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Our Constitution

1. Name

1.1 The name of the organisation is "The International Child and Youth Care Network".

1.2 Its shortened name will be CYC-Net (hereinafter referred to as CYC-Net or "the organisation". Other names for sub-programmes may be decided on from time to time, for example, "CYC-Online " for the association's on-line magazine.

1.3 CYC-Net is a corporate body which exists in its own right, separately from its members and irrespective of changes in membership or office bearers.

2. Objectives

2.1. The organisation's main objectives are to promote and facilitate reading, learning, information sharing, discussion, networking, support and accountable practice amongst all who work with children, youth and families in difficulty.

2.2. The organisation's secondary objectives will be:

3. Income and property

3.1 The organisation will keep a register of everything it owns.

3.2 The organisation may not give any of its money or property to its members or office bearers, except when it pays for work that a member or office bearer has done for the organisation. Such payment shall be a reasonable amount in relation to the work done.

3.3 A member or office bearer of the organisation can only get money back from the organisation for authorised expenses that she or he has paid for or on behalf of the organisation.

3.4 Members or office bearers of the organisation do not have rights over property that belongs to the organisation.

4. Membership

CYC-Net's membership is not limited by national boundaries and may include people and organisations who are interested or involved at any level of the Child and Youth Care field, including practitioners, supervisors and administrators; teachers and students; policy-makers, advocates and lobbyists; editors, writers and readers. The following categories of membership are provided for:

4.1 Ordinary Membership is voluntary and open to any interested person or organisation upon request or on completion of a standard entry form. There is no charge or fee for ordinary membership and ordinary members do not exercise a vote at the organisation's meetings.

4.2 Associate Membership (for individuals, organisations, associations and academic organisations) is open to those who pay a subscription to CYC-NET according to a scale of fees laid down by the Board of Governors from time to time. Associate Members have the right to propose motions and to participate in and vote at meetings of the organisation and to receive the Annual Report and Financial Accounts of CYC-NET.

4.3. The Founding Editors (see Clause 5.1) are Thom Garfat and Brian Gannon.

5. Management

Because of the international and internet-based nature of CYC-Net, management is vested in an international Board of Governors.

5.1 An international Board of not fewer than ten nor more than eighteen Governors is responsible for the governance of CYC-Net within the scope of this Constitution. Membership on the Board of Governors is determined on merit through the existing board and editors.

5.2 The powers and responsibilities of the Governors shall include:

5.3 Governors will serve for three years, but may stand for re-election so long as they are nominated and accept nomination.

5.4 In the event of a vacancy occurring on the Board between Annual General Meetings, the remaining Governors may fill the vacancy by co-option.

5.5 The seat of a Board member shall become vacant if a member:

5.6 All those connected with the organisation shall abide by decisions of the Board of Governors.

6. Powers of the organisation

The organisation shall have the power and authority to undertake whatever lawful activities it considers necessary to achieve the objectives of the organisation.

6.1 The organisation has the power and authority to raise funds or to invite and to receive contributions, and to buy, hire or exchange any property that it needs to achieve its objectives.

6.2 The organisation has the right to make by-laws for proper management, including procedure for application, approval and termination of membership.

6.3 The organisation may sue and be sued in its own name. Supporters and office bearers shall not be personally liable for any loss suffered by any person as a result of any act or omission in good faith while performing functions for or on behalf of the organisation.

6.4 The organisation may open and operate banking accounts in its name.

7. Meetings and procedures of the Board

7.1 The Board must hold at least two ordinary meetings each year. Meetings of the Board may be held and resolutions passed by any of e-mail, internet or digital conferencing.

7.2 At its first meeting after the Annual General Meeting or whenever appropriate, the Board shall elect a Chairperson from amongst its own members. If the chairperson cannot attend a meeting, then those present will elect another Board member to chair that meeting. If voting on any issue is equal, the Chairperson of a meeting will have a second or a deciding vote. The chairperson, or any three members of the committee, may call a special meeting. 21 days' notice of the proposed meeting shall be given together with details of the matter(s) to be discussed at the meeting.

7.3 A quorum at a meeting of The Board of Governors or Special Meeting shall be at least half of the members.

7.4 Minutes of all meetings must be kept safely and always be on hand, either physically or electronically.

8. Annual General Meeting

The annual general meeting must be held once every year as soon as possible after the end of the organisation's financial year.

The following business should be handled:

8.1 The minutes of the previous meeting should be confirmed.

8.2 Reports of the Chairperson, the Editors and the Operations Officer should be presented.

8.3 Other motions submitted by members should be considered.

8.4 Office bearers should be elected.

9. Finance

9. 1 A Financial Officer (located conveniently to the executive offices of the organisation) shall be appointed at the annual general meeting.

9.2 The Financial Officer' s job is to control the finances of the organisation. The Financial Officer shall arrange for all funds to be deposited into a bank account in the name of the organisation and shall keep proper records of all the finances.

9.3 The financial year of the organisation ends on 31 March.

9.4 The organisation's accounting records and reports must be completed within six months after the financial year end.

10. Changes to the constitution

10.1 Any changes to this Constitution shall be approved by a two-thirds majority of those voting, the required 14 days' notice having been given, either at the annual general meeting or a special general meeting called for the purpose.

10.2 No amendment may be made which would have the effect of causing the organisation cease to exist except as provided for under Clause 11.

11. Dissolution/Winding-up

The organisation may close down if at least two-thirds of the members voting at a meeting convened for the purpose of considering such a matter are in favour. In the event of the dissolution of the organisation, any assets remaining after the satisfaction of all it debts shall not be paid to its members or officers but distributed as determined by the Board of Governors to any similar non-profit organisation or organisations whose aims include the advancement of the field of Child and Youth Care work.

12. Adoption of the constitution

This constitution was approved and accepted on 12 December 2000.

The International Child and Youth Care Network

Registered Public Benefit Organisation in the Republic of South Africa (PBO 930015296)
Incorporated as a Not-for-Profit in Canada: Corporation Number 1284643-8

P.O. Box 23199, Claremont 7735, Cape Town, South Africa | P.O. Box 21464, MacDonald Drive, St. John's, NL A1A 5G6, Canada

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