond the behavior | Melvin et al
Practical tools for positive behavior facilitation | Olive
Teaching emotional intelligence to impulsive-aggressive youth | Henley and Long
Points, level systems and teaching responsibility | Henley
I can’t hold it in forever: Connecting with a youth in pain | Freado
Anger management: An overview for counselors | Hogan
Manipulative behaviour or assertiveness? | Pragnell
Ritual of Inclusion: An approach to extreme uncontrolled behaviour in children and young adolescents | White
Redirecting pathways to violence: Early identification of risk factors in children | Carney et al
Calming together: The pathway to self-control | Bath
Responding to the temperamentally difficult child | guidelines for a proactive approach | Brooks
Self-regulation through goal setting | Schunk
Self-efficacy and the construction of an optimistic self | Bandura
The Meaning of Behavior | Schubert
Normal Kids | Stein
Feedback, Criticism, and Praise | Stein
Keys | Steckley
The Passive Aggressive Conflict Cycle | Whitson
From Desert through Jungle into the Flourishing Garden | de Moor
Of Haka and Hugs: Displays of Threat and Love | Digney and Smart
Pardon me, Do you have a cold or flu? Or are you just a “sneezaholic”? | Fox
Bridging Experiences | Steckley
The “Born” Enigma | Smart and Digney
Crisis and Connection: Pain and healing in group care | Smart and Digney
Dancing Lessons | Skott-Myhre
Revisiting Pervasive Shame | Steckley
Pain | Steckley
Understanding The Relationship I Have With Children | Drawdy
The Narrative Fallacy | Magnuson
I Have this Cat | Steckley
Renaming, reflecting and apologizing | Phelan
Glorifying suicide? Radical encounters with difficult texts, radical approaches to youth care | Greensmith and Kroese
Renaming, reflecting and apologizing | Phelan
First Aid for the Soul (Part 1 of 3) | Krüger
Nonverbal Miscommunication | Spencer
First Aid for the Soul (Part 2 of 3) | Krüger
First Aid for the Soul (Part 3 of 3) | Krüger
You / Me / Us: Thoughts on boundary management in Child and Youth Care | Mann-Feder
Boundary realities from the wisdom of female youth in residential treatment | Richmond
Professional relationship boundaries and Child and Youth Care practitioners | Davidson
Boundary management: The key to preventive work | Lindsay
Child and youth care family support work | Phelan
Systems and boundaries | Hopkinson
Working across boundaries in group care practice | Hopkinson
Reaching beyond caring to loving in Child and Youth Care Practice | Ranahan
Un-professionalism in Child and Youth Care: “What were they thinking?” | Gahwiler
The Team Meeting: Act III: A Short Three-Act Play | Krueger
Thinking about relationships in group care | Beedell
Ode to joy | McArter
Developmental stages of Child and Youth Care Workers: An interactional perspective | Garfat
Social spaces: private and public | McGowan
Freedom and choice | Carlson
Boundaries and Relationship | Stuart
Making a reflective relationship-based decision: A Letter | Samakosky
The Down and Dirty Essentials of Professional Boundary Terminology | Richmond
Thinking about Boundaries | Phelan
CYC boundaries that create influencing | Phelan
Boundary dynamics for relational Child and Youth Care practitioners | Phelan
More on boundary dynamics | Phelan
Children's Rights
Protective factors promoting participatory rights for early childhood children in residential care facilities in Harare, Zimbabwe | Baloyi, Pillay and Munongi
Children's rights in residential settings | Waaldijk
The three P's of children's rights: Provision, protection and participation | Bardy
The rights of children and youth in care
A vision for the 21st century | UNICEF
Rights of children are still violated | Kennedy
Listening to children, speaking for children | Cousins et al
The implementation and enforcement of human rights | Viviers
Rights of South African children to be extended
Optimism in dark times | Mitchell
Janusz Korczak’s Declaration of Children's Rights
New Zealand: Youth spell out right to be recognised | Gregory
South Africa: Vote is a milestone for defence of rights | Jamieson
Children and adults | Smith
Children’s rights and wrongs | Smith
Institutional abuse and the rights of children and youth | Michael
The magic beanstalk: Youth empowerment and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child | Anglin
Children's rights | Sandbaek
Needs and rights | Axford
Vulnerable citizens: The oppression of children in care | Snow
Supporting the religious and spiritual needs of looked-after and accommodated children in Scotland | Barratt
A child rights-based approach in Child and Youth Care practice at the community level | Collins
A Brief Background to Children’s Rights | Collins
Implementing and monitoring children’s | Collins
My First Few Years in Children’s Rights cultures/society | Collins
After the Tragedy in New Zealand: A Brief Children’s Rights Response | Collins
International and Canadian Child Rights Partnership (ICCRP) | Collins et al
Children’s Rights and the South African Child and Youth Care and Youth Conferences | Collins
A Personal Reflection on the 30th Anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child | Collins
The Role of the Church in Reintegration of Street Children into Their Families in Lusaka District | Daniel
“Being, Like, Their Parents Throughout Their Lifetime” — House Parents' Perceptions of Their Role in the Family-Style Group Care | Ben-Shlomo, Levin-Keini and Langfeld-Satat
A Place to Feel at Home? An Exploratory Study of the Perceived Living Environment in Home- Like Groups, Family-Style Group Homes, and Traditional Residential Youth Care | Riemersma, Zijlstra, Kalverboer, Post & Harder
‘You’re Investing in People … It’s Not a Race. It’s Not a Rush’: Youth Care Worker Emotional Labour in Inner-City Neighbourhoods Across Canada | Enkhtugs and Walby
Childhood Experiences of Alternative Care and Callousness/Unemotionality: A Conceptual Model, Scoping Review, and Research Agenda | Pasalich, Aquilina, Hassall, Goulter, Xyrakis and Khoo
Multiculturalism in Child and Youth Care programmes | Kirkland and du Toit
Community youth work | Krueger
The school as a hub: Best practice model for child and youth work | Kelly
On the difference between traditional and contemporary residential care | Garfat
From soup kitchen to community programme | Scott
The rest of Canada: Child and youth care work in rural communities | Gilberg and Charles
A call to action to strengthen our community for youth
A community approach to reducing risk factors | Chibnall and Abbruzzese
Community mental health in an alternative school, in the public schools, and in the kitchen! | Long et al
Strengthening community capacity: Expanding the vision | Barter
Working with young offenders in the community: Philosophical musings | Winogron
Oregon initiative for reintegrating adjudicated youth | Lehman
A residential treatment community | Lennhoff
Students and teachers develop a resource manual for safe and caring schools | Jeary
Better beginnings, better futures | Flanagan
The natural environment as an element in a therapeutic community treatment programme | Gale
Ontario: Facing substance abuse in the region | Kerr
Reclaiming Juvenile Justice for the 21st Century | Moeser
Police striving to deal with diversity | O'Connor
The Child and Youth Care “SWAT team” and other thoughts on the future of our profession | McDermott
Mentoring: A prevention, diversion, alternative sentencing and reintegration model | Mbambo
What exactly is Child and Youth Care work? | Small and Dodge
Gangs, drugs, and our kids | Chase
“Back to the shop floor” | Smith
What do we mean by 'developmental'? III | Gannon
Positive peer groups: “Helping others” meets primary developmental needs | Quigley
Strong families, strong children: A family-focused crime prevention program | Morrison et al
The classroom community model | Panico
Care workers and community health | Griffin
Overcoming adversity through community schools | Harris and Hoover
The therapeutic community at work | Bloomfield
Why a community needs its adolescents | Baizerman
Child and youth care family support work and the Isibindi projects | Phelan
Promoting resilience in youth through facilitating leisure engagement in self-determined community-serving projects | Delamere et al
Community homes leadership, care and treatment in a planned environment | Daltrey
The question of community involvement | Skott-Myhre
Serving the Community | Urban
Working with emotions in social work practice. A pride-building model for institutional care of young people | Jansson and Gunnarsson
Elements of Communication Competence in Encountering Traumatized Adolescents in Substitute Care | Leinonen, Kaittila, Alin, Vornanen, Karukivi, Kraav and Anis
The Sage Hill program for competency promotion | Durkin et al
Beyond the Tip of the Iceberg: Five Stages Toward Cultural Competence | Hanley
Cultural competence in child welfare | McPhatter
Community Mental Health in an alternative school, in the public schools, and in the kitchen! | Long et al
Residential treatment: A resource for families | Ridgely and Carty
Empowering Children With Chores | Kahlenberg
Discipline in action: some requirements and characteristics | Fox
How adults learn | Muller
Child and youth care: The transition from student to practitioner | Moscrip and Brown
Child and Youth Care Education: Perspectives in Transformation | Demers
Interpersonal and group life in Residential Care: A Competence-centered, Ecological Perspective | Maluccio
Promoting social competence: Implications of work with mentally retarded children and adults in residential settings | Reiter and Bryen
The forgotten intervention: How to design environments that foster friendship | Overton
Adolescent transitions | Borgen and Amundeon
Towards a common denominator in effective group care programming: The concept of the modifying environment | Beker and Feuerstein
Articulating a Child and Youth Care approach to family work | Jones
Conflict / Resistance
Managing violence | Roush
Normal is a Normal does | Stuart
Beyond conflict, custody and alienation | Dodds
Diagnosing organisational conflict: Key questions to ask | Osler
More is "caught" than taught | Foraker-Thompson and Edmunds
Managing conflict: supervisory skills and strategies (1) | Gabor and Ing
Managing conflict: supervisory skills and strategies (2) | Gabor and Ing
Over the net: Encouraging win-win solutions through conflict resolution | Addison and Westmoreland
Respectful discipline: The control game exploring oppositional behavior | Hewitt
Relationships between staff as a function of job satisfaction | Walton
Ripples and rumbles: Towards peaceable school communities | Dovey
Towards mutual understanding in our schools | Tyrell
How to wage peace: the skills of principled negotiation | Lantieri
Multicultural educators as change agents | James-Edwards
Suffer not the children, after divorce | Watkin
Discipline as supportive control | Curtis
Rediscovering Pinocchio | Nass
Supervisee resistance | Bradley and Gould
Maintaining personal integrity and morality in a community home | Walkley
Teaching respect and responsibility | Lickona
Teaching conflict resolution | Olive
Response ability pathways: Restoring bonds of Rrspect | Brendtro and du Toit
Controls from within: The enduring challenge | Brendtro and Long
From coercive to strength-based intervention | Brendtro
An attachment-based parenting program for caregivers of severely conduct disordered adolescents | Moretti et al
Relationships between staff as a function of job satisfaction | Walton
One child care worker’s approach to resistance in adolescents | Stock
Conflict resolution education: preparing youth for the future | Crawford and Bodine
Why adults strike back: Learned behavior or genetic code? | Long
On minding and not minding. Providing a therapeutic space for children and young people | Crawford
Problem children: Views of A.S. Neil of Summerhill | Skidelsky
Combat or Cooperation? | Tate and Copas
Pain and Shame | Digney and Smart
The Passive Aggressive Conflict Cycle | Whitson
Cultural / Indigenous Practice / First Nations
Understanding the Wellbeing Needs of First Nations Children in Out-of-Home Care in Australia: A Comprehensive Literature Review | Garvey, Carter, Anderson, Gall, Howard, Venables, Healy, Bill, Letendre, Dickson and Garvey
The S.E.L.F. Framework for Keeping Children Connected to Their Culture in Out-of-Home Care | Karatasas, Noujaim, Conley Wright & Chapman
Supporting Indigenous Youth to Live with Continued Resilience, Meaning and Hope | Sutherland, Sutherland, Minde, Rondeau, Nielssen and Flemons
Relationships between behavior symptoms and academic performance in out-of-home care children who are Aboriginal | Hindman, Rowland and Hassmen
What are Aboriginal children and young people in out-of- home care telling us? A review of the child voice literature to understanding perspectives and experiences of the statutory care system | Burns, Grace, Drake and Avery
Does Virtual Reality Training Increase Mindfulness in Aboriginal Out‑of‑Home Care Children? |Rowland, Hindman, Jomeen and Hassmén
Restoring Children From Out-of- Home Care: Insights From an Aboriginal-Led Community Forum | Newton, Gray, Cripps, Falster, Katz, Chiswell, Wellington, Ardler, Frith, Jones, Kent and Tong
Aboriginal Children Placed in Out-of-Home Care: Pathways Through the Child Protection System | Lima, O’Donnell, Gibberd, Falster, Banks, Jones, Williams, Eades, Harrap, Chenhall, Octoman & Eades
Canadian Federal Policies and the Inuit Youth Suicide Crisis Trauma and Reconciliation | Kwiatek
Identifying key dimensions of indigenous led child welfare services: A qualitative literature review | Paki Paki, King, Tainui, Maniapoto, Lewis, Walker, Mackay, Rangitihi, Anderson, Amante and Kemp
First Nations Care Leavers: Supporting Better Transitions | Walsh, Turnbull, Mendes and Standfield
Care Experience, Ethnicity and Youth Justice Involvement: Key Trends and Policy Implications | Hunter, Francis and Fitzpatrick
The social and emotional wellbeing needs of Aboriginal staff in out of home care: Walking in two worlds | Lukey, Keevers, Trueman, Frith, Chandler, Rawari, Henry and Townsend
Rituals of Encounter that Guarantee Cultural Safety | Fulcher
Child care and education in the Bible | Reisenberger
Introducing my son: An Indian father's plea | Lake
Straight talk about racism | Kirkland
National Youth Policy: Concepts | United Nations
A place of honour for everyone in the family | Sohoni
Multiculturalism in Child and Youth Care Programmes | Kirkland and du Toit
More is "caught" than taught | Foraker-Thompson and Edmunds
Our children are the hope of the world | Hill
A novel charcteristic of role model choice by black male students | Jones
Children with no childhood | Chelala
Critical components of an anti-oppressive framework | Moore
Research on youth violence: Progress by replacement, not addition | Hoagwood
Multicultural practice in youthwork | Whittaker
Child and Youth Care Institutions: Melting pots or cookie cutters? | Weaver
Exploring the function of heroes and heroines in children's literature from around the world | Singh and Lu
Youth as activists in the United States | Whittaker et al
How important is youth worker training? | Bennett
Pueblo | Krueger
Reflecting on conferences, playgrounds, camps and churches | Krueger
Cultural zooming: From close-up to panoramic | Kelly
Our next big challenge: Genuine cultural SELF self awareness | Newbury
Differing values | Smith
Intergenerational learning and social capital
The early days of a better nation | Smith
The next generation of antipoverty policies
Stimulate this! | Gharabaghi
Trends in media use | Roberts and Foehr
Planting Seeds of Peace with Arab and Israeli Youth | Shapiro
Caring for ‘Our Kids’ | Skott-Myhre
Unplugged: Life without social media: A qualitative exploration | Nader et al
Notes on caring under the society of control | Skott-Myhre
The effects of orphanhood on scholastic performance among primary school learners in Mankweng of Limpopo Province, South Africa | Magampa, Sodi, Lunga and Sobane
Go back to which home? The ‘pedagogy of dreams’ as a contribution to the deinstitutionalization of children and young people in South Brazil | Schüssler D’Aroz
A group care framework: The benefits of group care settings in Israel | Tischler
Now You Have Woken the Children | Skott-Myhre
Redefining policies: Black youth participation and critical civic praxis | Edwards
They’re trying to wash us away | Skott-Myhre
Transitions into capitalism and the market-based | Gharabaghi
No Perfection, No Purity | Skott-Myhre
Child and Youth Care Fragility | Vachon
A shameful crisis | Freeman
Resolution regarding immigrant children | Association for Child and Youth Care Practice
Scoundrels, scumbags and downright idiots | Gharabaghi
Refusing band-aids: Un-settling “care” under the carceral settler state | de Finney et al
Honoring the Child’s Unique Song | John
How to Survive in Dark Times | Skott-Myhre
It’s Only a Matter of Time: Cross-Cultural Reflections | Fulcher
The Nativity Play | Cockburn
Us Too: The Impact of Social Media on Youth in the Post #Metoo World | Timmons
An introduction to food and children’s rights | Collins
White Fragility and Me | Skott-Myhre
Using the ‘AS*IF’ Framework to Engage in a Relational Encounter and Create Cultural Safety | McIntyre
Of Dreaming Wild Dogs: Singing Up | Skott-Myhre
I Am Rohingya: A Genocide in Four Acts | Marshall
Erasure | Skott-Myhre
White supervision | Spencer
OK Boomer | Goodwin
CYC: The Profession
Uncharted Thresholds for a Fledged Child and Youth Care Profession | Swanzen
The Professionalisation of Child and Youth Care: Perspectives of Child and Youth Care Workers in eThekwini, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa | Zondeka and Sibiya
A professional field? Educational attainments, gender and age among staff in Swedish residential care | Pålsson, Andersson, Shanks, Wiklund
Challenges Experienced by Child and Youth Care Workers in CYC Centres Working with Children | Mhizha and Nhedzi
What exactly is Child and Youth Care work?
The Field of Child and Youth Care: Are We There Yet? | Freeman
The Child and Youth Care Workers: Who needs them? | Linton and Forster
What's in a Name?: Exploring Title Designations in Child and Youth Care in Ireland | McElwee and Garfat
The Year-2000 model: Child and Youth Care Worker User's Manual | Allsopp and Gannon
What exactly is Child and Youth Care work? | Anglin
Child and Youth Care: A unique profession | Anglin
Qualities of a Child and Youth Care worker | Nightingale
Life space work, Child and Youth Care work, residential work: Is this a Profession? | van Weezel and Waaldijk
Developmental stages of Child and Youth Care Workers: An interactional perspective | Garfat
The Medical Model is Alive and Well and Killing Child and Youth Care | Fewster
Reflections of my journey in Child and Youth Care | Naidoo
Philosophy and principles of Child and Youth Care | Lewis
Challenges facing the Child and Youth Care profession | Hoffman
“Child care workers should be seen and not heard …?” | Demers
Abbott and Costello meet the Multi-Disciplinary Team | Demers and Gudgeon
The ‘IF’ of Child and Youth Work professionalization | VanderVen
A clash where professional philosophy meets practice | Kipling
When youth ends: A new focus for the field | VanderVen
Extending Child and Youth Care to serve the life span: A new look at concepts and practice | Barnes
Child and youth care as a profession | Hardy
The profession that never was | Fewster
A new light in old darkness | Fewster
What we do (and don’t do) | Phelan
Lost in translation: Who should look after children in the care system? | Millar
If I was starting my career this week, I would ... | Phelan
The profession called Child and Youth Care work | Phelan
Youth-worker training: Teaching and learning from an international perspective | Bowie
Dream a little, dream a lot | Stuart
The quest for professionalization | Stein
Moving around vs. moving on | Fox
Reflections on progress | Gharabaghi
Optimism and the future of Child and Youth Care | Freeman
Who wants to be a Child and Youth Care practitioner? | Phelan
Tilting at windmills: The professionalization of Child and Youth Care | Skott-Myhre
Exploring professional attitudes | Stuart
Not so small anymore! | Gharabaghi
The Nash Equilibrium and advancing Child and Youth Care? What's the connection? | VanderVen
Of lineages and callings | Skott-Myhre
Catching up: Child and Youth Care and the 21st Century | Skott-Myhre
21 Hours | Gharabaghi
Changing scenes in California’s system for youth in care | Freeman
Flotsam or jetsam: Claiming the wreckage | Digney and Smart
CYC in the 21st Century: A Radical Proposition | Skott-Myhre
Not where you work but what you do | Gannon
Central themes in Child and Youth Care | Krueger
From a technical rational to a moral practical knowledge base for Child and Youth Care | Smith
Notes on the transfiguration of the field | Skott-Myhre
Speaking the disagreeable truth | Ricks
The agenda of Child and Youth Care | political or individual? | Modlin
Of lessons learned and those relearned | Smart and Digney
CYC: A false dichotomy | Skott-Myhre
Mentorship, boundaries, friendship and love | Gharabaghi
Looking at the past and creating our future | VanderVen
Falsify that theory | Magnuson
What do you believe? | Freeman
Child and Youth Care Conferences: Learning, connecting and making memories | McGrath and Pope
A system in crisis: Violence and Child and Youth Care | Skott-Myhre
Legitimacy in Child and Youth Care practice | Gharabaghi
Embracing dual roles in Child and Youth Care: Researcher and practitioner | Pirnasar
How wounded are our healers? | Smart and Digney
A ‘hidden’ agenda: Or was it? | Smart and Digney
Neuroscience, Child and Youth Care, and constructive conversations | Newbury
Congruence and collective meaning making of relational Child and Youth Care practice | Ward
Professional identity dynamics | Phelan
Reflections from the “Building a Community of Practice” International Conference write on community of practice | Holden et al
Why are we so white? | Gharabaghi
Sharing wounds: Trauma in organizations | Tatum and Freeman
A response to “Why are we so white”: A West-Indian/Indo-Caribbean Canadian practitioner | Batasar-Johnie
Studying Child and Youth Care is more than just theory | Doidge and Moreau-Robitaille
A second language for every Child and Youth Care | Gharabaghi
How to ask for help | Magnuson et al
Moving on into a new world | Gharabaghi
The lost spaces in Child and Youth Care | Gharabaghi
Professionalization through doing | Gharabaghi
A Dedicated Child and Youth Advocacy Space | Gharabaghi
What’s Wrong with Professional Consultations? | Magnuson
A year of great consequence | Gharabaghi
Twenty Years of Connections | Gharabaghi
The moment Lola changed everything | Gharabaghi
Don’t Believe What We Tell You | Magnuson and Healey
Racialized Students as Educational Tools in Child and Youth Care Post-Secondary Education | Hassan and Gharabaghi
South Africa, Again and Again | Gharabaghi
Understanding Where We Stand: The View of a Child and Youth Care Student | Sharpe-Schmid
Trouble will happen | Magnuson
Let’s Talk About Money | Gharabaghi
What’s love got to do with it? How to stabilise children in public care with cost-effective quality | Maginn
The Roller Coaster Profession | Lodge
Re-Launching Child and Youth Care Practice | Gharabaghi
Intersectional Collegiality | Skott-Myhre
Facing Assault | Lodge
Re-Launching Child and Youth Care Practice | Gharabaghi
A Historical Moment | Lodge
Uplift the Children’s Voice | Lodge
Four Questions for 2020 | Gharabaghi
An Endangered Profession | Barrie Lodge
Pain and All the Rest | Skott-Myhre
CYC Conferences: Reflections, Insights and Suggestions | McGrath
Laplace and the Probability of Everyday Life | Magnuson
Supporting Disagreeable Team Members | Phelan
On Conferencing | Goodwin
Juvenile Delinquency as a Form of Coping in Broken Home Children | Alfatares, Thariq, Ramadhan, Komang and Muthmainah
Risk and Protective Factors and Interventions for Reducing Juvenile Delinquency: A Systematic Review | Aazami, Valek, Ponce and Zare
The causes and correlates of delinquency | Thornberry et al
The scope of girls' delinquency and crime | Weiler
Treatment of delinquent children | Wolff
What works in the prevention of youth crime? | Mendel
Cross-national study on the attitude of normal and juvenile youngsters towards social limits | Strijker and Rink
Interpersonal and Group Life in Residential Care | Maluccio
Maintaining personal integrity and morality in a community home | Walkley
From bedtime stories to jail cells: A tale of a lost childhood | Branswell
Adult too soon: Age-sensitive interventions with delinquent girls | Loper
They call them maladjusted | Hill
Developmental pathways as rites of passage | Garrison
Adolescent offenders with mental disorders | Grisso
National implications in juvenile justice: The influence of juvenile mentoring programs on at risk youth | Belshaw and Kritsonis
Holding kids accountable: Shaming with compassion | Campbell and Revering
Helpful juvenile detention | Roush
Management issues | Roush
Adolescent development and delinquency | Roush
Rethinking youthful defiance | Redl
The rise of the child-saving movement: A study in social policy and correction reform | Platt
Positive peer culture | Vorrath and Brendtro
Biographical outline of August Aichhorn | Eissler
A community approach to reducing risk factors | Chibnall and Abbruzzese
Storytelling | Woodard
New approaches to truancy prevention in urban schools | Walls
Developing empathy in children and youth | Cotton
Violent crimes by girls rising, but the reasons why remain unclear | Twohey
Peer influences and positive cognitive restructuring | Tate
Delinquent or simply resilient?: How "problem " behaviour can be a child's hidden path to resilience | Ungar
Attacking crime or kids? Juvenile Justice at the crossroads | Larson
Reclaiming our prodigal sons and daughters | Larson and Brendtro
The Child and Youth Care Workers: Who needs them? | Linton and Forster
Research on youth violence: Progress by replacement, not addition | Hoagwood
Strong families, strong children: A family-focused crime prevention program | Morrison et al
Four complexities in residential treatment of juvenile offenders | Heintzelman
An attachment-based parenting program for caregivers of severely conduct disordered adolescents | Moretti et al
Students with disabilities in correctional facilities | Quinn et al
Reclaiming the unreclaimable | Seita and Brendtro
Working with adolescent girls in a residential treatment centre | Matheson
Understanding the female offender | Cauffman
Fritz Redl: Matchmaker to Child and Environment – A Retrospective | Wineman
Kids on the street they have something to say: Survey of runaway and homeless youth | Kufeldt and Nimmo
Trading power for trust | Coffey
Detached youthworkers | Morse
More Mr Lyward’s Answer | Burn
Strong families, strong children: A family-focused crime prevention program | Morrison et al
Protective factors promoting participatory rights for early childhood children in residential care facilities in Harare, Zimbabwe | Baloyi, Pillay and Munongi
Child protection and developmental trajectories of
children who entered care as infants |
Taplin, Maclean, Octoman, Grose, O’Donnell
Investigating the impact of Out-of-Home Care on early childhood development | Lanais, Gnanamanickam, Maclean and Segal
The Professionalisation of Child and Youth Care: Perspectives of Child and Youth Care Workers in eThekwini, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa | Zondeka and Sibiya
Relationship between Adverse Childhood Experiences, Coping Styles, and Posttraumatic Growth | Nanda
Working with emotions in social work practice. A pride-building model for institutional care of young people | Jansson and Gunnarsson
Cognitive Functioning of Children in Out-of-Home Care | Eiberg
Direct care practitioners: As promoters of child development | Ainsworth
Stages of social-emotional development in children and teenagers | Erikson
The experience of separation | Lennhoff
Understanding TV's effects on the developing brain | Healy
Child art: A brief review of the developmental stages | Martin
Attachment and development | Maier
Developmental group care of children and youth | Maier
China meets new challenges in child development | Nanlan
Direct care practitioners as promoters of child development | Ainsworth
Management perspectives and their potential in staff development and training | Diamond
Deprivation and education | Pringle
The needs of children | Pringle
The changing character of residential child care | Whittaker
The effects of state care on children’s development: new findings, new approaches | Vorria et al
Adolescent development and delinquency | Roush
Learning from nursing about youthwork | Baizerman
Adolescents and adults: Why working together seems impossible | Baizerman
The morality of the school: The theory and practice of values in education | Bottery
Care, treatment and planned environments | Daltrey
Transforming the milieu and lives through the power of activity: theory and practice | VanderVen
What do we mean by 'developmental'? (1) | Gannon
What do we mean by 'developmental'? (2) | Gannon
What do we mean by 'developmental'? (3) | Gannon
Equipping youth with mature moral judgment | Gibbs
Five critical processes for positive development | Bronfenbrenner
John Bowlby on human attachment | Hoover
Young children’s emotional development and school readiness
The spiritual dimension in Child and Youth Care work | Jackson
Attachment representations of adolescents in institutional care | Schleiffer and Muller
Working with play | Altman
Linking youth development and positive psychology | Pittman
Central themes in Child and Youth Care | Krueger
Belonging | Steckley
Emotional attachments motivate children’s language mastery | Stephens
The development of children ages 6 to 14 | Eccles
Encouraging young children's writing | Maehr
Media and children’s aggression, fear and altruism (1) | Wilson
Media and children’s aggression, fear and altruism (2) | Wilson
The role of parents in the development of peer group competence | Moore
Communication problems of deprived children | Van der Ross
Talking to kids about the news | Abraham
Creating safe spaces for feelings | Winfield
Hope and the imagination | Kohl
Boys will be boys | Laidlaw
The power of peers | Paul
Thinking about vulnerability | Gharabaghi
What do children think of themselves? | Stein
Every child needs a home | Stein
Talking about death | Laidlaw
On revelation and recognition | Cottle
Let the children play | Cottle
Developing a sense of place and time | Freeman
Working in dark places | Freeman
The drive to thrive: Lighting the fire | Strother et al
A new conceptualization of development in Child and Youth Care | Amorim
Living life today | Gannon
The kids are us | Skott-Myhre
Child and youth empowerment through sports | Saqlain
I am the young person who impacts me | Skott-Myhre
How Much Sleep Do We Need? | Karns
Prioritizing Free Play is Essential for Childhood Development | Spicer
Breakfast is Served: How School-time Meal Programs Can Support Child Development | Fraser
The Growth of Love | White
Placing Children with Disabilities with Adoptive Families | Brown and Selwyn
A Longitudinal Mixed‑Methods Characterization of Family Support from Adolescence to Young Adulthood in Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities | Schiltz, Clarke, Rosen, Gomez De La Rosa, Masjedi, Christopher and Lord
Digital citizenship of children and youth with autism: Developing guidelines and strategies for caregivers and clinicians to support healthy use of screens | Mayer, Cohen-Eilig, Chan, Kuzyk, Glodjo and Jarus
Successes with autism | Kaufman
Reverse mainstreaming: Helps normal children learn about autism | Donnelly
The forgotten intervention: How to design environments that foster friendship | Overton
ADHD: Remembering the Skinner box | Stein
Exercise an alternative approach to the treatment of ADHD | Putnam and Copans
Basic needs; special needs: Implications for the classroom teacher | Redl
Old labels, new labels, and the difference between a ‘label’ and a ‘noun for a disease’ | Redl
The teacher's additional predicament | Redl
Supporting paraeducators: A summary of current practices
Are early childcare providers ready for inclusion? | Valadie
Adolescent offenders with mental disorders | Grisso
Building a sense of belonging: The PALS program | McNeil
Parents’ role in transition for handicapped youth: an overview | Kerka
All children should know joy: Inclusive, family-centered services for young children with significant disabilities | Thompson et al
Vulnerable populations and the transition to adulthood | Osgood et al
Understanding attachment and loss in young people with complex needs | Grant et al
Reconnecting takes faith | Simon
The role of a psychologist in helping a child with learning disability in India | Louis
Building autism assets | Sarahan and Copas
Autism: Two practicum questions
Non-verbal children with autism
CYCs and ASDs: a Child and Youth Care approach to autism spectrum disorders | Bristow
What real inclusion for kids with autism looks like | O'Grady
Identity-first or person-first language?
BIDing and autism | Bristow
Who cares? The politics of disability | Jackson
Establishing relational care to support young people living with disabilities | Marshall and Thorn
Voices of autism in school | Marshall
Nurturing belonging: (Re)centering Indigenous perspectives on disability | Adams
Inclusion in sport: Supporting the complimentary use of assistive technologies | Steel
From blaming to belonging: Re-examining our approach to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder | Hellard
Speech and language delay/disorder in early childhood | Liao
Universal design for learning: Background and applications in North America | Saunders
Online accessibility for post-secondary students with disabilities | Kotzian
The crack in everything | Skott-Myhre
Child and youth care, disability and some cautions | Gharabaghi
More voices from autism in school | Marshall
Gabe and I | Cicogna
On Praising Inclusion in Childhood Settings | Côté
Autism and Therapies | Getty
A Comparison of Juvenile Misconduct in Residential Facilities in Florida by Gender | Ponce and Scott
Discipline in action: some requirements and characteristics | Fox
Teachers or taunters: The dilemma of true discipline for direct care workers with children | Fox
Pardon me, Do you have a cold or flu? Or are you just a “sneezaholic”? | Fox
Humor and discipline | Mendler and Mendler
Helping schools say “Yes” to children who say ‘‘No” | Osterhouse and Lowe
Beyond obedience: A discipline model for the long term | Curwin and Mendler
Six strategies for helping youth move from rage to responsibility | Curwin and Mendler
The Educational Philosophy of St. John Bosco | Morrison
Discipline as supportive control | Curtis
Points off | Garfat
What I Learned from the threat of punishment | Garfat
Classroom management | van Tassell
Zero tolerance: The school woodshed | rhonda
Negative effects of corporal punishment on children | Banda
Restrictions: Lesson learned | Stein
Consistency: Myth vs. reality | Stein
More about consistency | Stein
The effects of corporal punishment | Robinson
What is wrong with beating children? | Naker
Treatment of delinquent children II | Wolff
Ending corporal punishment in all spheres | Waterhouse
The Circle of Courage | Samjee
Rethinking the effectiveness of suspensions | Sautner
Teacher and Child: A book for parents and teachers | Ginott
Antidote for zero tolerance: Revisiting a “reclaiming” school | Farner
Teaching respect and responsibility | Lickona
The tools of encouragement | Evans
Punitive and non-punitive discipline and subsequent rule-following in young children | Toner
The perspectives of “difficult” students on belonging and inclusion in the classroom | Ellis et al
Limit setting | Sutton
Divisions between behaviour management and therapy: Towards new directions of authority in Child and Youth Care | Vanderwoerd
"Teach me don’t punish me" | Fine and Tomlinson
Ending corporal and other forms of humiliating punishment of children | Waterhouse
Practical tools for positive behavior facilitation | Olive
Respectful discipline: The control game exploring oppositional behavior | Hewitt
"Our hands are tied" | Gannon
Time out on time out | Glenn
Punishment | Phelan
Principle-centered discipline | Laursen
Punishment or self-discipline? Early roots of reform | Kreisle
Punishment | Steckley
Disruption repair: A key element in setting boundaries and limits | Steckley
On punishments | Lennhoff
Bully bully! | VanderVen
Education / Training
Raising post-secondary education participation of young people transitioning from care: The effects of extended legislative support | Tootell and Harvey
How peer relationships affect academic achievement among junior high school students: The chain mediating roles of learning motivation and learning engagement | Shao, Kang, Lu, Zhang and Li
Enhancing interprofessional teamwork between youth care professionals using an electronic health record; a mixed methods intervention study | Benjamins, de Vet & Haveman-Nies
The educational experience of young people in residential care through the lens of learning careers | Marion and Tchuindibi
Rendering Services in Child and Youth Care Centres: Experiences and Challenges of Social Workers | Phaswana and Erlanks
Exploring strategies for re-engaging children and young people in learning while living in out-of-home care in the Northern Territory, Australia | Roche, Dunk-West, Otarra, Taylor and Moss
The problem of learning | Lennhoff
How to teach the unteachable | Ciaccio
Paulo Freire | Smith
Deprivation and Education I | Pringle
Deprivation and Education II | Pringle
Making Letters | Holt
Take-home lessons | Silvis
Antidote for zero tolerance: Revisiting a “reclaiming” school | Farner
Young children’s emotional development and school readiness
Supporting paraeducators: A summary of current practices
Aims in education | Dewey
The risks of rewards | Kohn
The limits of teaching skills | Kohn
New approaches to truancy prevention in urban schools | Walls
Teaching character | Walters
Educational best practice or malpractice: Our choice | Van Bockern and Wenger
Soul-filled teaching and learning | Van Bockern
Check and connect: The role of monitors in supporting high-risk youth | Christenson et al
Mary Carpenter | Smith
Teaching respect and responsibility | Lickona
Constructive alternatives to punishment
Heroes and pioneers: Kindness | Bosco
Brockton's struggle to keep students in school requires truant officer to blend vigilance, sympathy | Coleman
Being my personal best | Vidal
Community Mental Health in an alternative school, in the public schools, and in the kitchen! | Long et al
Lifelong learning | Smith
From post to pillar | Fleetwood
How adults learn | Muller
Alternative programs for at-risk students: wolves in sheep’s clothing? | Sagor
Ending corporal punishment in all spheres | Waterhouse
The tools of encouragement | Evans
Helping schools say “Yes” to children who say ‘‘No” | Osterhaus and Lowe
What are we going to do today? | Molepo
From Barbed Wire to Geraniums | Paton
A pedagogy of belonging | Beck and Malley
Students and teachers develop a resource manual for safe and caring schools | Jeary
Overcoming adversity through community schools | Harris and Hoover
Multicultural educators as change agents | James-Edwards
Why try cooperative learning? | Lyman and Foyle
Classroom management | Van Tassell
Towards a curriculum for more appropriate education for out-of-school children | Pease
The kid underneath: Discovering hidden potential | Olive
Helping students feel they belong | Hewitt
Alternatives to expulsion: Houston's school of last resort | Allen and Edwards-Kyles
Journal writing in experiential education: Possibilities, problems and recommendations | Dyment and O'Connell
Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) | Ullrich
Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi (1746-1827) | Soetard
Alexander Sutherland Neill (1883-1973) | Saffange
Outdoor, experiential and environmental education: Converging or diverging approaches? | Adkins and Simmons
Using instructional design strategies to foster curiosity | Arnone
Bruno Bettelheim (1903-1990) | Zelan
Helping underachieving boys read well and often | Schwartz
Benjamin Bloom (1913-1999) | Eisner
How to be a turnaround teacher | Benard
Teacher mentoring as professional development | Huling
Teaching students to overcome frustration | Henley
Seven keys to motivating difficult students | Mendler and Curwin
Grit: A skeptical Look at the latest educational fad | Kohn
Ikamva Youth: How a simple tutoring programme can make a difference
Ensuring inclusion of children from marginalised communities in India | Dewanji
Personal experiences with social justice in Child and Youth Care practice | Bristow
Relational Child and Youth Care teaching | Phelan
The Child and Youth Care waltz: For Brian Gannon | Skott-Myhre
School’s Out. Forever! | Gharabaghi
The First Few Seasons: Reflections from a Rookie Child and Youth Care Educator | Hillman
First Few Years as a Child and Youth Counsellor in a School Board | King
The Importance of Including Children’s Rights in Child and Youth Care Education | Collins and Ahmadzai
E-learning for Young People in Care | Saqlain
Purpose and Mattering
as Dimensions of Meaning for Young People in Residential
Care from Romania |
Bunea and Cojocaru
Saying Hello | Garfat
Making memories | Egan
Doing with ... | Garfat
Establishing meaningful contacts with children and youth | Maier
Situations in Child and Youth Care: Liz | Maier
Engage don't enrage | Maier
The use of everyday events in Child and Youth Care work | Garfat
Do nothing, nothing changes | Garfat
Sitting with Jason | Garfat
On hanging-out (and hanging-in) | Garfat
Transforming the milieu and lives through the power of activity: theory and practice | VanderVen
You are what you do and become what you’ve done: the role of activity in development of self | VanderVen
Close enough? Professional closeness and safe caring | Kendrick and Smith
Hanging out | Somasundram
Don't touch | Smith
Which Way to Paradise? | Garfat
Soup | Steckley
Reflections on role modelling | Steckley
Journal entries of a Child and Youth Care worker | Rose-Sladde
“Too Old For Crafts?” | Rose
Child and Youth Care Work as dance | Krueger
Lunch 101 grilled cheese | Krueger
Going there from being here | Fewster
Valued Child and Youth Care worker qualities in relationships with young people | Weisman
Relationships: What is it we do? ... It is what we do! | Weisman
Engaging with youth making it happen | Gannon
The process of engaging with young people | Gannon
Purposeful engagement | Gannon
Relationships we have to begin somewhere! | Gannon
Ignoring | Gannon
A four-step blueprint for building relationships with difficult youth | Larson and Brendtro
Building buffers against risk factors looking at engaging and strengthening families | Mbambo
Listening in on what others do, as we seek to develop additional ways of helping art holds a key
Being yourself | Mitchell
What are we going to do today? | Molepo
The tools of encouragement | Evans
How we can foster resiliency in children | Berliner and Bernard
Survey claims children in care miss out | Davies
Activity groups: II – Involving the kids; and resources | Gannon and Karth
Fostering intergenerational relationships for at-risk youth | Freedman
The self as subject in Child and Youth Care supervision | Mann Feder
Trading power for trust | Coffey
Reaching out/reaching in: The long-term challenges and issues of outreach programs | Bocarro and Witt
Treat children with respect and you'll get it straight back | Aynsley-Green
Five critical processes for positive development | Bronfenbrenner
‘Just because’ interventions: Engaging hard-to-reach students | Winter and Haines-Burnham
“In confidence”: Understanding and applying principles of ‘daily life events’ during a tragedy | Donnelly and Digney
Characteristics of a Child and Youth Care improviser: Approaching with “Yes, and ...” | Vachon
Characteristics of a Child and Youth Care improviser: Attend, accept, and advance | Vachon
Memory, creativity, and spontaneity: Characteristics of | Vachon
The new priests | Charles
Philosophy and principles of Child and Youth Care | Lewis
Ethical dilemmas in Child and Youth Care practice: Our code of ethics reflects our cultural values | Ricks
Seven international ethical principles for people working with children and young people
The Medical Model is Alive and Well and Killing Child and Youth Care | Fewster
Taking care of our professional Code of Ethics | Winfield
Core values and principles of a training and development professional | Curry
The training and development professional's ethical responsibilities to clients | Curry
Training and development professional’s ethical responsibilities as a professional | Curry
Training to promote ethical practice | Curry
Training intervention strategies to promote application of ethics learning in practice settings | Curry
Ethics | Smith
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all: The need for moral courage in these times | Ricks
Ethics is hot ... so what! | Greenwald
Beyond good and evil: Towards an a-moral youth work practice | Skott-Myhre
Machinery, myths and individuals | Steckley
A brief history of (residential child care) ethics | Smith
What are we doing? | Skott-Myhre
Exploring professional attitudes | Stuart
Social Media and Ethics | Lodge
The Role of the Church in Reintegration of Street Children into Their Families in Lusaka District | Daniel
Family Support, Resilience, and Life Goals of Young People in Residential Care | Alves, Relva, Costa and Mota
Effects of non-resident fathering on children: A case of selected households in the Hillcrest community, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa | Makosa, Tanga and Ekobi
Family-centred practice and family outcomes in residential youth care: A systematic review | Tang, de Haan, Kuiper and Harder
The impact of family support and organization on adolescents during school closure under Covid-19 lockdown regulations in an area of South Africa | Kvalsvig, Taylor, Watt, Desmond
Family-Centeredness in Secure Residential Treatment and Its Relationship With Parental Involvement and Adolescent Behavioural Outcomes | Broekhoven, Blankestein, van Santvoort, Asscher, van Domburgh, Simons, Albrecht, van der Rijken, Rijnhart, Popma
Children’s perspectives on contact with birth parents: a mixed-methods systematic review | Huseby-Lie
Preparing Agencies and Workers for Family Contract Services | Vanderven and Stuck
Winning, losing, or process in work with families? | Gannon
Residential treatment: A resource for families | Ridgely and Carty
Working with families: A reflection | Migliaccio
Difficult decisions: Lessons learned from one family's story of residential placement | Evans
Relationships between child behaviour problems and family functioning: A literature review | Van As and Janssens
Fundamental processes for interventions: Working with high-risk adolescents and their families | Ballantyne et al
Family secrecy: a comparative study of juvenile sex offenders and youth with conduct disorders | Baker
Families | Howard
Articulating a Child and Youth Care approach to family work | Jones
“Good families don't ...”(and other family myths) | Coleman
Winning, losing, or process in work with families? | Gannon
Walk a mile in my shoes | Bryan and Southern
The same difference: Themes and experiences in Child and Youth Care practice | Elsdon and Priest
Values and attitudes in family work | Dimotoff
Family treatment in residential homes (1) | Lasson
Family treatment in residential homes (2) | Lasson
The Child Care Worker as a facilitator of family treatment | Wilson
Family engagement practices in residential group care: differences between public and private cases | Johnson
Delivering Family Support Services in Rural Ireland | Manktelow
Residential Child Care Workers as primary agents of family intervention | Garland
Building buffers against risk factors looking at engaging and strengthening families | Mbambo
Roles and relationships in the residential unit | Davis
My place or yours? Inviting the family into Child and Youth Care practice | Fewster
Beyond conflict, custody and alienation | Dodds
Some thoughts on using an ecosystem perspective | Phelan
An explanation of family support work | Phelan
Child and youth care family support work | Phelan
A look at the place of heritage in care work | Goodwin
Who are we working with? A short history of Child and Youth Care involvement with families | Garfat
On the difference between traditional and contemporary residential care | Garfat
Some reflections on a Child and Youth Care approach to working with families | Garfat and McElwee
Involving families: An illustration | Modlin
Intervention in the home: A case study | Bass
The role of home-visiting programs in preventing child abuse and neglect | Howard and Brooks-Gunn
Straining the ties that bind: Limits on parent-child contact in out-of-home care | Friesen et al
On the outer circle: Reaching homeless families | McCrary et al
Life stories: We’re all in this together | Huff and Slaton
Family reunification | Wulczyn
Capabilities and contributions unwed fathers | Lerman
Parents and the Children’s Home | Samakosky
Fragile families and child wellbeing | Waldfogel et al
From soup kitchen to community programme | Scott
Work and the family: The impact of job loss on family well-being | Dunlop
Teaching conflict resolution skills to families | Ing and Gabor
Declaring war on children | Fewster
Reflections on a Child and Youth Care approach to working with families | Garfat and Charles
The habits of highly effective families | Covey
Lessons learned about (and from) families | Jamieson
The joys of being a sibling | Laidlaw
Strengthening fragile families | McLanahan et al
The dialectic of care: familial and institutional dimensions in a residential treatment setting | Latus
Connecting with practice in the changing landscape of family support training | Dolan et al
Young carers: Children caring for family members living with an illness or disability | Harstone et al
Moments of growth in Child and Youth Care | Freeman
Being with families in moments of opportunity | Freeman
The M Family – like any other? | Kreiner
Reunion | Steckley
Infants may not be able to speak but their voice is important | Davidson
Some interesting research on Child and Youth Care family practice | Phelan
A Population-Based Analysis of Birth Rates and Placement Patterns Among Care-Experienced Young Women in New South Wales, Australia | Gill and Luu
Conflicts with Friends and Romantic Partners: Qualitative and Quantitative Analyses of the Experiences of Girls in Care | Chan, Wincentak and Connolly
‘We Need to Tackle Their Well Being First’: Understanding and Supporting Care-Experienced Girls in the Youth Justice System | Staines, Fitzpatrick, Shaw and Hunter
The scope of girls' delinquency and crime | Weiler
Working with Adolescent Girls in a Residential Treatment Centre | Matheson
Should girls have access to the pill over the counter? | Davis and Kirby
Growing up female: Navigating body image, eating, and depression | Graber and Brooks-Gunn
If we are the good guys, why do we feel so bad? | Berman
Work with girls | Anderson
Boys or girls – pick your victim | Sacks
Shelter is a safe haven for runaways | Jackson
The challenge of outdoor activities | Donohue
Helping girls in detention | McHugh
For working girls, an innocence lost | Stockman
Supporting girls in early adolescence | Rothenberg
Adult too soon: Age-sensitive interventions with delinquent girls | Loper
The big question: Why are girls committing more crime, and should we be alarmed? | Morris
The causes and correlates of delinquency | Thornberry et al
Self-esteem: Not just for after-school specials | Walton
The needs of children | Pringle
The alternative Africa: Street children in Ghana | Shanahan
Understanding the Female Offender | Cauffman
Serious conduct problems among girls at risk: Translating research into intervention | Moretti et al
Living elsewhere: Stories of successful women who lived in group care as girls | Kreider
Foster / Kinship Care
Navigating Relationships with Birth Family After Aging Out of Foster Care: Experiences of Young People | Havlicek, Holland and Taussig
Grit, Social Support, and Academic Success of Youth Formerly in Foster Care | Stevenson and Saulnier
Caregivers on point: a randomized treatment–control prevention trial for foster and kinship caregivers to reduce behavior challenges among children in foster care | Beal, Zion, Mara, Patel, Bettencourt, Breitenstein, Vaughn, Greiner and Ammerman
Growing up in Kinship Care | Celcis
Kinship and Foster Caregivers’ Perspectives on the Need to Tailor Parenting Programs: A Qualitative Study | Freehling, Berset, Fox, Greiner and Beal
Foster Care Leads to Lower Irritability Among Adolescents with a History of Early Psychosocial Deprivation | Niu, Buzzell, Cosmoiu, Fox, Nelson, Zeanah and Humphreys
Experiences From Treatment for Anxiety and Depression Among Youth in Foster Care: A Qualitative Study | Moussavi, Haugland, Wergeland, Lehmann and Mæland
Family foster care or residential care: the impact of home environment on children raised in state care | Bardits and Kertesi
The Role of African Spirituality in the Provision of Kinship Care in the South African Context | Mshayisa, Bhagwan and Dewan
When young people age out of care: Foster care in a life course and network perspective | Oterholm and Höjer
Being a parent, but not: A grounded theory of home-based care | Cooper, Sadowski and Townsend
Improving Outcomes for Youth Aging Out of Foster Care by Increasing the Age and Quality of Care | Portnoy
The Social and Emotional Impacts of Children and Adolescents in Foster Care | Gappi Elad, Tremper and McNamara Barry
The Effect of Family Foster Care vs. Residential Group Care on Educational Attainment | Bolvig and Thorsager
Promoting Healthy Relationships in Foster Care — “If I Had Seen What a Healthy Relationship Looks Like, that Would Have Changed My Perspective” | Ball, Hoefer, Ding, Sevillano and Faulkner
A Longitudinal Analysis of Concerning Psychotropic Medication Regimens Among Adolescents in Foster Care | Palmer, Herd, Swanson, Felt and Font
Foster parents' potential to rescue the foster care system | Gerring
Learning to Cry Out Loud | Cregan
Human costs of foster care | Russo
Young people's experience of long-term foster care | Kristindottir
The experiences of early adolescents in foster care in New York City: Analysis of the 1994 Cohort | Ross et al
Authors foster emotion in 'On Their Own' | Kanigher
'But that's not what I meant': Meaning-making in foster care | Garfat
Life story book weaving together the strands | Rossouw
Youth who chronically AWOL from foster care: Why they run, where they go, and what can be done | Finkelstein et al
Foster care's changing picture | Harvey
Adulthood a challenge for many leaving foster care | Healy
Stands Scotland where it did? Perspectives and possibilities for Child and Youth Care | Smith
Foster care placements | Vanderfaeille et al
Treatment foster care and relationships: Understanding the role of therapeutic alliance between youth and treatment parent | Rauktis et al
How we can better protect children from abuse and neglect | Pelton
Study suggests ways to help foster kids | Elias
Flaws in the screening process for foster parents | Thompson
Young offenders to foster care
Longer foster care better? | Poertner
"Out of control": A youth perspective on secure treatment and physical restraint | Raychaba
My foster mother is my best friend
Foster kids grab reins of plans for their lives | Markey
'The hardest part of foster care was the loneliness'
New study says crowded dockets prolong foster care | Stack
Odds stacked against wards of the court | Adams
Treatment of deprived children | Wolff
Canada: More than 20,000 await adoption, but most remain wards of the state | Papp et al
Birth parents’ connection with their children in foster care | Maier
Residential care with evacuated children: Lessons from Clare Winnicott | Kanter
A better life for foster youth | Vickrey
Child welfare and foster care: Looking to the future | Badeau
Transitions | Perry
Frustration, hope are themes of new book | Caminiti
Independent or indigent: What's next after foster care? | Varner
Fundamental processes for interventions: Working with high-risk adolescents and their families | Ballantyne et al
An attachment-based parenting program for caregivers of severely conduct disordered adolescents | Moretti et al
Out of home programs: A global overview | Hayden
A daily life approach to foster care | Fulcher and Garfat
Safety and stability for foster children: A developmental perspective | Harden
Don’t give up | Abraham
The rusty nail | Abraham
At the kitchen table | Leggett and Morrow
The Time When | Leggett and Morrow
Growing up in the care of strangers | Seita and Brown
Key developmental assets for children and young people in foster care | Fulcher et al
Pushing foster care into national consciousness | Hartman
Women’s Lives | SOS mothers tell their stories 1 | Demuth er al
Women’s Lives | SOS mothers tell their stories 2 | Demuth et al
Women’s Lives | SOS mothers tell their stories 3 | Demuth et al
Significant Stress and Real Rewards: The Ecological and Ambiguous Experiences of Foster Parents | Whiting and Huber
Gangs, drugs, and our kids | Chase
In gangs we trust: A close-up of the new induction | Blankstein and Sandoval
Rites of passage | Pinnock
Judge looks for ways to stem violence | Scott
Being my personal best | Vidal
Wannabe: Gangs in suburbs and schools | Monti
The immigrant gang plague | Macdonald
The wrong way to fight gang crime | Velazque
Schools should not be left to tackle gang problem, says report | Lipsett
Growing up in prison | Rios
The scope of girls' delinquency and crime | Weiler
Anything but child's play | Pearlman
Gangs replace parents as role model for Scots kids, warns shock new report | Stewart
Inside-out: How technology links youth in prison with their 'peers' outside | Weaver and Borchert
What works in the prevention of youth crime? | Mendel
Boys and guns: In search of money, power and respect | Clacherty and Kistner
Opportunities to stop girls drifting into gangs are being missed, study finds | Khan
An overview of research on girls and violence | Weiler
Negative effects of joining a gang last long after gang membership ends
Another path: Can school-based gang prevention programs | Esbensen et al
Contradictions and antagonisms | Skott-Myhre
Intuition is not Enough: Matching Learnings with Practice in Therapeutic Child Care | Howard
Groups and groupwork | Harte
Rejected youth in residential treatment: social affiliation and peer group configuration | Hoff et al
Why try cooperative learning? | Lyman and Foyle
The use of creative arts in adolescent group therapy | Rambo
Working with groups in residential settings | Biolsi and Gitelson
Understanding the resident group | Edmond
Group and regroup | Gannon
Large groups, bulk discount | Gannon
Extending Child and Youth Care to serve the life span: A new look at concepts and practice | Barnes
The Child Care Worker as a primary practitioner | Barnes
Interactive youth and family work | Krueger
Peer influences and positive cognitive restructuring | Tate
Gisela Konopka and Youthwork | Andrews
How adults learn | Muller
Sharks, mice and bears: A group-counselling experience with adolescents | Polischuk and Collins
The challenge of outdoor activities | Donohue
Teams in Child Care agencies | Resnick
Developmental supervision in residential care | Magnuson and Burger
Verbal management of contagious behavior | Adams
Helping students feel they belong | Hewitt
Rather than fixing kids build positive peer cultures | Laursen
Investing in termination: intervening with youth in the transition to independent living | Mann-Feder and White
Reaching out/reaching in: The long-term challenges and issues of outreach programs | Bocarro and Witt
The Other 23 Hours: Child Care Work with Emotionally Disturbed Children in a therapeutic milieu | Whittaker
Healing the wounded child | Niss
Residential life with children | Beedell
Positive peer culture: Tapping an invaluable resource | Wasmund
Social-class variations in the teacher-pupil relationship | Becker
Mixed age groups in group care
Treatment in cottage programs for children with severe developmental disturbances | Dowling
Uncharted Thresholds for a Fledged Child and Youth Care Profession | Swanzen
A vision for the 21st century | UNICEF
Patterns of child-rearing | McKerrow
Boys – the dear wretches | Father George Potter
Looking back 80 years: Father George Potter
A History of Child and Youth Care | Gannon and Beukes
Mr Lyward's Answer, Chapter 1 | Burns
More Mr Lyward’s Answer, Chapter 2 | Burns
More Mr Lyward’s Answer, Chapter 3 | Burns
Children of the Maybole Ragged School | Law
The Montessori method | George
Ragged Schooling | Dickens
Mary Carpenter | M. K. Smith
Stands Scotland where it did? Perspectives and possibilities for Child and Youth Car | Smith
Kurt Hahn and activities | Skidelsky
Ha'penny | Paton
An historical perspective on residential services for troubled and troubling youth in Canada | Charles and Gabor
Benjamin Bloom 1913-99 | Eisner
Heroes and pioneers of Child and Youth Care work | Brendtro
My pedagogic creed | Dewey
Janusz Korczak’s Declaration of Children's Rights
But what of practice? | Hart
Problem children: Views of A.S. Neil of Summerhill | Skidelsky
The Maelstrom, 1850-1900 | Stroud
The Shorn Lamb | Stroud
Detached youthworkers | Morse
Growing up in an orphanage led to success | Augustin
Our identity from 50 years of education | McDermott
Child management | Hoghughi
Reflections on an international experience | Allsopp
Talking about Child Care Work | Redl
Residential care with evacuated children: Lessons from Clare Winnicott | Kanter
George Lyward: Anger of a therapist | Auster
The global situation of youth | UN Report
Bruno Bettelheim (1903-1990) | Zelan
Youth-worker training: Teaching and learning from an international perspective | Bowie
Five women of the 20th century
Children as scapegoats | Shapiro
The land of red apples | Zitkala-Sa
Community homes leadership, care and treatment in a planned environment | Daltrey
Down on the farm | Lennhoff
An appreciation of Finchden Manor | Robinson
Examining context and the Bicentenary Issue of CYC-Online | Fulcher
South African musings on the occasion of the 200th issue of CYC-Online | Allsopp
Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission: A Child and Youth Care call to action | Megens
A difficult year | Gharabaghi
Relational leadership | Freeman
A tribute to Brian Gannon | Allsopp
Brian Gannon meeting Henry Maier | Stabrey
Changing Lens: Becoming and Unbecoming and Becoming a Child and Youth Care | Kelly
The healthful effects of laughter | Puder
Building Resilience through Humor | Vande Berg and Van Bockern
Humour, relationships and communication | Digney
Humor, relationships and cajoling | Digney
‘A Time to Reflect’ | Humour within the supervision process | Digney
‘You’ve gotta be kidding me’: A reflection on humour in Child and Youth Care | Digney
A time to laugh, a time to think, a time to act | Digney
Humor, relationships and caring | Digney
Fun and laughter | Gannon
Humor and discipline | Mendler and Mendler
Lightness of being: The value of humor for health, healing and recovery | Burger
Cross the anger gap: build humor bridges! | Paulson
Humour in the pool | Gompf
Humour: A valuable laugh skill | Chubb
Connecting humour and touch to recognise containment | Steckley and Mulvey
Four parts magic: The anatomy of a Child and Youth Care intervention | Garfat
The use of everyday events in Child and Youth Care work | Garfat
Congruence between supervision and practice | Garfat
Developing Effective Interventions with Families | Garfat and McElwee
Intervention techniques for child/youth care workers | Krueger
Central themes in Child and Youth Care | Krueger
Crisis intervention in the residential setting | Isaacson
Young children’s emotional development and school readiness
The use of Life Space Intervention in residential youth care | Graham
The forgotten intervention: How to design environments that foster friendship | Overton
Violence and aggression in children and youth | Fitzsimmons
Fundamental processes for interventions: Working with high-risk adolescents and their families | Ballantyne et al
New approaches to truancy prevention in urban schools | Walls
Exploiting daily events to heal the pain of sexual abuse | Fox
Discipline in action: some requirements and characteristics | Fox
Controls from within: The enduring challenge | Brendtro and Long
Depression and disability in children and adolescents | Guetzloe
Helping schools say “Yes” to children who say ‘‘No” | Osterhaus and Lowe
Building resilience and hope for the future | Jewitt
Articulating a Child and Youth Care approach to family work | Jones
The future of residential treatment in a family-centred system of care | Small
Need and risk and how to tell the difference | Artz et al
‘You’ve gotta be kidding me’: A reflection on humour in Child and Youth Care | Digney
Teaching children to manage their tempers | Stein
Adult too soon: Age-sensitive interventions with delinquent girls | Loper
The dynamics of working with sex offenders: Respect, respect, respect | Charles and Collins
A less than divine intervention | Cedrick
On being accountable in schools: Strategies for the Child and Youth Care practitioner | Jarrett
School-based program to teach children empathy and bully prevention | Rock
Crime prevention through social development | Rawlinson
A feminist's view of caring | Ricks
Matching therapeutic style with developmental level: A guide for child care workers | Oles
What works in the prevention of youth crime? | Mendel
Misconceptions about early child care, education and intervention | Canning and Lyon
An attachment-based parenting program for caregivers of severely conduct disordered adolescents | Moretti et al
“Intervention”: attempting a definition | Gannon
Theories, approaches and principles of education and treatment | Gannon
Teaching emotional intelligence to impulsive-aggressive youth | Henley and Long
Relational-based interventions: The medium is the message | Hackney and MacMillan
Six strategies for helping youth move from rage to responsibility | Curwin and Mendler
Leaving residential placement: A guide to intervention | Mann-Feder and Garfat
Implications of attachment theory and research for therapeutic interventions | Markiewicz
Effectiveness of the life space interview?
With tentative certainty: The art of experimental Child and Youth Care Part I | Skott-Myhre
With tentative certainty: The art of experimental Child and Youth Care Part II | Skott-Myhre
Thinking about Interventions in Child and Youth Care | Gharabaghi
Juvenile and Restorative Justice / The Law
Lived Experience of Reformed Children in Conflict with the Law | Solmayor and Embornas
‘Back to Basics’: A Practice Approach to Reforming Youth Justice | Day and Malvaso
Staff Support for Families of Youth involved in Juvenile Justice in Residential Treatment Programs | Akakpo
Exploring factors associated with chronic and serious offending in detained dual system youth | Moriarty, Papalia, Spivak, Ali, Luebbers & Shepherd
Exploring Restorative Justice: An Alternate Dispute Resolution Mechanism in Islamic Law and Customary Law | Akhter, Mahr and Imtiaz
Employer Perspectives on Hiring Youth Previously Involved with Juvenile Justice: A National Survey | Unruh, Reardon, Strycker
Measuring Juvenile Justice Outcomes for Restorative Justice Diversion Programs | Hahn
Do School Resource Officers Really Refer Black Students to the Justice System for Less Serious Offenses? | May, Barranco, Roberts and Robertson
Care Experience, Ethnicity and Youth Justice Involvement: Key Trends and Policy Implications | Hunter, Francis and Fitzpatrick
The 40-year debate: a meta-review on what works for juvenile offenders | Pappas and Dent
Legal Protection of Children in Contact with the Law based on the Principle of Best Interest for the Child | Rosyada and In’am
Looked after children and offending: An exploration of risk, resilience and the role of social cognition | Schofield, Biggart, Ward and Larsson
Consultation with children on the SA Child Justice Bill | Ehlers
The juvenile court in the 21st century | Shepherd
Giving crime victims a voice and holding offenders accountable | Emerson
The state of juvenile justice in Malawi | Stapleton
The juvenile court in the 21st century | Shepherd
Finding depression behind aggression | McKay
Attacking crime or kids? Juvenile Justice at the crossroads | Larson
Assistant Probation Officers: A desperate and definite need | Kassan
A probation officer at a One-stop Child Justice Centre | Du Plessis
Trying out ways to help | Hilvers et al
Child sex offenders: Legal reform for better or worse? | Ehlers
Oregon initiative for reintegrating adjudicated youth | Lehman
Youth violence: Facts and findings in the US
Adolescent sexual offenders: an overview | Charles and McDonald
Following the Morning Star: An integrated young offender program | Dissel
Outlaw riders: Equine-facilitated therapy with juvenile capital offenders | Moreau
The causes and correlates of delinquency | Thornberry et al
Strong families, strong children: A family-focused crime prevention program | Morrison et al
Kids in trouble or troubled kids? | Hayes
Thinking outside the box | Bezuidenhout
A community approach to reducing risk factors | Chibnall and Abbruzzese
The wood for the trees | Gannon
A small country’s big efforts at law and policy reform | Mezmur
National implications in juvenile justice: The influence of juvenile mentoring programs on at risk youth | Belshaw and Kritsonis
Focus on after-school time for violence prevention | Patten and Robertson
Helpful juvenile detention | Roush
Restricting or educating? | Roush
Adolescent development and delinquency | Roush
Count us in! A family and professional collaboration | Mankey et al
Keeping adolescents out of prison | Steinberg and Haskins
Understanding the female offender | Cauffman
From pessimism to youth policies based on hope | Calhoun
The rhetoric of youth crime prevention | Gharabaghi
Adolescent offenders with mental disorders | Grisso
Prevention and intervention programs for juvenile offenders | Greenwood
Sustained, intensive television? | Ingwerson
Juvenile justice reform from a developmental approach | Van Antwerp
Issues of Equality and Justice Affect us All | Rice
Let us be | Roush
The juvenile careworker | Roush
Ten common interactional problems and suggested solutions | Roush
Restricting or educating? | Roush
Mentoring: A prevention, diversion, alternative sentencing and reintegration model | Mbambo
Attacking crime or kids? Juvenile Justice at the crossroads | Larson
A probation officer at a One-stop Child Justice Centre | du Plessis
Juveniles and life imprisonment | Goliath
Four complexities in residential treatment of juvenile offenders | Heintzelman
Students with disabilities in correctional facilities | Quinn et al
Youth custody: Is a rethink of youth justice required?
Island of last resort | O'Kane
Education and the South African Juvenile Justice System | Gast
Juvenile court magistrate: Our hands are tied | Sawyer
Our child thugs | Lawrence
The treatment of children in custody in Lesotho | Malea and Stout
The scope of girls' delinquency and crime | Weiler
The war on youth | O'Keeffe
Lawmakers study juvenile justice | Kalahar
A new deal for British children | Moore
Adolescent sexual offenders: an overview | Charles and McDonald
Thinking outside the box | Bezuidenhout
Kids in trouble or troubled kids? | Hayes
Keeping adolescents out of prison | Steinberg and Haskins
Adolescent offenders with mental disorders | Grisso
From pessimism to youth policies based on hope | Calhoun
Prevention and intervention programs for juvenile offenders | Greenwood
Life Space
Thinking about the Life Space | Maier
How is Child and Youth Care work unique and different from other fields? | VanderVen
The use of Life Space Intervention in residential youth care | Graham
Thinking about the Life Space | Payne and White
Life space work, Child and Youth Care work, residential work: Is this a Profession? | van Weezel and Waaldijk
The use of everyday events in Child and Youth Care work | Garfat
A Good Hearing? An Application of the Life Space Interview in Residential Child Care | Gibson
Exploiting daily events to heal the pain of sexual abuse | Fox
Controls from within: The enduring challenge | Brendtro and Long
Simply lifespace work | Allsopp
Extending Child and Youth Care to serve the life span: A new look at concepts and practice | Barnes
From self-destruction to self-awareness: A ‘Massaging Numb Values’ LSCI | Thomas et al
Fritz Redl and the life space interview | Sharpe
I can’t hold it in forever: Connecting with a youth in pain | Freado
Negotiating the Life Space (Part 1) | Phelan
Negotiating the life space (Part 2) | Phelan
Effective life space work, the next step (Part 3) | Phelan
Working in the life space for the emerging professional Child and Youth Care practitioner (Part 4) | Phelan
The wounded healer as helper and helped: A Child and Youth Care model | Phelan
Early intervention | Gannon
Teaching lifespace working by using the lifespace in teaching | Feilberg
Is life-space a threshold concept? | Steckley
Effectiveness of the life space interview?
From desert through jungle into the flourishing garden | De Moor
Letting go in love | Smith
Love tenderly | Smith
Loving with an open hand | Sandford
Heroes and pioneers of Child and Youth Care work | Brendtro
The trouble with tough love | Szalavitz
The nature of caring | Wrenn
Reaching beyond caring to loving in Child and Youth Care practice (1) | Ranahan
Reaching beyond caring to loving in Child and Youth Care practice (2) | Ranahan
The needs of children and how they are met | Pringle
Remembering Fritz Redl | Garfat
Roles and relationships in the residential unit | Davis
Human relationships | Dyer
Daring to try again: The hope and pain of forming new attachments | Lanyado
On being a Child and Youth Care worker | Rose
Healing the wounded child | Niss
A feminist's view of caring | Ricks
A wall of strength to be admired | Michieli
The dialectic of care: Familial and institutional dimensions | Latus
One child's story | Talbot
Problem children: Views of A.S. Neil of Summerhill | Skidelsky
The sacred moment and its pain | Pithers
Living with complexity and simplicity | Phelan
Primary care in secondary settings: inherent strains | Maier
Finding depression behind aggression | McKay
Violent parenting, violent children | Pantin
Protecting themselves from love | Gannon
Reaching reluctant students: Insights from Torey Hayden | Marlowe
From bedtime stories to jail cells: A tale of a lost childhood | Branswell
Echoes in the hills | Donahue
Love: the who or what and Thanksgiving | Krueger
Love and sex | Gharabaghi
Love and Child and Youth Care | Akbar
Extending Child and Youth Care to serve the life span: A new look at concepts and practice | Barnes
Transforming the milieu and lives through the power of activity: theory and practice | VanderVen
Understanding the nature of the therapeutic milieu | Trieschman
The role of milieu therapy in the treatment of sexually abused children | Reeves
The milieu of real relationships | Weiner
What is milieu therapy? | Part 1 | Jonsson
What is milieu therapy? | Part 2 | Jonsson
Meeting the developmental needs of incarcerated youth | Brendtro and Cunningham
On being accountable in schools: Strategies for the Child and Youth Care practitioner | Jarrett
Towards a common denominator in effective group care programming: The concept of the modifying environment | Beker and Feuerstein
Remembering Fritz Redl | Garfat
Changing paradigms in residential services for disturbed/disturbing children: retrospect and prospect | Whittaker and Maluccio
Activity programming in the milieu setting: Commonalties in work with children and older adults | Griff
Treatment approaches | Andersson et al
The milieu | Wineman
The milieu staff | Rabinovitch
The Child Care Worker as a primary practitioner | Barnes
Bad milieu, good milieu: restoring a culture of hope | Olive
Psychoanalytic approaches to residential treatment (1) | Whittaker
Psychoanalytic approaches to residential treatment (2) | Whittaker
The Sage Hill program for competency promotion | Durkin et al
Working with adolescent girls in a residential treatment centre | Matheson
Four parts magic: The anatomy of a Child and Youth Care intervention | Garfat
A pedagogy of belonging | Beck and Malley
The nature of the communicative relationship within a residential milieu | Pazaratz
Fritz Redl and the life space interview | Sharpe
Complementing the therapist: Child care work with sexually abused youth | Oles
New Workers
A Qualitative Course-based Inquiry into the Use of Strengths-based Language in Child and Youth Care Residential Field Practicums | Bellefeuille, Biton, Chinchilla, Doniego, Iqbal, Lin, Parokkaran and Sison
On being a Child and Youth Care worker | Rose-Sladde
The seventh moment | Krueger
Welcome to the second day | Cavaliere
Training child care workers: Three essentials | Liberatore
Philosophy and principles of Child and Youth Care | Lewis
One day in the life of an inner-city school-based Child and Youth Care Worker | Chrest
The children don't listen ... | Gannon
Developmental stages of Child and Youth Care Workers: An interactional perspective | Garfat
The use of everyday events in Child and Youth Care work | Garfat
What exactly is Child and Youth Care work? | Small and Dodge
Beware of the Bunny People and other thoughts of a new youth care worker | Matthews
The Child and Youth Care Workers: Who needs them? | Linton and Forster
The Year-2000 model: Child and Youth Care Worker User's Manual | Allsopp and Gannon
What exactly is Child and Youth Care work? | Anglin
Qualities of a Child and Youth Care worker | Nightingale
A wall of strength to be admired | Michieli
Stages of Child and Youth Care worker development | Phelan
Child and youth care: The transition from student to practitioner | Moscrip and Brown
A care worker and a social worker compare jobs | Gerber and Slavin
Some key characteristics of Child and Youth Care workers | Kelly
Values and attitudes in family work | Dimitoff
Reflections of my journey in Child and Youth Care | Naidoo
The perfection of imperfection: A surfer’s guide to Child and Youth Care | Maerz
Ode to joy | McArter
Working with families: A reflection | Migiaccio
Staying sane as a child care worker | Gannon
“Child care workers should be seen and not heard …?” | Demers
A clash where professional philosophy meets practice | Kipling
Impersonal work culture can be a shock | Resnick
How is Child and Youth Care work unique and different from other fields? | VanderVen
Boundaries and relationship | Stuart
“If I could supervise my supervisor...” | Delano
Jean Itard: The first Child and Youth Care Counsellor | McDermott
Challenges facing the Child and Youth Care profession | Hoffman
Hanging out | Somasundram
You /me /us: Thoughts on boundary management in Child and Youth Care | Mann-Feder
What child care administrators need to know about work on the front line | Samjee et al
On being accountable in schools: Strategies for the Child and Youth Care practitioner | Jarrett
Holistic approach | Newbury
Worker–management relations: A Child Care Worker's perspective | Harrison
Reflections on a successful practicum experience in Child and Youth Care | McManus
Challenges be damn or changed? (Complexity in the practice process) | Ricks
Advice to Child and Youth Care staff | Digney
CYC supervision: Some thoughts on developing newer workers | Phelan
Supervising new Child and Youth Care staff | Phelan
It’s not about a calling, it’s about being... just be... and an experience of learning to be | Koury
I went on a mission at eighteen | Ireland
Over-identification as a Child and Youth Care practitioner: A letter to a group home | Morden
I am still not a fan of mashed potatoes | Kroll-Neary
Friluftsliv in residential youth care: a resilience perspective on character-forming outdoor experiences | Haaland and Baklien
Outdoor education and troubled youth | Berman and Davis-Berman
Outward Bound | Muir
Bush tucker kids | Kemp
A day in the life of an outward bound instructor | Woolmer
Do ... or drown! | VanderVen
Why every child needs a challenge | Rollins
Learning by doing | Kartun
Hope on a rope | Gamble
A walk on the mountain | Gamble
Wilderness: Rethinking life choices | Gamble
The challenge of outdoor activities | Donohue
Generosity: Developing altruism | Brendtro and Du Toit
The natural environment as an element in a therapeutic community treatment programme | Gale
When going out is also going in | Jowell
Missing the experience | Griffin
Horticulture therapy in a boys’ remand unit: A personal diary | Nightingale
Adventure boosts empowerment | Howell
Bringing hope to Britain’s derelict docklands | Devlin
Outdoor programmes | Slingsby
Outdoor programmes for children | Slingsby
Summer camps, camp counselors and informal education | Smith
Wilderness Therapy for youth-at-risk: helping troubled teenagers | Rosol
Journal writing in experiential education: possibilities, problems, and recommendations | Dyment and O'Connell
Therapeutic uses of outdoor education | Berman and Davis-Berman
Outdoor, experiential and environmental education: Converging or diverging approaches? | Adkins and Simmons
'Going beyond', going where? | Gharabaghi
Wilderness vs. residential treatment | Harper and Russell
Taming dragons | Wilson
Parents / Parenting / Caring
Managing Masculinity When Growing up With a Violent Father: A Qualitative Study of Boys’ Experiences | Callaghan, Fellin, Mavrou, Alexander, Deliyianni-Kouimtzis and Sixsmith
Parental Risk Factors and Children Entering Care: A Non-Technical Briefing on the Quantitative Findings Nell Warner, Jonathan Scourfield, Rebecca Cannings-John, Yongchao Jing, Karen Broadhurst and Ann John
Limiting and enabling the caring role: Young Carers and Young Adult Carers in Upper Austria | Kadi, Pot, Simmons, Leichsenring and Staflinger
Raising the Grandchildren | Ruyue
Residential Child Care workers as primary agents of family intervention | Garland
On being the parent of a handicapped child | Greer
Birth parents’ connection with their children in foster care | Maier
Parents and the Children’s Home | Samakosky
Parents and the child and youth agency | Resnick
Violent parenting, violent children | Pantin
The alcoholic parent | Fortuin
The challenges of parent involvement research | Baker and Soden
Attachment to parents and adjustment in adolescents: Literature review and policy implications | Doyle et al
Parents or prisons | Morse
Beyond conflict, custody and alienation | Dodds
Straining the ties that bind: Limits on parent-child contact in out-of-home care | Friesen et al
Parental overinvolvement can hurt children | Dunnewind
Children and grief | McEntire
When a youth starts to fail | Robertson
Treatment of deprived children I | Wolff
Treatment of delinquent children II | Wolff
The Child Care Worker as a facilitator of family treatment | Wilson
Why every child needs a challenge | Rollins
Patterns of child-rearing | McKerrow
The role of parents in the development of peer group competence | Moore
How we can better protect children from abuse and neglect | Pelton
Functioning of youngsters: No more partings: an examination of long-term foster family care | Fein et al
To spank or not to spank: Is it still a question? | Oppenheimer
The joyless childhood | Vuoto
Achievement behaviour | Niss
An evaluation of the effectiveness of intervention in families with children with behavioural problems | Brown et al
Difficult decisions: Lessons learned from one family's story of residential placement | Evans
Working with families: A reflection | Migliaccio
Preventing child abuse and neglect with parent training: Evidence and opportunities | Barth
Divisions between behaviour management and therapy: Towards new directions of authority in Child and Youth Care | Vanderwoerd
An attachment-based parenting program for caregivers of severely conduct disordered adolescents | Moretti et al
Building a parent support program and learning network | Baker and Pisecco
Parenting | Greenspan
Harmonious parenting | Greenspan
Family treatment in residential homes | Lasson
Diagnosing stress: Identifying and aiding the pressured child | Longo
Focus on after-school time for violence prevention | Patten and Robertson
Take-home lessons | Silvis
The Children's Ten Commandments | Goldstuck
Summer sports: A recreationally based program for building peer relations | Pelham and Gnagy
When it’s hard to leave home | Peterson
Empowered parents are the solution to ending this race to nowhere | Nielsen
Successful parenting in high-risk neighborhoods | Jarrett
Parental drug abuse | Cousins and Milner
Lost Boys: Why our sons turn to violence and how we can save them | Garbarino
Values and attitudes in family work | Dimotoff
Towards a curriculum for more appropriate education for out-of-school children | Pease
The hardest advice: Listen to your kids | Fewster
An explanation of family support work | Phelan
Child and youth care family support work | Phelan
Deprivation and education | Pringle
A community school in action | Dryfoos
Parenting without punishment: Making problem behaviour work for you | Maag
The tools of encouragement | Evans
Overparenting/helicopter parenting and Child and Youth Care Work
Lessons learned about (and from) families | Jamieson
Being with families in moments of opportunity | Freeman
Strengthening fragile families | McLanahan et al
How peer relationships affect academic achievement among junior high school students: The chain mediating roles of learning motivation and learning engagement | Shao, Kang, Lu, Zhang and Li
Bullying in early adolescence: The role of the peer group | Espelage
Peer influences and positive cognitive restructuring | Tate
The social climates of peer group and other residential programs | Wasmund
The influence of the peer group | Hudson
The role of parents in the development of peer group competence | Moore
Rejected youth in residential treatment: social affiliation and peer group configuration | Hoff
“Helping others” meets primary needs | Quigley
Positive peer groups: “Helping others” meets primary developmental needs | Quigley
Understanding the resident group | Edmond
From coercive to strength-based intervention: Responding to the needs of children in pain | Brendtro
The vision of Urie Bronfenbrenner: Adults who are crazy about kids | Brendtro
Troubled children and youth: Turning problems into opportunities | Brendtro and Shahazian
Rather than fixing kids, build positive peer cultures | Laursen
Caring for troubled children | Whittaker
Two worlds of childhood | Bronfenbrenner
The peer pressure myth | Ungar
For the unloved care worker | Blackman
Learning to LUMP it?’ How to improve the mental health of children in public care | Buchanan
Equipping youth with mature moral judgment | Gibbs
Positive Peer Culture | Vorrath and Brendtro
The Circle of Courage | Samjee
The Child and Youth Care “SWAT team” and other thoughts on the future of our profession | McDermott
Do schools teach aggression? Recognizing and retooling the interactions that lead students to aggression | Grant and Van Acker
School-based program to teach children empathy and bully prevention | Rock
Learning to cope with stresses and strains | Konopka
The inpatient basketball group as an alternative to group therapy: Helping the ‘bad boys’ feel good about themselves | Elias and Soth
The art of kid whispering: Connecting with adult-wary youth | Chambers
Social exclusion and social inclusion: Themes and issues in residential child care | Kendrick
Helping students feel they belong | Hewitt
Adventure boosts empowerment | Howell
Existential theory: helping school counselors attend to youth at risk for violence | Carlson
Developmental group care of children and youth: Concepts and practice | Maier
Rituals of humiliation and exclusion | Hoover and Milner
The forgotten intervention: How to design environments that foster friendship | Overton
Depression: Rejection by peers | Snow et al
“Being, Like, Their Parents Throughout Their Lifetime” — House Parents' Perceptions of Their Role in the Family-Style Group Care | Ben-Shlomo, Levin-Keini and Langfeld-Satat
Everyday Care: What Helps Adults Help Children in Residential Childcare? | Burns and Emond
Residential Social Care Experiences of LGBTQ+ Young People in England: A Qualitative Interview Study | Schaub, Stander and Montgomery
An Analysis of Policies and Legislation Relating to Child Participation by Children by Children in Alternative Care in South Africa | Schiller, Strydom, Lombard and Rademeyer
Act justly, love tenderly, walk humbly | Smith
Perspectives on Mastery | Brokenleg
The embodiment of knowledge: A phenomenological approach to child care | Austin and Halpin
Working phenomenologically with children | Roberts
Exploring the role of community Child and Youth Care workers in South Africa | Thumbadoo
Why train youth workers? | Baizerman
A philosophy of youthwork in practice | Whittaker
Philosophy and principles of Child and Youth Care | Lewis
The effective Child and Youth Care intervention: a phenomenological inquiry | Garfat
Being a humanist, day and night | Waaldijk
Valued Child and Youth Care worker qualities in relationships with young people | Weisman
Tribute to Dad | Weisman
Context and competence in work with children and youth | Krueger and Stuart
On juxtaposition | Krueger
Parallel lines never connect | Gannon
Daily events | Nadesan
Care to try? | Steckley and Howden
The tools of encouragement | Evans
Humor, relationships and caring | Digney
Walking the talk through tragedy: A story about presence and loss | Andrew
Owning the job, winning the job: how three youth workers make meaning of their work | Wilder
Therapeutic application of play | Pazaratz
Reporting, assessment and research in child care practice: A personal account of discovery | McDermott
A less than divine intervention | Cedrick
From coercive to strength-based intervention: Responding to the needs of children in pain | Brendtro
Reaching reluctant students: Insights from Torey Hayden | Marlowe
Old labels, new labels, and the difference between a ‘label’ and a ‘noun for a disease’ | Redl
Working with young offenders in the community: Philosophical musings | Winogron
Extending Child and Youth Care to serve the life span: A new look at concepts and practice | Barnes
You don't know what you've got 'til it's gone | Smith
The call to care | Smith
Philosophically speaking | Smith
Things are looking up: Positive signs for child and youth work | VanderVen
Optimism in dark times | Mitchell
What happens to children raised in children's homes? | Killian
The juvenile careworker | Roush
Musings on the art and science of professionalizing Child and Youth Care | Stuart
A philosophical stroll through Child and Youth Care | Fewster
“Child care workers should be seen and not heard …?” | Demers
A clash where professional philosophy meets practice | Kipling
The Children’s System of Care Initiative | Wagner
Ethical dilemmas in practice: Some thoughts on the children | McLaughlin and Pinkerton
The light goes on: Reflecting on the values and principles of the Child and Youth Care Program | Rose Sladde
Intuition is not enough: Matching learning with practice in Therapeutic Child Care | Cain
The determinants and influence of size on residential settings for children | Chipenda-Dansokha
Administration of a children's organisation: Concepts and guidelines (1) | Pawson
Administration of a children's organisation: Concepts and guidelines (2) | Pawson
Empire and identity: The ethics of becoming other than what we are | Kouri
Pedagogies of care: Thinking-with and paying attention | Berry et al
The force of water | Skott-Myhre
The statistical reason why youth work ought to be voluntary | Magnuson and Healey
‘Back to Basics’: A Practice Approach to Reforming Youth Justice | Day and Malvaso
Supporting older youth in care: The role of caregivers | Cullen
The Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences on the Future of Our Youth | Cobb
Can leadership make the difference? A scoping review of leadership and its effects in Child and Youth Care | Ressang-Wildschut, Oldenhof and Leistikow
The same difference: Themes and experiences in Child and Youth Care practice | Elsdon and Priest
Genuine child care practice across the North American continent | Maier
Role playing: Structures and educational objectives | Maier
Re-thinking Christmas | Shaw
A clash where professional philosophy meets practice | Kipling
Child care practice with disturbed children | Harper and Barends
Reflective Child and Youth Care practice | Garfat
Christmas in Care | Garfat
The use of everyday events in Child and Youth Care work | Garfat
Some reflections on a Child and Youth Care approach to working with families | Garfat and McElwee
But what of practice? | Hart
Challenges be damn or changed? (Complexity in the practice process) | Ricks
Learning Child and Youth Care work in context: A case example | Krueger
Thinking theory, doing practice | Winfield
The Rest of Canada: Child and Youth Care work in rural communities | Gilberg and Charles
Multicultural practice in youthwork | Whittaker
Critical components of an anti-oppressive framework | Moore
What is strength-based Child and Youth Care anyway? | Racco
Practice excellence | Gannon
Youth work: the threat from ‘hungry predators’ | Davies
“Child care workers should be seen and not heard …?” | Demers
Straining the ties that bind: Limits on parent-child contact in out-of-home care | Friesen et al
Listening for the absurd | Phelan
Simple complexity in Child and Youth Care practice | Phelan
Use of Self, a complex idea | Phelan
Sophisticated Child and Youth Care practice; creating powerful possibilities | Phelan
Caring | Phelan
How do I know if I am doing a good job? | Phelan
Knowing what you don’t know | Phelan
Socialized thinking limitations in Child and Youth Care practice | Phelan
The journey to self-authoring thinking | Phelan
Socialized thinkers | Phelan
Understanding the fear of connecting | Phelan
Ten Child and Youth Care hacks to maximize your impact | Freeman
How to show up and be present in conversation | Freeman
Meaningful development of social interaction skills | Freeman
Time for tea: Finding meaning in the rhythm of mealtime experiences | Freeman
Lingering in the moment | Freeman
Listening as a Child and Youth Care improviser | Vachon
The improvising voice of Child and Youth Care | Vachon
Playing games | Vachon
Some thoughts about authority | Steckley
Ever so simple | Gharabaghi
A tribute to an amazing residential team | Gharabaghi
Gazes and mazes: Navigating the complexities of ‘watching’ | Digney and Smart
The fear of non-doing | Paget
Advocacy project take two: An uncomfortable challenge? | De Monte and Sago
Rhythm n’ blues, ebbs and flows | Digney and Smart
Play it again Sam ... Just for the hell of it | Fewster
The ghosts of Christmas: On the Christmas wobble | Smart and Digney
In gratitude | De Monte
Assessment, uncertainty and confidence | Steckley
The use of group data in Child and Youth Care practice | Magnuson
Strengthening relationships through alternatives to physical restraint | Bristow
A perfect lasagne (perhaps) | Smart and Digney
Signs and symptoms in Child and Youth Care evaluation and judgement | Magnuson
Riding your bike to the moon: Creating hope in our care ecologies | Smart and Digney
The imitation game | Smart and Digney
Embodiment of practice | De Monte
Embodying self and body in practice | De Monte
Gifts from our elders | Skott-Myhre
The naivete of evidence-based practice | Magnuson
Action or inaction: dealing with what we do not know | Digney and Smart
Working towards an anti-oppressive framework in Child and Youth Care practice | Bristow
Valuing the intuitive, irrational and ineffable | Skott-Myhre
Introducing children’s rights in Child and Youth Care practice | Collins
Promoting Autonomy in Child and Youth Care Practice | Gharabaghi
Why relationships are left out of evaluations | Magnuson
What are we doing? And why is it important to be skillful | Phelan
Using what we know for sure to keep hope alive | Fox
Evidence based practices: Are they becoming extinct? | Thorne
Relatedness and control | Mann-Feder
Knowing and doing Child and Youth Care | Phelan
The Tipping Point | Phelan
The Secret of Caring for Life: Zhuangzi | Skott-Myhre
“Do you remember me?” | Thompson
Focus on The New Practitioner | Phelan
Is power a threshold concept? | Phelan
Thinking out loud: Child and Youth Care and radical youthwork | Skott-Myhre
The body as a site for revolutionary Child and Youth Care practice | Skott-Myhre
Teaching Child and Youth Care practice and power dynamics | Phelan
The need to raise awareness about children’s rights | Collins
Vulnerable youth in Halton region: CYCs share their perceptions | Velkovska et al
Just us is all we got | Skott-Myhre
Meaningfulness as a practical strategy | Magnuson
Power is naturally fearful | Phelan
Hesitations | Skott-Myhre
Role Modelling, Being Liked, Boundaries and Loving | Major Child and Youth Care issues | Phelan
Social Impact versus Outcomes | Gharabaghi
Thinking Boundaries and Personal Focus | Phelan
Take the Magic Out of Your Day | Magnuson
The seven actions of effective listening | Gharabaghi
Fear and Joy | Skott-Myhre
The trauma trap | Gharabaghi
Between and Within: The Ecological Fallacy | Magnuson and Healey
Thinking About Counselling and Child and Youth Care Practice | Phelan
Delivering the Medicine | Phelan
Being a Good Child and Youth Care Practitioner | Gharabaghi
The Unconditional Space: A 6th Dimension | Digney and Smart
The Good Life | Gharabaghi
A Day in the Life of a Child and Youth Care practitioner | Awender
Who Wins When Nobody Wins? Exploring Ethics Surrounding Competition for Children in Recreation | Land
“Being, Like, Their Parents Throughout Their Lifetime” — House Parents' Perceptions of Their Role in the Family-Style Group Care | Ben-Shlomo, Levin-Keini and Langfeld-Satat
A Place to Feel at Home? An Exploratory Study of the Perceived Living Environment in Home- Like Groups, Family-Style Group Homes, and Traditional Residential Youth Care | Riemersma, Zijlstra, Kalverboer, Post & Harder
A Descriptive Study of Swedish Secure Youth Homes in Terms of Their Spatial Factors and Residents’ Individual Characteristics | Nolbeck, Wijk, Lindahl, Olausson & Thodelius
Static and dynamic factors underlying placement instability in residential youth care: A scoping review | Riemersma, Harder, Zijlstra, Post, Kalverboer
Challenges Experienced by Child and Youth Care Workers in CYC Centres Working with Children | Mhizha and Nhedzi
Growing Up Together: The Design of Small-Scale Youth Care Facilities | Elenbaas
Difficult decisions: Lessons learned from one family's story of residential placement | Evans
Outdoor education and troubled youth | Berman and Davis-Berman
The partial care program: children’s home transforms | Rogers
High octane program for youth offenders | Gamble
The EQUIP program: Helping youth see, really see, the other person | Gibbs et al
Trying out ways to help | Berry
Alternative programs for at-risk students: wolves in sheep’s clothing? | Sagor
An attachment-based parenting program for caregivers of severely conduct disordered adolescents | Moretti et al
A probation officer at a One-stop Child Justice Centre | Du Plessis
A community approach to reducing risk factors | Chibnall and Abbruzzese
De-programming kids | Gharabaghi
After-school programs | Schwartz
What works in the prevention of youth crime? | Mendel
Truancy | De Kalb
Therapeutic recreation | Roush
Interpersonal and group life in residential care: A competence-centered, ecological perspective | Maluccio
On being accountable in schools: Strategies for the Child and Youth Care practitioner | Jarrett
Program activities | Whittaker
Residential treatment: A resource for families | Ridgely and Carty
The scope of girls' delinquency and crime | Weiler
Perceptions of adolescent sex offenders: From punitive to growth promoting | Charles and Collins
Planning staff meetings | Carter
Peer assistance for out-of-the-mainstream youth | Carr
Reflections on activities in a youth club in Northern Ireland | Megahead
Punishment / Corporal Punishment / Discipline
“Why didn’t we do this years ago?” Ireland’s Journey to Prohibiting All Corporal Punishment of Children | van Turnhout
Raising Respectful Kids | Brokenleg, Van Bockern and Brendtro
Reclaiming our prodigal sons and daughters | Larson and Brendtro
The effects of corporal punishment | Robinson
Support to advocates of spanking? | Goode
The dilemma of youth : How do you punish, or treat, a youngster who commits murder? | Steinberg and Levick
Smacking children | Bainbridge and Thorpe
Parenting without punishment: Making problem behaviour work for you | Maag
Physical punishment a health risk for children
To punish or not to punish, that is the question | Stein
Restrictions: Lesson learned | Stein
Discipline in action: some requirements and characteristics | Fox
Ending corporal punishment in all spheres | Waterhouse
Punitive and non-punitive discipline and subsequent rule-following in young children | Toner
Heroes and pioneers: Kindness | Bosco
Response ability pathways: Restoring bonds of respect | Brendtro and Du Toit
How to teach the unteachable | Ciaccio
Ideas: Consequences ... or? | Gannon
"Our hands are tied" | Gannon
Physical restraint | Lee et al
Prohibition of corporal punishment: An international overview
What I learned about physical punishment and working with families | Phelan
Punishment | Phelan
What I Learned from the threat of punishment | Garfat
What is wrong with beating children? | Naker
Zero tolerance: The school woodshed | Rhonda
Divisions between behaviour management and therapy: Towards new directions of authority in Child and Youth Care | Vanderwoerd
Controls from within: The enduring challenge | Brendtro and Long
To spank, or not to spank? | Hayter
Punishment | Steckley
On punishments | Lennhoff
Suicide and Sadness | Hans Skott-Myhre
Relationship / Relational Practice
Navigating Relationships with Birth Family After Aging Out of Foster Care: Experiences of Young People | Havlicek, Holland and Taussig
The Lived Experience of Youth in Congregate Care: Youth Perceptions of Safety, Relationships, and Support Through Qualitative Inquiry with 10 Young Adults | Parmenter, McCarthy, Benavides, Bayar, Jack and Yoon
How peer relationships affect academic achievement among junior high school students: The chain mediating roles of learning motivation and learning engagement | Shao, Kang, Lu, Zhang and Li
Adolescents’ Subjective Well‑Being: The Unique Contribution of Fathers | Walsh, Kliewer and Sullivan
The youth-caregiver relationship quality in residential youth care: Professionals’ perceptions and experiences | Magalhães, Ferreira, Ornelas, Silva, Camilo and Calheiros
Adolescents’ and young people’s experiences of social relationships and health concerns during COVID-19 | Sundler, Bergnehr, Haffejee, Iqbal, Orellana, Del Solar, Angeles, Faircloth, Liu, Mwanda, Galeas, Simelane, Twamley and Darcy
Relationship | Maier
The relationship trap | Gharabaghi
Beginning the relationship | Markey
Roles and relationships in the residential unit
Kymaru and the magnificent multicolored bird: Metaphors for an angel | Garfat
Valued Child and Youth Care worker qualities in relationships with young people | Weisman
Ode to joy | McArter
Rapport and relationships: The basis of child care | Burns
Seeing "I" to "I": A Phenomenological Analysis of the Caring Relationship | Austin and Halpin
Going there from being here | Fewster
'Role' interaction and 'person-to-person' interaction
Central themes in Child and Youth Care | Krueger
Establishing meaningful contacts with children and youth | Maier
Relationships: A sideways view | Gompf
Healing the wounded child | Niss
Check and connect: The role of monitors in supporting high-risk youth | Christenson et al
In the beginning | Reid
Limit setting | Sutton
Close enough? Professional closeness and safe caring | Kendrick and Smith
Love tenderly | Smith
Letting go in love | Smith
Unconditional schools, youth of promise | Lloyd
John Bowlby on human attachment | Hoover
Seven habits of reclaiming relationships | Laursen
You/me/us: Thoughts on boundary management in Child and Youth Care | Mann-Feder
I was a ‘child in care’: My perspective on relationships | Masson
The meat and potatoes of relationships | Gannon
Hanging out | Somasundram
Integrated conversations in Child and Youth Care | Garfat
Connecting with the inner world | Garfat
Initial reflections on the 'talk smart institute' and relating | Krueger
Relationships: Thoughts on their origin and their power | Parry
Respect begets respect and other lessons from Project Breakaway | Skooglund
Notes on relationships | Steckley
Relationships: What is it we do? ... It is what we do! | Weisman
An objective look at relationships | McDermott
A phenomenological analysis of the caring relationship | Austin and Halpin
Transferable relationships | Gharabaghi
CYC and relationship in the 21st Century | Skott-Myhre
Friendship and hope | Digney and Smart
Maybe you smiled for the rest of the day? Some comments on relationships and their infinite variety | VanderVen
Power in the relational exchange | Freeman
Suicide and relational care | Freeman
Hope in moments of pain | Freeman
Relating to the Relationship | VanderVen
The early stages of the care relationship | Phelan
The challenge of relational Child and Youth Care practice | Phelan
Relational thinking | Phelan
The Child and Youth Care practitioner’s nightmare | Phelan
“From the heart” practice | Phelan
Close enough encounters: Close to me close to you | Digney and Smart
Hide or Seek: looking for love in all the wrong places | Smart and Digney
Balancing care: The after view | Smart and Digney
Personal values | Gibb
The real “money in the bank”: Building relationships in Child and Youth Care | Delano
Professional boundaries in Child and Youth Care | Marshall
Nurturing creativity | De Monte
Putting in and getting out: Better inputs, better outcomes | Smart and Digney
It’s not about a calling, it’s about being... just be… and an experience of learning to be | Koury
I spy with my little eye ... something that is grey | Fellers
A Life-Space Interaction | Gharabaghi
Connecting with youth through storytelling | Bristow
Hanging out and drawing | Bristow
The quiet revolution of Thom Garfat | Skott-Myhre
The relationship is not everything | Hilton
A feminist's view of caring | Ricks
Relational conversations and explorations | Phelan
Relationship in Child and Youth Care - A Deep Dive | Carty
Relatedness and control | Mann-Feder
Characteristics of a relational Child and Youth Care approach revisited | Garfat et al
A reflection on relational messages | Phelan
There Was a Little Girl | Shaw
Embedded in my heart | Hedlin
It just doesn’t get any better than this! | Leggett
Mattering in the moment | Charles
Thinking About Relational Thinking | Phelan
Relational Practice in Child and Youth Care Theory | Gharabaghi
How do we measure relationships? | Magnuson and Healey
Boundary dynamics for relational Child and Youth Care practitioners | Phelan
A Very Special Student and her Kitty Cat | Gharabaghi
Residential / Group / Congregate Care
Finding traces of everyday life in unusual places: looking beyond case files in German and Scottish residential child care | Emond, Eßer, Schäfer, Buncombe, Burns, Lucas and Magee
Participation at the margins – participation practices from the viewpoint of young people in residential care | Equit, Keller, Warpaul, Rohrbach, Eberitzsch and Ganterer
Between plans and realities: Reflecting on experiences of participatory research in archiving residential Children’s homes in Scotland and Germany | Burns and Schafer
Therapeutic Residential Care for Children and Youth: A
Consensus Statement of the International
Work Group
on Therapeutic Residential Care | Whittaker, Holmes,
del Valle, Ainsworth, Andreassen, Anglin, Bellonci,
Berridge, Bravo, Canali, Courtney, Currey, Daly,
Gilligan, Grietens, Harder, Holden, James, Kendrick,
Knorth, Lausten, Lyons, Martin, McDermid, McNamara,
Palareti, Ramsey, Sisson, Small, Thoburn, Thompson and
Digital group archives in residential childcare: an investigation into memory responsibility | Lucas, Burns, Emond and Reid
“… I still need to learn some things”: an interpretative phenomenological analysis of the lived experience of extended residential youth care in Denmark | Cameron-Mathiassen & Simpson
The Lived Experience of Youth in Congregate Care: Youth Perceptions of Safety, Relationships, and Support Through Qualitative Inquiry with 10 Young Adults | Parmenter, McCarthy, Benavides, Bayar, Jack and Yoon
Digital Life Story Work: Linking Identity and Security for Young People in Out‑of‑Home Care |Deitz, Morley, Sutherland and Blythe
Autistic Children and Group Homes: A Personal Testimony | Bedard
A Place to Feel at Home? An Exploratory Study of the Perceived Living Environment in Home- Like Groups, Family-Style Group Homes, and Traditional Residential Youth Care | Riemersma, Zijlstra, Kalverboer, Post & Harder
Family foster care or residential care: the impact of home environment on children raised in state care | Bardits and Kertesi
“How can our children learn from us about our way of life or understand who they are?”: Residential schools and their impact on the wellbeing of Indigenous youth in Attapadi, South India | George, Ramu, Prasad, Prashanth, Kenjoor and Grant
Pathways of Care: A longitudinal study of children in care in Australia | Cashmore, Wulczyn, POCLS Team
Family-centred practice and family outcomes in residential youth care: A systematic review | Tang, de Haan, Kuiper and Harder
Does Group Size of Provision Matter for Children Who Experience Residential Group Care in Scotland? | Whitelaw
Everyday Care: What Helps Adults Help Children in Residential Childcare? | Burns and Emond
The educational experience of young people in residential care through the lens of learning careers | Marion and Tchuindibi
Adolescents in therapeutic residential care: treatment needs and characteristics | Kanestrøm, Stallvik, Lydersen, Skokauskas & Kaasbøll
Static and dynamic factors underlying placement instability in residential youth care: A scoping review | Riemersma, Harder, Zijlstra, Post, Kalverboer
The Effect of Family Foster Care vs. Residential Group Care on Educational Attainment | Bolvig and Thorsager
A Comparison of Juvenile Misconduct in Residential Facilities in Florida by Gender | Ponce and Scott
Purpose and Mattering
as Dimensions of Meaning for Young People in Residential
Care from Romania |
Bunea and Cojocaru
A systematic review and meta-analysis of the type and prevalence of mental health disorders and symptoms among children living in residential care | Westlake, Hillman, Kerr-Davis, Viziteu, Silver and Dykiert
Taking Into Care – In The Child's Best Interest? The German Youth Welfare Office is under criticism from the European Parliament | Ballhorn and Holzheimer
Family-Centeredness in Secure Residential Treatment and Its Relationship With Parental Involvement and Adolescent Behavioural Outcomes | Broekhoven, Blankestein, van Santvoort, Asscher, van Domburgh, Simons, Albrecht, van der Rijken, Rijnhart, Popma
Improving the alternative care system in Thailand: Research to develop the National Alternative Care Action Plan | Rujisatiensap, Ladaphongphatthana and Srivilas
For-profit outsourcing and its effects on placement stability and locality for children in care in England, 2011–2022: A longitudinal ecological analysis | Bach-Mortensen, Goodair and Barlow
Placement Matching of Children and Young People within Out-of-Home Residential Care: A Qualitative Analysis | Kor, Fernandez and Spangaro
Assessment of Needs in Residential Care: Perspectives of Youth and Professionals | Calheiros and Patricio
Experiences of “I” and “we” among former looked‐after children in South Africa | Nurcombe‐Thorne, Nadesan and van Breda
An exploration of the differential usage of residential childcare across national boundaries | Ainsworth and Thoburn
The Impact of Residential Placement on Child Development: Research and Policy Implications | Little, Kohm and Thompson
Leaving Residential Placement: A Guide to Intervention | Mann-Feder and Garfat
Your Pain or Mine? | Molepo
Setting objectives for residential units | Douglas and Payne
Trends in residential care in Finland | Hujala
Real-time communication in residential care | Ward
Children's rights in residential settings | Waaldijk
Conceptual foundations of developmental oriented residential education | Levy
The unacceptable face of behaviourism | Elliot
Are you managing? The effective management of anxiety in residential settings | Macleod
What do we know of our children? | Lennhoff
Developmental group care of children and youth | Maier
Developmental group care of children and youth: concepts and practice | Maier
Primary care in secondary settings | Maier
Four complexities in residential treatment of juvenile offenders | Heintzelman
Out-of-home care: Practice and research between head and tail | Knorth et al
The known and the used in residential Child and Youth Care work | Eisikovits et al
Towards a common denominator in effective group care programming | Beker and Feuerstein
A care worker and a social worker compare jobs | Gerber and Slavin
Residential care with evacuated children: Lessons from Clare Winnicott | Kanter
Crisis intervention in the residential setting | Isaacson
Understanding the resident group | Edmond
Worthy not worthwhile? Choosing careers in caring occupations | Wells et al
Thinking about relationships in group care | Beedell
The good goodbye: Helping children through transitions using storytelling | McNicol and Kirkpatrick
Residential special schooling : The inclusive option | Jackson
Stands Scotland where it did? Perspectives and possibilities for Child and Youth Care | Smith
Child care workers: Builders of self esteem | Keating
A longitudinal evaluation of prevalent negative beliefs about residential placement for troubled adolescents | Friman et al
The Child Care Worker as a primary practitioner | Barnes
The Child and Youth Care workers: Who needs them? | Linton and Forster
Rejected youth in residential treatment: social affiliation and peer group configuration | Hoff
Working with adolescent girls in a residential treatment centre | Matheson
A good hearing? An application of the Life Space Interview in residential child care | Gibson
Residential treatment: A resource for families | Ridgely and Carty
Difficult decisions: Lessons learned from one family's story of residential placement | Evans
Children 'at risk' in secure accommodation | O'Neill
Rights of children are still violated | Kennedy
In defiance of compliance | Burton
Roles and relationships in the residential unit | Davis
"Manipulative" or manipulative skills in residential practice | Pragnell
Attachment representations of adolescents in institutional care | Schleiffer and Muller
The use of life space intervention in residential youth care | Graham
An historical perspective on residential services for troubled and troubling youth in Canada | Charles and Gabor
Life space work, Child and Youth Care work, residential work: Is this a profession? | van Weezel and Waaldijk
Group supervision and the supervision of teams in residential care: the Slovene experience | Kobolt
The use of everyday events in Child and Youth Care work | Garfat
A commitment to care: residential child care work in England | Mainey
What works in residential care: Making it work | Archer
The needs of children in residential care | Brennan
Token economies or point and level systems: Whatever we call them, let's rethink them! | VanderVen
“The milieu of real relationships” | Weiner
Close enough? Professional closeness and safe caring | Kendrick and Smith
Residential care and the industrial model | Douglas and Payne
"Out of control": A youth perspective on secure treatment and physical restraint | Raychaba
Central themes in Child and Youth Care | Krueger
Theories, approaches and principles of education and treatment | Gannon
Child and youth care during a natural disaster | Freeman
Key working and the quality of relationships in secure accommodation | McKellar and Kendrick
Metaphor and poetry | Steckley
Separation | Steckley
Touch something, throw something | Gharabaghi
Stuff that never happens... (when you live in care) | Gharabaghi
Good intentions with bad results | Phelan
When is a program not a program? | Phelan
Sense of place in children’s residential care homes: perceptions of home? | Clark et al
A different language: Implementing the total communication approach | Wilson
Love and sex | Gharabaghi
The end of treatment! | Gharabaghi
The immediacy of childhood | Freeman
New conversation partners for residential services | Gharabaghi
Putting the “home” in group home and the “care” in youth care: My journey | Crooks
Surveillance versus supervision in residential group care | Gharabaghi
Stories | Skott-Myhre
Strong youth | Gharabaghi
From a young person’s perspective: Towards a better residential care system for youth | Chung
Can residential care and treatment be good? | Gharabaghi
Children and young people living in alternative care | Fulcher
Go back to which home? The ‘pedagogy of dreams’ as a contribution to the deinstitutionalization of children and young people in South Brazil | Schüssler D’Aroz
A group care framework: The benefits of group care settings in Israel | Tischler
Reflections: My Practitioner Development | Briegel
The First Few Years: The early theoretical building blocks of a residential social worker | Whitelaw
Reflections: My work in residential care in Egypt | Megahead
Chris, Ava and Jenny | Hilton
Brendan | Smith
Tough Choices | Skott-Myhre
Making Moments Meaningful | Lodge
Key working and the quality of relationships in secure accommodation | McKellar and Kendrick
The Changing Face of Residential Care in Australia | Walsh
Epidemic Positives | Phelan
The Worst Interview Ever | Gharabaghi
Considering Child Welfare Lived Experience Privilege | Cherry and Vachon
Care-Leavers' Experiences of How Managed Opportunities for Independence Contributed to Building Resilience | Hlungwani and van Breda
Family Support, Resilience, and Life Goals of Young People in Residential Care | Alves, Relva, Costa and Mota
Supporting Indigenous Youth to Live with Continued Resilience, Meaning and Hope | Sutherland, Sutherland, Minde, Rondeau, Nielssen and Flemons
Friluftsliv in residential youth care: a resilience perspective on character-forming outdoor experiences | Haaland and Baklien
Other-initiated Interactions that contribute to resilient outcomes among young adults raised by caregivers who misuse alcohol | Mushonga and van Breda
Can resilience change over time? Patterns and transitions in resilience among young children involved with the child welfare system | Yoon, Yang, Pei, Benavides, Bayar, Logan, Hamby
Moving Beyond Trauma: Activating Resilience to Support Our Most Vulnerable Youth Malloy
Learning from Older adults’ Trauma Exposure and Resilience: Children’s Perspectives from Five Majority World Countries | Yilmaz, Eruyar, Haffejee, Hassan, O’Reilly and Vostanis
Growth in Context: An Exploratory Study of Vicarious Resilience in Child and Youth Care Counsellors | McNaughton
Factors supporting resilience during out-of-home care: Experiences of former child welfare clients in Finland | Kaittila, Alin, Leinonen, Kraav, Vornanen, Karukivi and Anis
Using academic strategies to build resilience | Pikes et al
Resilience: What it is and how children and young people can be helped to develop it | Maclean
If you build it, they will come: A nontraditional approach for systems change | Reavis et al
Resistance | McIntyre
Resilience | Harvey
Overcoming four myths that prevent fostering resilience | Rockwell
Heavy mettle: Stories of transition for delinquent youth | Yellin et al
Attracting resilience: Helping kids do better | Sapien
Me-do-it! | Parry
Building resilience and hope for the future | Jewitt
Rather than fixing kids, build positive peer cultures | Laursen
How we can foster resiliency in children | Berliner and Bernard
Nurturing resilience and school success in American Indian and Alaska Native students | Strand and Peacock
Coming out resilient: Strategies to help gay and lesbian adolescents | DuBeau and Emenheiser
Creating resiliency in urban neighborhoods | Timmermans et al
Easier said than done: Shifting from a risk to a resiliency paradigm | Wolin
The resilience of children in care: The influence of adult attachment figures | Boneke
Promoting resilience in youth through facilitating leisure engagement in self-determined community-serving projects | Delamere et al
The (potential) ultra-conservatism of resilience theory | Gharabaghi
Contextual and cultural aspects of resilience in child welfare settings | Ungar
Delinquent or simply resilient?: How "problem " behaviour can be a child's hidden path to resilience | Ungar
The resilient brain | Brendtro and Longhurst
Being resilient | Dean
Reviving hope by fostering resilience | Hewitt-Gervais
The search for islands of competence: A metaphor of hope and strength | Brooks
Making the transition from rage to resilience | Andrews
And now for the good news | Brendtro
Here’s my number, call if you need | De Monte
Restorative Practice
Exploring Restorative Justice: An Alternate Dispute Resolution Mechanism in Islamic Law and Customary Law | Akhter, Mahr and Imtiaz
“You’re in my heart while we’re apart”: Reflections on working with parents of children in care | Swann
Victims face their tormentor | Parkes
A restorative approach to residential treatment | Thumbadoo
Setting standards for diversion | Skelton
The healing journey towards forgiveness | Smidt
Family matters: How young offender' families engage in restorative justice | Muntingh and Monaheng
Holding kids accountable: Shaming with compassion | Campbell and Revering
Restorative justice: Making justice work | Robson
Restorative work: An integral feature of South African Child and Youth Care | Siluma
A new reality for troubled youth in Hungary: An update | Mirsky
Phone Ellen | Modiboa
Restorative justice in everyday life: Beyond the formal ritual | Wachtel
Restorative practices as a tool for organizational change | Boulton and Mirsky
Re-storying our restorative practices | Rundell
A family plan forged out of commitment and love | Welden
Authentic assessment for restorative outcomes | Doerr
The case for restorative justice | Michaels
Runaways / Homelessness / Street Living
Social Determinants of Health and Psychological Capital Among Youth Experiencing Homelessness | Preston, Rew and Spees
Children and youth in street situations in Nairobi. A study for a comprehensive model of care | Ravazzini, Reggi, Magoni and Inghilleri
The children on our streets (1) | Bourdillon
The Children on our streets (2) | Bourdillon
Homeless: Neither a profession nor an employer offers shelter or a place to go | Baizerman
Social support networks in services for adolescents and their families | Barth
Cross-cultural problems faced by people who work with street children | Aptekar
Society makes survival a crime | Richter
Moulding a life with nimble fingers | Dawood
The opportunity: Working with street youth with HIV/AIDS | Lees
Oceanside's youngest homeless often forgotten | Walsh
Street children and homelessness
Who cares? Sexual abuse and street children in South Africa | Cockburn
Those Homestead boys | Cockburn
Violent minority | Bones
Family reunification: children and youth living on the streets | Hemmens
Kids on the street they have something to say: Survey of runaway and homeless youth | Kufeldt and Nimmo
Youth who chronically AWOL from foster care: Why they run, where they go, and what can be done | Finkelstein et al
On the outer circle: Reaching homeless families | McCrary et al
Homelessness | Kasting and Artz
Runaway dogs and runaway kids | Stein
Youth who run away and are disengaged in programming?
New York City: We’re stemming flow of foster-care kids into homelessness | Scaccia
Emerging street children in Papua New Guinea | Sali
Peer assistance for out-of-the-mainstream youth | Carr
Growing up homeless in suburbia | Dosani
Emergency Rooms and Open Air Prisons: Conversations with Reggie Harris | Skott-Myhre
School / Academic
Bullying in School from the Experiences of the Bullies: A Multiple Case Study | Torino Jr. and Compas
Relationships between behavior symptoms and academic performance in out-of-home care children who are Aboriginal | Hindman, Rowland and Hassmen
Virtual schools for care-experienced learners in Scotland: Reflections on an emerging concept in a new context | McIver and Bettencourt
Youth in Danger and Students at Risk of Dropping Out | Muzammil and Arshad
Do School Resource Officers Really Refer Black Students to the Justice System for Less Serious Offenses? | May, Barranco, Roberts and Robertson
Effects of School-Based Mental Health Services on Youth Outcomes | Golberstein, Zainullina, Sojourner, Sander
Ragged Schooling | Dickens
Mary Carpenter | Smith
Missing male | Bawden
On being accountable in schools: Strategies for the Child and Youth Care practitioner | Jarrett
School-based field placements: A Montreal perspective | Kruger
Child and youth care work in a school undergoing complex language and cultural adjustment in South Africa | Nightingale
Yellowwood | Rubel
Towards a curriculum for more appropriate education for out-of-school children | Pease
Overcoming adversity through community schools | Harris and Hoover
Climbing Everests at William Gee School | Cook
Pathways from discouragement to courage | Van Bockern et al
Practical strategies for working with students who display aggression and violence | Guetzloe
Catch it low to prevent it high: Countering low-level verbal abuse (1) | Goldstein
Catch it low to prevent it high: Countering low-level verbal abuse (2) | Goldstein
Teaching character | Walters
Students and teachers develop a resource manual for safe and caring schools | Jeary
Helping schools say “Yes” to children who say ‘‘No” | Ostergaus and Lowe
The school as a hub: Best practice model for child and youth work | Kelly
A pedagogy of belonging | Beck and Malley
Experience beyond words: Giving children a voice through poetry writing | Alexander and Shaw-Benson
Students and teachers develop a resource manual for safe and caring schools | Jeary
Classroom management | Van Tassell
The forgotten intervention: How to design environments that foster friendship | Overton
Community mental health in an alternative school, in the public schools, and in the kitchen! | Long et al
How to teach the unteachable | Ciaccio
One day in the life of an inner-city school-based Child and Youth Care Worker | Chrest
Supporting families: A school based Child and Youth Care worker's perspective | Aubey
From polarization to partnership: Learning to listen to families | Osher and Keenan
Self-awareness in the child care worker | Young
Self-awareness model for training and application in Child and Youth Care | Ricks
The light goes on: Reflecting on the values and principles of the Child and Youth Care program | Rose Sladde
Talking about ‘getting stuck’ | Vanderheyden
Residential life with children | Beedell
Letting go in love | Smith
Four parts magic: The anatomy of a Child and Youth Care intervention | Garfat
Developmental stages of Child and Youth Care workers: An interactional perspective | Garfat
Child and Youth Care education: Perspectives in transformation | Demers
Central themes in Child and Youth Care | Krueger
Beware of the Bunny People and other thoughts of a new youth care worker | Matthews
Maintaining personal integrity and morality in a community home | Walkley
The importance of self-care | Kostouros and McLean
Without the self there is no other | Ricks
Report on a self-care camp for staff | Hough
Let us be self-serving! Reframing our vocabulary | VanderVen
Our next big challenge: Genuine cultural SELF self awareness | Newbury
What exactly is Child and Youth Care work? | Anglin
Self-regulation through goal setting | Schunk
Self-regulation and school readiness | Blair
Some key characteristics of Child and Youth Care workers | Kelly
Child and Youth Care education: My journey | Coolen
Self-determination: An essential element of successful transitions | Field and Hoffman
Restoring self-esteem in adolescent males | Hendel
Supervision in the helping professions | Hawkins and Shohet
Calming together: The pathway to self-control | Bath
Exeriencing differences: The challenges, opportunities and cautions | Hoskins and Ricks
Personal reflections on an emerging self | Chubb
You/me/us: Thoughts on boundary management in Child and Youth Care | Mann-Feder
Self-determination | Field
Perception and reality | Rogers
Major goals of counselling | Rogers
An inquiry into self-doubt in Child and Youth Care practice | Sanrud
Mr. Self comes home | Gharabaghi
Reaching beyond caring to loving in Child and Youth Care practice | Ranhan
Turning myself inside out: My theory of me | Fewster
The road less graveled: A philosophical stroll through Child and Youth Care | Fewster
The self as subject in Child and Youth Care supervision | Mann-Feder
Sexual Issues
“A footnote in the file”: are we Doing enough to attend to children’s experiences of intimate partner violence in out-of-home care settings? | Jenney, Birks and Frampton
Male Survivors of Institutional Child Sexual Abuse: A Review | Wyles, O’Leary, Tsantefski and Young
Understanding the sexual behavior of children (1) | Cavanagh
Understanding the sexual behavior of children (2) | Cavanagh
Who cares? Sexual abuse and street children in South Africa | Cockburn
Juvenile sexual aggression | Weinrott
The experience of sexual abuse
Breaking the circle: Work with young people who sexually abuse | Dobson
Adolescent sexual offenders: an overview | Charles and McDonald
Perceptions of adolescent sex offenders: From punitive to growth promoting | Charles and Collins
The treatment of adolescent sex offenders: Growth promoting premises of residential care | Charles and Collins
The dynamics of working with sex offenders: Respect, respect, respect | Charles and Collins
Sexual minority youth and substance abuse: Addressing the issue | Knox
Exploiting daily events to heal the pain of sexual abuse | Fox
Preventing sexual abuse: Rescuers without resources | Loffell
Good enough care? Looking after sexually abused young people in residential settings | Roesch-Marsh
The child welfare system and gay, lesbian and bisexual youth in care | Legault
Gaps and silences: The culture and adolescent sex offenders | Coleman
Cries for help: A literature review of the psychological effects of child maltreatment | McPherson
Is childhood becoming oversexed? | McPherson
The perils of no-tolerance sex law | Gibson
A rainbow ends for Daddy's little girl | Arndt
The trouble with sex | Kahan
Adult too soon: Age-sensitive interventions with delinquent girls | Loper
Adolescent sex offenders | Innes
Motivational factors for positive change: A comparison of research on issues in youth | Maltais
Wearing purple | Smith
Zero tolerance: The school woodshed | Rhonda
Complementing the therapist: Child care work with sexually abused youth | Oles
School practitioners supporting LGBTQ | Bochenek
Research as change: GLBTTQ and allies' relationships in transition | Ricks and Vilches
Coming out resilient: Strategies to help gay and lesbian adolescents | DuBeau and Emenhauser
“Out” and “in”: Homophobic issues in residential care | Moore and Moore
Becoming Dani | Skott-Myhre and Wagner
Rethinking the way we work with adolescent sexual offenders: Building relationships | Charles
A story for Grant | Garfat
Dave | Anderson-Nathe
A Qualitative Course-based Inquiry into the Use of Strengths-based Language in Child and Youth Care Residential Field Practicums | Bellefeuille, Biton, Chinchilla, Doniego, Iqbal, Lin, Parokkaran and Sison
Grit, Social Support, and Academic Success of Youth Formerly in Foster Care | Stevenson and Saulnier
How Adolescents in Residential Care Perceive their Skills and Satisfaction with Life: Do Adolescents and Youth Workers Agree? | Gallardo‑Masa, Sitjes‑Figueras, Iglesias, Montserrat
What is strength-based Child and Youth Care anyway? | Racco
Strengths-based recording | Lithuli
Focus on strengths | Phelan
Is harm reduction a viable choice for kids enchanted with drugs? | Larsen and Brasler
Seven habits of reclaiming relationships | Laursen
Rather than fixing kids, build positive peer cultures | Laursen
The Rest of Canada: Child and Youth Care Work in Rural Communities | Gilberg and Charles
Child Strengths and the Level of Care for Children with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders | Oswald et al
Child care workers: Catalysts for a future world | Garfat
How to ride a wave when the tide turns | Mbambo
The importance of taking a strength-based perspective | Hewitt
Helping students feel they belong | Hewitt
The problem with problems: Developing polarities and curriculum | Gannon
Theories, approaches and principles of education and treatment | Gannon
Living elsewhere: Stories of successful women who lived in group care as girls | Kreider
Positive peer groups: “Helping others” meets primary developmental needs | Quigley
Walk a mile in my shoes | Bryan and Southern
Learning Child and Youth Care work in context: A case example | Krueger
Restoring self-esteem in adolescent males | Hendel
Easier said than done: Shifting from a risk to a resiliency paradigm | Wolin
Need and risk and how to tell the difference | Artz et al
How we can foster resiliency in children | Berliner and Bernard
Child and Youth Care education: My journey | Coolen
The teacher teaches the curriculum: The teacher is the curriculum | Kirkland
The tools of encouragement | Evans
Resilience: What it is and how children and young people can be helped to develop it | Maclean
Strong families, strong children: A family-focused crime prevention program | Morrison et al
Creating resiliency in urban neighborhoods | Timmermans et al
The resilient brain | Brendtro and Longhurst
From coercive to strength-based intervention: Responding to the needs of children in pain | Brendtro
Controls from within: The enduring challenge | Brendtro and Long
Self-determination | Field
The school as a hub: Best practice model for child and youth work | Kelly
Stress / Self-Care / Mental Health
Screen time and mental health: a prospective analysis of the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study | Nagata, Al-Shoaibi, Leong, Zamora, Testa, Ganson and Baker
“Suffering in silence”: How social workers in child
welfare practice experience and manage burnout |
Burnout in Residential Support Workers: The Impact of Locus of Control and Perceived Supervisor Support | Benveniste, Madsen, Chappel & Sprajcer
Compassion Fatigue in Out of Home Care Workers: A Systematic Review | Benveniste, Smith, Gupta, Chappel & Sprajcer
‘You’re Investing in People … It’s Not a Race. It’s Not a Rush’: Youth Care Worker Emotional Labour in Inner-City Neighbourhoods Across Canada | Enkhtugs and Walby
Exploring the interconnection of social media, mental health and youth: A bibliometric analysis | Abas, Hussin, Hardi, Hashim
Exploring the Challenges and Resilience of Child and Youth Care Workers Employed in a Child and Youth Care Centre in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa | Dewa and Dewa
Anxiety and depression amongst youth as adverse effects of using social media: A review | Prasad, Souabni, Anugwom, Aneni, Anand, Urhi, Obi-Azuike, Gibson, Khan and Oladunjoye
Interventions targeting the mental health and wellbeing of care‑experienced children and young people in higher‑income countries: Evidence map and systematic review | Evans, MacDonald, Trubey, Noyes, Robling, Willis, Boffey, Wooders, Vinnicombe and Melendez‑Torres
The Child Care Worker and occupational stress | Whitehead
Burnout | Powis
The visibility and vulnerability of residential work | Staples
Respect in the face of violence: Keeping everybody safe | Smiar
Psychosomatic illness and symptoms in children | Levenstein
If we are the good guys, why do we feel so bad? | Berman
Staying sane as a child care worker | Gannon
The nature of caring (1) | Wrenn
The nature of caring (2) | Wrenn
Understanding our limitations | Bernstein and Halaszyn
Supervision in helping professions: An individual, group and organizational approach | Hawkins and Shohet
Personal sources of satisfaction | Krueger
Stress and burnout in the field
Burn out in Child and Youth Care
Enduring in the field | Garfat
Staying alive | Garfat
Organizational factors contributing to worker frustration: the precursor to burnout | Lewandowski
Understanding and preventing burnout
Occupational stress in child care work | Dillenburger
Report on a self-care camp for staff | Hough
Modelling morale, job satisfaction, retention and training among residential child care personnel | Colton
Taking care of ourselves so we can care for others: A challenge for crisis intervention personnel | Reyes
The importance of self-care | Kostouros and Mclean
Self care | Koroll
Burnout | Stein
Care Workers and residential care | Knorth et al
Advice to Child and Youth Care staff | Digney
Broken or unsupportive office teams?
Occupational stress for group care personnel | Mattingly
The value and practice of self care | Freeman
Sorrows and lamentations: The force of sadness in Child and Youth Care | Skott-Myhre
Exasperation and inclination | Smart and Digney
Taking care of whole selves | De Monte
Self care and the imagination | Gharabaghi
‘You’re Investing in People … It’s Not a Race. It’s Not a Rush’: Youth Care Worker Emotional Labour in Inner-City Neighbourhoods Across Canada | Enkhtugs and Walby
‘I never win’: How children and staff in residential facilities experience meaningful participation | Slaatto, Baugerud, Mellblom
Developing a sense of the possible | Blankstein and Guetzloe
Factors in success in residential programmes | Donohue
Why try cooperative learning? | Lyman and Foyle
Accountability, failure and success | Charles
Thoughts about success and failure | Charles
Experiencing success is easier than measuring it | Charles
Being my personal best | Vidal
Thinking about success criteria | Gannon
Developing empathy in children and youth | Cotton
A pedagogy of belonging | Beck and Malley
Living elsewhere: Stories of successful women who lived in group care as girls | Kreider
The tools of encouragement | Evans
The perils of planning | Forster
Young children’s emotional development and school readiness
We can’t place ourselves in someone else’s shoes, but we can try | Krueger
Fundamental processes for interventions: Working with high-risk adolescents and their families | Ballantyne et al
Unconditional schools, youth of promise | Lloyd
Self-efficacy and the construction of an optimistic self | Bandura
Andrew | Martin
Experience beyond words: Giving children a voice through poetry writing | Alexander and Shaw-Benson
Ode to joy | McArter
Time management for teams | Yu-Ting Lee and Kleiner
Therapeutic recreation | Roush
Spitting from windmills: The therapeutic value of effective instruction | Valore
How we can better protect children from abuse and neglect | Pelton
Self-regulation and school readiness | Blair
Storytelling | Woodard
Correlates of therapeutic involvement among adolescents in residential drug treatment | Hawke
How adults learn | Muller
Difficult decisions: Lessons learned from one family's story of residential placement | Evans
Resilience: What it is and how children and young people can be helped develop it | Maclean
Successful parenting in high-risk neighborhoods | Jarrett
Stats on success of treatment centres/group homes
Hope doesn’t just happen | Pregent
Mind-sets for a happier life | Webber
Climbing Everests at William Gee School | Cook
What do you expect? | Stein
Supervision / Support
Availability of support systems for youth who left child and youth care centres during COVID-19 | Zingwe and Lekganyane
Supporting older youth in care: The role of caregivers | Cullen
Child and Youth Care Practice: The foundation for great supervision | Gilberg and Charles
The good supervisor | Borders
The power in numbers | Charles
Group supervision | Werstlein
Congruence between supervision and practice | Garfat
Support-Education-Training (S.E.T.): A framework for supervision in Child and Youth Care | Garfat
The Supervision Connection | Garfat
Consultation as a complement to the clinical supervision of youth care | Maas and Ney
Leadership in building supervisory relationships | Reinsilber
Teaching and Training as a Facet of Supervision of Care Staff: An overview | Maier
Developmental supervision in residential care | Magnuson and Burger
Evaluation and feedback in supervision | Harris
IPR: Recalling thoughts and feelings in supervision | Cashwell
Some characteristics of a Child and Youth Care approach as they apply to Life Space Supervision | Michael
Life-space supervision | Michael
Parallel process in supervision
Peer consultation as a form of supervision
Selecting the correct frame for supervision | Hilton
Understanding supervision | Hilton
Supervision in addictions counseling: Special challenges and solutions | Juhnke and Culbreth
Supervision in child care | Groning
Supervision: What it means to me | Graves
Peer consultation as a form of supervision | Benshoff
The self as subject in Child and Youth Care supervision | Mann-Feder
Learning to build a “Professional package”: Helping supervisors confront constructively | Delano and Shah
Lovers and supervisors: Same things, just different? | May
Value-based supervision | Shepard and Freado
Supervisee resistance | Bradley and Gould
Stages of Child and Youth Care Worker Development | Phelan
How do you know if you are a competent Child and Youth Care supervisor? | Phelan
CYC supervision: Some thoughts on developing newer workers | Phelan
The relationship boundaries that control programming | Phelan
Supervising new Child and Youth Care staff | Phelan
Supervising new Child and Youth Care staff: the next three months | Phelan
Ethical training through supervision | Hanekamp
Talking about ‘getting stuck’ | Vanderheyden
External Supervision | Gharabaghi
Preparation for new supervisors | Mitchell
‘A Time to Reflect’: Humour within the supervision process | Digney
A little supervisory help | Murray
It’s what you do | Burnison
The Child and Youth Care Workers: Who needs them? | Linton and Forster
Power and empowerment | Gannon
Group supervision and the supervision of teams in residential care: the Slovene experience | Kobolt
The supervisory relationship | Dye
How can staff cope with disruptive children? | Walton
The social work supervisor: Supervision in community, day care and residential settings | Brown and Bourne
The social work supervisor (1) | Brown and Bourne
The social work supervisor (2) | Brown and Bourne
Building Bridges | Reid
Supervision and “The Millennials”: Collaborating to Bridge the Generation Gap | Delano
Supervision Possibilities With Socialized Thinkers | Phelan
Threshold Concepts | Phelan
CYC Supervision: The Growth from Manager to Professional Developer | Phelan
Supervision in Relational Child and Youth Care Practice | Garfat and Freeman
Unusual Challenges in Supervising Child and Youth Care Professionals | Fox
Being in Child Care Supervision: A Renewed Journey into Self | Marshall
About Supervision | Phelan
Reflections of Supervision: The Development of a Growing Child and Youth Care | Batasar-Johnie
Bad Supervisors | Gharabaghi
Supervision in Child and Youth Care: A Personal Reflection on Two Experiences | Deol
The Power of Description | Skott-Myhre
Being a Subject in Supervision Matters | Kavanagh
Is Formal Supervision Necessary? | Steckley
Humour in the Supervisory Relationship | Brown
‘Hanging In’ in Child and Youth Care Supervision | Hann
Socialized thinking and supervision | Phelan
Supervision: A matter of leadership or management? | Carty
Why supervisors should be built from the floor up | Squires
Promoting Reflective Non-Compliance | Gharabaghi
The supervisor’s responsibility and privilege to mentor new practitioners | Biedrzycki
The role of supervision | Moore
It’s all a matter of change | Goodwin
Staff burnout | Lodge
Does Virtual Reality Training Increase Mindfulness in Aboriginal Out‑of‑Home Care Children? |Rowland, Hindman, Jomeen and Hassmén
Re-thinking youth work as initial mental health support for young people | Ní Charraighe and Reynolds
Supervision models | Leddick
Classroom management | Van Tassell
My introduction to family systems theory | Phelan
Why moral reasoning theory is helpful in Child and Youth Care work | Phelan
Some thoughts on using an ecosystem perspective | Phelan
Thinking theory, doing practice | Winfield
Ethical dilemmas in practice | McLaughlin and Pinkerton
A pedagogy of belonging | Beck and Malley
Articulating a Child and Youth Care approach to family work | Jones
A framework for understanding and practice in residential group care | Anglin
Why theory? | Steckley
Transforming the milieu and lives through the power of activity: theory and practice | VanderVen
Token economies or point and level systems: whatever we call them, let's rethink them! | VanderVen
“All he wants ... ” | VanderVen
Nurturing hidden resilience in troubled youth | Ungar
Mapping change in a child and family centre in Melbourne, Australia | McNamara
Critical components of an anti-oppressive framework | Moore
Relationships: we have to begin somewhere! | Gannon
Protecting themselves from love | Gannon
Developmental and systemic approaches: The clash of paradigms in group care treatment | Braga
You, me and us | Fewster
Turning myself inside out: My theory of me | Fewster
Attachment and youth at risk | Tomlinson
Over the net: Encouraging win-win solutions through conflict resolution | Addison and Westmoreland
The (potential) ultra-conservatism of resilience theory | Gharabaghi
Working with play | Altman
Unifying values and practice in Child and Youth Care programmes | Vilakazi
Beyond good and evil: Towards an a-moral youth work practice | Skott-Myhre
Theoretical considerations: Recovery work with child victims of sexual abuse | O'Doherty et al
But what of practice? | Hart
Ecological systems theory | Fenske
An attachment-based parenting program for caregivers of severely conduct disordered adolescents | Moretti et al
Matching therapeutic style with developmental level: A guide for child care workers | Oles
Children's participation in Family Group Conference as a resolution model | Strandbu
The biology of behavior: The attachments and affects of adjudicated youth | Boss and Masiker-Nickel
Politics and the language of Child Care | Gudgeon
Articulating a Child and Youth Care approach to family work | Jones
Groups and groupwork | Harte
Praxis | White
Mind-sets for a happier life | Webber
Living more connected lives: Applications of Glasser’s Choice Theory in Child and Youth Care | Freeman
Propaganda with and without Evidence | Magnuson
Child and Youth Care – The enhancement of praxis: Theory to practice or theory vs practice | Edwards and Gaidhu
“She has saved my life on many occasions”: care-experienced young women’s reflections on the significance of pets and the impact of loss | Muldoon and Williams
Play therapy | Legault
The use of creative arts in adolescent group therapy | Rambo
Art therapy | Fletcher
Music Therapy With Emotionally Disturbed Children | Hussey and Layman
Family secrecy: a comparative study of juvenile sex offenders and youth with conduct disorders | Baker
Divisions between behaviour management and therapy: Towards new directions of authority in Child and Youth Care | Vanderwoerd
Residential treatment: A resource for families | Ridgely and Carty
Therapy | Krueger
Aesthetics or therapy in art? | Hemensley and Coates
Outlaw riders: Equine-facilitated therapy with juvenile capital offenders | Moreau
Art therapy on a residential treatment team for troubled children | Mills
What is Milieu Therapy? (1) | Jonsson
What is Milieu Therapy? (2) | Jonsson
Youth in a difficult world: Multisystemic therapy
Talking about ‘getting stuck’ | Vanderheyden
Beyond therapeutic nihilism | Alessi
Wilderness therapy for youth-at-risk: helping troubled teenagers | Rosol
Scientifically based approaches to drug addiction treatment
Therapeutic application of play | Pazaratz
The milieu of real relationships | Weiner
Perception and reality | Rogers
Treatment programs for children with sexually problematic behaviour | Gagnon et al
What is bibliotherapy? | Abdullah
The healthful effects of laughter | Puder
Residential treatment: A co-operative competency based approach to therapy and program design | Durrant
Therapeutic uses of outdoor education | Berman
Prevention of serious and violent juvenile offending | Wasserman et al
Matching therapeutic style with developmental level: A guide for child care workers | Oles
An evaluation of the effectiveness of intervention in families with children with behavioural problems within the context of a Sure Start Programme | Brown and Dillenburger
Integrated therapeutic interactions | Blase and Fixsen
Articulating a Child and Youth Care approach to family work | Jones
Child and Youth Care practice as psychotherapy | Rayment
Care is therapy | Burton
The inpatient basketball group as an alternative to group therapy: Helping the ‘bad boys’ feel good about themselves | Elias and Soth
Healing the wounded child | Niss
Building resilience and hope for the future | Jewitt
Correctional psychology with young offenders in the community: Philosophical musings | Winogron
The process of engaging with young people | Gannon
Perceptions of adolescent sex offenders: From punitive to growth promoting | Charles and Collins
The treatment of adolescent sex offenders: Growth promoting premises of residential care | Charles and Collins
The dynamics of working with sex offenders: Respect, respect, respect | Charles and Collins
Therapeutic storytelling | Burns
Care, treatment and planned environments | Daltrey
Stop and think: The application of cognitive-behavioral approaches in work with young people | Gabor and Ing
Classroom management | Van Tassell
“Good families don't...”(and other family myths) | Coleman
One child’s smile: Non-verbal approaches to cognitive therapy | Toman and Gray
Further considerations relating to Michael White’s ‘Ritual of Inclusion’ | Epston and Henwood
The EQUIP program: Helping youth see, really see, the other person | Gibbs et al
Teaching children to manage their tempers | Stein
Opening space: Towards dialogue and discovery | Sanders and Thomson
The therapeutic power of kindness | Long
Through a keyhole: An insight into play therapy | Przybylo
The power of relationship: the theoretical foundation of child-centered play therapy | Przybylo
Canaries in the coal mine | John
Working Together: Interdisciplinary Training within Live-In Treatment | O’Leary, McGill, Nagar, Colasanto, Trull and Phythian
Enhancing interprofessional teamwork between youth care professionals using an electronic health record; a mixed methods intervention study | Benjamins, de Vet & Haveman-Nies
Training for caring | Brennan
What exactly is Child and Youth Care work? | Anglin
Why train youth workers? | Baizerman
A process-oriented in-service training model for child care personnel | Powis
Child and youth care: The transition from student to practitioner | Moscrip and Brown
Training child care workers: Three essentials | Liberatore
Learning: What? How? | Van Weezel and Waaldijk
Three-day wilderness training camp for child and youth work students
Training intervention strategies to promote application of ethics learning in practice settings | Curry
Time for faculty renewal; valuing Child and Youth Care education | Seibel
KSS AND TELL: A Canadian Perspective on the Training of Child and Youth Care Workers | Kiffiak
Training the untrained | Karth
Power and empowerment | Gannon
Understanding and assessing | Steckley
Dear Student | Winfield
Practicing what we preach: The importance of consistency in staff and youth training initiatives | Schubert
Child and youth care education | Fewster
An evaluation of training in social pedagogy in Slovenia | Kobolt
Assessing learning from the inside-out | Finch
Practica experiences | Liptak
What does a Child and Youth Care practioner look like? | Phelan
Identification of difficult question domains for Child and Youth Care students | Ruttan and Denholm
Self-awareness model for training and application in Child And Youth Care | Ricks
CYC education and the ‘clinical’ debate | Gharabaghi
Preparing Child and Youth Care practitioners for the field | Fraser
How to choose a Child and Youth Care program? An investigation | Magnuson and McGrath
Training professionals working with children in care | Mangan, Nemtzov and Rask
Being competent about competence | Magnuson and Vachon
Promoting Reflective Non-Compliance | Gharabaghi
Power is naturally fearful for supervisors too | Phelan
International online Child and Youth Care education: How to train care worker groups | Rygaard
The supervisor’s responsibility and privilege to mentor new practitioners | Biedrzycki
Swallow Your Pride | Ostrowska
The Accidental Practitioner: 12 Learning Points from the Film “Short Term 12” | Kelly and Curry
The Circle of Courage and the Supervisory Relationship with Practicum Students | Lam
From Trauma to Resilience | Hotchkin
Transitions / Care Leavers
Factors enabling smooth transitions from out-of-home care: A scoping review | Grage-Moore, Wainwright, Newton, Mendes and Skouteris
Navigating Relationships with Birth Family After Aging Out of Foster Care: Experiences of Young People | Havlicek, Holland and Taussig
Availability of support systems for youth who left child and youth care centres during COVID-19 | Zingwe and Lekganyane
Between plans and realities: Reflecting on experiences of participatory research in archiving residential Children’s homes in Scotland and Germany | Burns and Schafer
Care-Leavers' Experiences of How Managed Opportunities for Independence Contributed to Building Resilience | Hlungwani and van Breda
Raising post-secondary education participation of young people transitioning from care: The effects of extended legislative support | Tootell and Harvey
Understanding factors that impact the acquisition of Independent Living Skills among young people transitioning from Out-of-Home Care | Starr, Cordier, Pakpahan, Chung and Parsons
Adverse Childhood Experiences, Quality of Life and the Mediating Roles of Self-Efficacy and Self-Directedness in Youth Residential Care Leavers | Leiting, Beck, Bürgin, Fegert, Jenkel, Boonmann, Schmeck, Grob and Schmid
Disabled people as foster carers – closing the recruitment gap and more | Unwin, Jones and Meakin
Challenges Experienced by Youths Leaving Kinship Foster Care in Johannesburg, South Africa | Zimudzi and Dhludhlu
The basic income for care leavers in Wales pilot evaluation: Protocol of a quasi-experimental evaluation | Westlake, Holland, Sanders, Schroeder, Pickett, Johnson, Petrou, Hick, Roberts, Rodriguez-Guzman, Vallis, Fahr, Bezeczky, Mathur and Lloyd
Navigating the world of work: experiences and perspectives of care leavers in China | Yin
Examining narratives of Swedish care-leaving bureaucracy from a lived citizenship perspective: framing the problem in political terms | Bečević and Höjer
Trend Effects of Being in Care, from Early to Late Adulthood: A Comparative Look at Adults Who Were in Residential or Foster Care As Children and Those Who Did Not Experience Out-Of-Home Care | Sauerwein & Graßhoff
Trajectories of homelessness and association with mental health and substance use disorders among young people transitioning from out-of-home care in Australia | Chikwava, Cordier, Ferrante, O’Donnell and Pakpahan
When young people age out of care: Foster care in a life course and network perspective | Oterholm and Höjer
First Nations Care Leavers: Supporting Better Transitions | Walsh, Turnbull, Mendes and Standfield
Examining the Mental Health Care Needs and Outcomes of Young People Transitioning from Out-of-Home Care (OOHC) in Australia | Mendes and Chaffey
Youth in Transition: Exploring a life course perspective on leaving care in Africa | Kelly, van Breda, Pinkerton, Frimpng-Manso, Chereni and Bukuluki
Youth carceral deinstitutionalisation and transinstitutionalisation in Ontario: Recent developments and questions | Mussell and Evans
Needs and Coping Strategies of Care Experienced Young People | Živković and Bulat
Male Care-Leavers' Transfer of Social Skills from Care into Independent Living in South Africa | Mmusi and van Breda
Children and young people leaving care | Cashmore and Mendes
Leaving care | Kennedy
Adolescent transitions | Borgen and Amundson
Notes on change, transformation and transition | Winfield
Leaving residential placement: A guide to intervention | Mann-Veder and Garfat
Transitions into residential placements
Making more sense of transitions | Smart
Child and youth care: The transition from student to practitioner | Moscrip and Brown
Transitions from public care to independence | Munro et al
Transitions | Smith
More than a game: Eight transition lessons chess teaches | Kennedy
Oregon initiative for reintegrating adjudicated youth | Lehman
The next twenty-four months | Gray et al
Helping at-risk youth make the school-to-work transition | Lowry
When it’s hard to leave home | Peterson
Heavy mettle: Stories of transition for delinquent youth | Yellin et al
Investing in termination: intervening with youth in the transition to independent living | Mann-Feder and White
One family’s adventures in transition | Harmon
Transitions | Perry
Self-determination: An essential element of successful transitions | Field and Hoffman
Vulnerable populations and the transition to adulthood | Osgood et al
On a new schedule: Transitions to adulthood and family change | Furstenberg
The logic of chronos: Age-based and other mandated transitions | Hare
What’s going on with young people today? The long and twisting path to adulthood | Settersten and Ray
Programs and policies to assist high school dropouts in the transition to adulthood | Bloom
Parents’ role in transition for handicapped youth: an overview | Kerka
Best practices in transition programs for youth | Deschenes and Clark
The impact of providing a continuum of care in the | Chittleburgh
Home alone | Evans
The loss of innocence | Laidlaw
To see or not to see: Hidden in plain view | Smart and Digney
Peering behind the invisibility cloak | Smart and Digney
I can see clearer now: Hoping for hope | Digney and Smart
18 to 23: The time(s) of your life | Digney
Transition | Freeman
Udayan Care’s (Sunshine Homes) After Care Program: Successful transitions from children’s home to independence | Modi et al
Ready or not: Youth aging out of care | Wiseman
Transitions and early learning | McGrath
How to Prepare the Ideal Agency Exit Strategy | Almaoui and Delano
Ready or Not: Youth Aging Out of Care | Wiseman
Experiences From Treatment for Anxiety and Depression Among Youth in Foster Care: A Qualitative Study | Moussavi, Haugland, Wergeland, Lehmann and Mæland
Autism, Stigma, and South Asian Immigrant Families in Canada | Shafi, Karunakaran and Ahmad
Adolescents in therapeutic residential care: treatment needs and characteristics | Kanestrøm, Stallvik, Lydersen, Skokauskas & Kaasbøll
Responding to children's ambiguous loss in out-of-home care: The HEAR practice model | Kor, Park, Dear, Fabrianesi
Family-Centeredness in Secure Residential Treatment and Its Relationship With Parental Involvement and Adolescent Behavioural Outcomes | Broekhoven, Blankestein, van Santvoort, Asscher, van Domburgh, Simons, Albrecht, van der Rijken, Rijnhart, Popma
Living on the Edge | Green
Overlooked ADHD patients: Girls | Carroll
Care, treatment and planned environments | Daltrey
ADHD in Adults and Families and Concurrent Disorders
Essential components in care and treatment environments for children | Maier
Self-Inflicted Violence: Helping Those Who Hurt Themselves | Alderman
Residential treatment: A resource for families | Ridgeley and Carty
Treatment of deprived children (1) | Wolff
Treatment of deprived children (2) | Wolff
Treatment programs for children with sexually problematic behaviour | Gagnon et al
Family treatment in residential homes (1) | Lasson
Family treatment in residential homes (2) | Lasson
The Treatment Plan | Phelan
Developing effective residential treatment for youth
Youth treatment as brutal 'tough love' | Chen
Difficult decisions: Lessons learned from one family's story of residential placement | Evans
Art therapy on a residential treatment team for troubled children | Mills
Perceptions of adolescent sex offenders: From punitive to growth promoting | Charles and Collins
The treatment of adolescent sex offenders: Growth promoting premises of residential care | Charles and Collins
The dynamics of working with sex offenders: Respect, respect, respect | Charles and Collins
Straining the ties that bind: Limits on parent-child contact in out-of-home care | Friesen et al
Treatment foster care and relationships: Understanding the role of therapeutic alliance between youth and treatment parent | Rauktis et al
Parenting attitudes and moral development of treatment foster parents: Implications for training and supervision | Richardson et al
The changing character of residential child care | Whittaker
Organizational tenets and actions | Krueger
Child and Youth Care organization | Krueger
Scientifically based approaches to drug addiction treatment
The utility of residential treatment programs in the prevention and management of juvenile delinquency | Billick and Mack
The unacceptable face of behaviourism | Elliot
If we are the good guys, why do we feel so bad? | Berman
Four complexities in residential treatment of juvenile offenders | Heintzelman
Supervision in addictions counseling: Special challenges and solutions | Juhnke and Culbreth
Adolescent substance abuse disorders: From acute treatment to recovery management | White et al
"Out of control": A youth perspective on secure treatment and physical restraint | Raychaba
Attacking crime or kids? Juvenile Justice at the crossroads | Larson
Rejected youth in residential treatment: social affiliation and peer group configuration | Hoff et al
Teaching children to manage their tempers | Stein
Spirituality in rehabilitation counselor education: A pilot survey | Green
Abbott and Costello meet the multi-disciplinary team | Demers and Gudgeon
Crystal methamphetamine | Lee
Thoughts on being | Schreier
Creative treatment planning at a home for troubled adolescents | Davis
From yesterday and today into tomorrow, or Henry, Fritz and friends | Garfat
Treating problem children | Hoghughi et al
Quirky brilliance in residential care and treatment | Gharabaghi
The multi-armed bandit algorithm | Magnuson and Healey
What of diagnosis and drugs? | Skott-Myhre
Children’s Treatment for Mental Health Issues | Rice and Howard
Voice of Youth / Youth Participation
Participation at the margins – participation practices from the viewpoint of young people in residential care | Equit, Keller, Warpaul, Rohrbach, Eberitzsch and Ganterer
What have Children and Adolescents made of what the pandemic has done to them? | de Oliveira, Fernandes and Rodrigues Carrano
The Lived Experience of Youth in Congregate Care: Youth Perceptions of Safety, Relationships, and Support Through Qualitative Inquiry with 10 Young Adults | Parmenter, McCarthy, Benavides, Bayar, Jack and Yoon
What are Aboriginal children and young people in out-of- home care telling us? A review of the child voice literature to understanding perspectives and experiences of the statutory care system | Burns, Grace, Drake and Avery
An Analysis of Policies and Legislation Relating to Child Participation by Children by Children in Alternative Care in South Africa | Schiller, Strydom, Lombard and Rademeyer
Youth as activists in the United States | Whittaker et al
The voices of youth | Charles
Frame by frame: the lost voices from Britain’s urban hell | Briggs
Help the young make their voices heard | Blake
Alone and far from home: In the care system | Saddington
Don't make a secret of being in care | Akinsanya
Experience beyond words: Giving children a voice through poetry writing | Alexander and Shaw-Benson
They can’t stop me | Stoltie
A lasting change | Norman
Growing up in prison | Rios
The person behind the file number | Lay
Trading power for trust | Coffey
American hero(es) | Valore
My journey: From care to college | Thomas
From down-and-out to up-and-coming | Gauthier
Balance of power: Making sure youths are seen and heard | Nation and Stevenson
Kids on the street they have something to say: Survey of runaway and homeless youth | Kufeldt and Nimmo
From peer deviance to peer helping | Longhurst and McCord
Confessions of a dead girl | Chantel
Where is home? The voice of children and young persons
The next sunny day | Sampson
Thinking on good things | Hysten
From a young person’s perspective: Towards a better residential care system for youth | Chung
Transitioning from care to independence in provincial South Africa | Van Der Westhuizen and Valentine
More voices from autism in school | Marshall
Voices of Youth | Freado, Crisp, Sverdrup and Riefle