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Foundational Texts in Child and Youth Care

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By author, in alphabetical order ...

Child and Youth Care: a unique profession
James Anglin

The child care worker as a primary practitioner
F. Herbert Barnes

The Paradoxical Journey: some thoughts on relating to children
Gerry Fewster

The Catastrophe of Compliance
Lorraine E. Fox

Who put the "care" into Child Care?
Lorraine E. Fox

The Field of Child and Youth Care: Are We There Yet? (PDF)
James Freeman

Four Parts Magic: The Anatomy of a Child and Youth Care Intervention
Thom Garfat

Characteristics of a Relational Child and Youth Care Approach – Revisited (PDF)
Thom Garfat, James Freeman, Kiaras Gharabaghi and Leon Fulcher

Central Themes in Child and Youth Care
Mark Krueger

Seven Habits of Reclaiming Relationships
Erik Laursen

Attachment Development is β€œIn”
Henry W. Maier

Essential Components in Care and Treatment Environments for Children (PDF)
Henry W. Maier

Rhythmicity: A powerful force for experiencing unity and personal connections
Henry W. Maier

A Developmental Perspective for Child and Youth Care Work
Henry W. Maier

Relationships: a wide angle perspective
Penny A. Parry

Stages of Child and Youth Care Worker Development
Jack Phelan

10 Child and Youth Care Commandments
Mia Kellmer Pringle

Child Care Work
Fritz Redl

On being a Child and Youth Care worker
Leanne Rose

Definitions and theories of leadership
Adrian Ward

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The International Child and Youth Care Network

Registered Public Benefit Organisation in the Republic of South Africa (PBO 930015296)
Incorporated as a Not-for-Profit in Canada: Corporation Number 1284643-8

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