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Selected Readarounds in Child and Youth Care

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Seven International Ethical Principles for People Working with Children and Young People

It is the professional responsibility of each child care worker to:

  1. Value and respect each child or young person as an individual in his/her own right, in his/her role as a member of his/her family, and in his/her role as a member of the community s/he lives in;
  2. Respect the relationship of the child or young person to his/her parents, his/her siblings, other members of his/her family and other significant persons, taking account of his/her natural ties and interdependent rights and responsibilities;
  3. Facilitate the optimal growth and development of each individual child or young person to achieve his or her potential in all aspects of functioning;
  4. Help each child or young person for whom he or she bears responsibility by preventing problems where possible, by offering protection where necessary, and by providing care and rehabilitation to counteract or resolve the problems faced;
  5. 5. Use information appropriately, respecting the privacy of children and young people, maintaining confidentiality where necessary, respecting the right of children and young people to be informed of matters concerning themselves, and avoiding the misuse of personal information;
  6. Oppose at all times any form of discrimination, oppression or exploitation of children and young people, and preserve their rights;
  7. Maintain personal and professional integrity, develop skills and knowledge in order to work with competence, work co-operatively with colleagues, monitor the quality of services, and contribute to the development of the service and of policy and thinking in the field of childcare.

All other standards expected of child care workers stem from these seven clauses.

The International Child and Youth Care Network

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