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Selected Readings on Aspects of the Child and Youth Care Work Profession

For more, see our Readarounds section.

What exactly is Child and Youth Care work? | James Anglin

What exactly is Child and Youth Care work? | The views of Helen Starke and others

What's in a Name?: Exploring Title Designations in Child and Youth Care in Ireland | McElwee and Garfat

21 Memos from your Child

True confessions leading to thoughtful questions | Carol Stuart

What exactly is Child and Youth Care work? | A summary of Small, R.W. and Dodge, L.M. (1988) Roles, skills, and job tasks in professional child care

Self-awareness in the child care worker | Steve Young writing in Child Care Work in Focus

Do-it-yourself definitions of Child and Youth Care work | Brian Gannon on the views of some newcomers to the field

Understanding and reducing power struggles: Transference and counter-transference in treatment relationships | Lorraine E. Fox

Qualities of a Child and Youth Care worker | Ernie Nightingale looks back on 27 years as a Director

On being in charge | Thom Garfat on Child and Youth Care workers taking more responsibility

The Year-2000 model Child and Youth Care Worker User's Manual | Brian Gannon and Merle Allsopp being serious with tongue in cheek

What is a professional? | Two views from David Roush in the youth detention field

How can you recognise a youth-worker? | Mike Baizerman

Developmental Stages of Child and Youth Care Workers: An Interactional Perspective | Thom Garfat

The Juvenile Careworker | David Roush

The child care worker: An ambassador in a land of troubled children | Brian Gannon

Responses to Billy's Mother – I | Thom Garfat on what Child and Youth Care workers do

Responses to Billy's Mother – II | Thom Garfat on what Child and Youth Care workers do

Practice Abuse | Brian Gannon on unsupported front line workers

Being, Acting, Reflecting | Lies Gualtherie van Weezel and Kees Waaldijk

Central Themes in Child and Youth care | Mark Krueger

The child care profession and its responsibilities in the future | Eric Richardson

Letter from a colleague | Dave Damschen

Training for Caring | Patrick Brennan

Child and Youth Care Work: A profession or a calling? | A view from Zambia

Homeless: Neither a profession nor an employer offers shelter or a place to go | Mike Baizerman

Care worker and social worker compare jobs | Rone Gerber and Belinda Slavin

Heroes and Pioneers of Child and Youth Care Work | Larry K. Brendtro

Challenges facing the Child and Youth Care professional | Wilma Hoffman

Adults who work with troubled and difficult young people | F.G. Lennhoff

Why do I do it? | Mark Krueger

Celebrating Child and Youth Care Work | Felicity Coughlan

My Confusion, My Reality | Mark Gamble

Valued Child and Youth Care worker qualities in relationships with young people | Varley Weisman

Today's child, tomorrow's adult | Frieda Francisco-la Grange

Training child care workers: Three essentials | Richard Liberatore

Rights of children are still violated | Sister Stanislaus Kennedy

Stages of Child and Youth Care Worker Development | Jack Phelan

A History of Child and Youth Care | Kathy Beukes and Brian Gannon

An Historical Perspective on Residential Services for Troubled and Troubling Youth in Canada | Grant Charles and Peter Gabor

The Child Care Worker as a Primary Practitioner | F. Herbert Barnes

The Child Care Worker and Occupational Stress | Sharalee Whitehead

The Identification of Stressful Events and Working Conditions by Group Home Personnel | Gale E. Burford

Preparing Agencies and workers for Family Contract Services | Karen Vanderven and Earl N. Stuck

Biographical outline of August Aichhorn | K. R. Eissler

How is Child and Youth Care work unique – and different – from other fields? | Karen VanderVen

True confessions leading to thoughtful questions | Carol Stuart

AS*IF: A Model for Thinking about Child and Youth Care Interventions | Thom Garfat and Terry Newcomen

The International Child and Youth Care Network

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