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Introductory Readings in Child and Youth Care Administration

Find more on Administration at our Subject Readarounds here

Teams in Child Care agencies | Hy Resnick

Meetings, Meetings, Meetings

Engaging with Youth – Making it happen | Brian Gannon

Time management for teams | Christine Yu-Ting Lee and Prof Brian H. Kleiner

The training and development professional's ethical responsibilities to clients | Dale Curry

Worker-Management Relations: A Child Care Worker's Perspective | Trevor Harrison

The perils of planning | Michael Forster

Participatory management: some thoughts | Hy Resnick

Ethical Leadership

The Role of the Manager in Child Care Work | Eric Atmore

10 Principles of Management | John Stein

Listening: A neglected skill in communicating with co-workers and management | Hy Resnick

Peer Consultation as a Form of Supervision | James M. Benshoff

Planning the Daily Programme | John Burton

Parents and the child and youth agency | Hy Resnick

What exactly is Child and Youth Care work?

Building job descriptions for child care workers

Negative Work Environments | Hy Resnick

Abbott and Costello meet the Multi-Disciplinary Team | Michael Demers and Christopher Gudgeon

Negative work environments: A culture/climate improvement strategy | Hy Resnick

Planning staff meetings | Margie Carter

What are we going to do today? | Phineas Molepo

Child Care Workers and the stage of development of their group home: An organizational secret | Hy Resnick

Organizational Tenets and Actions | Mark A. Krueger

Effective Delegation

Problems between departments | Hy Resnick

Termination of Employment | Hy Resnick

Old programs and new

Child Care Workers tell it like it is: What Child Care Administrators need to know about work on the front line | Sabitha Samjee et al

Seven Steps for Building a Career in Child Care | Mark Krueger

Becoming a technologically savvy administrator | Joseph Slowinski

Mistakes educational leaders make | Clete Bulach, Winston Pickett, and Diane Boothe

The training and development professional's ethical responsibilities to clients | Dale Curry

Conflict on Staff Teams | Roger Neugebauer

Four complexities in Residential Treatment of Juvenile Offenders | Robert Heintzelman

The Training and Development Professional's Ethical Responsibilities as a Professional | Dale Curry

I am envious of you, the leaders in the field of Care Practice | A talk by Henry W. Maier

The tools of encouragement | Timothy Evans

Organisational change | Hy Resnick

Caregiver Roles | Donald Peters and Ronald Madle

Practice vs Organization? | Henry Maier

The Profession | Francis Hare

Inter-staff Relationships | Marjorie Kostelnik

Care Worker Turnover | Scot Finnell

Child Care and the Organization | Henry Maier

Practice | Richard W. Small

Culture | Norman Powell

Get 'em Out! | Phil Strain and Gali Joseph

Stress | Nicholas Long

The International Child and Youth Care Network

Registered Public Benefit Organisation in the Republic of South Africa (PBO 930015296)
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