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Personal views on current Child and Youth Care affairs

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Knowledge for parents can head off trouble later

In my position as a clinical director for Youth Dynamics, I am lucky enough to meet many amazing Montana youth.

The children and teens from all over the state who receive mental health services from our organization are incredible; however, when I sit in a group home talking to youth, I am constantly reminded that earlier interventions and education might have prevented the need for an out-of-home placement that, while effective, requires an incredible amount of work and dedication by the child and family.

While I am very proud of the work we do in our therapeutic youth homes, I am also committed to keeping children at home and in their own communities. That is why I, along with more than 300 colleagues, are passionate about the idea that it is never too soon or too late to help a child in need.

Some of the key community health issues in Cascade County identified by the most recent Montana Kids Count data include a need to better promote access to preventive health care and an overall need for more education. One of the best ways to prevent a serious youth mental health crisis is to give parents and caregivers better tools. Thus, Youth Dynamics has been delighted to offer the Common Sense Parenting course to community members. The CSP Program is fantastic for any family and uses a combination of exceptional academic research, evidence-based practices and practical tools for parents to help reduce behavioral problems and to help nurture their child into a healthy adulthood.

The focus of the course, which was developed by Boys Town (historic national leaders in treating at-risk youth), is on “issues of communication, discipline, decision-making, relationships, self-control and school success for families in all situations.”

Another key reason to focus on earlier interventions is that, while therapeutic youth homes are effective, treatment provided in a natural family setting tends to be very successful and less expensive. When families receive education or support early, they can often avoid the heartbreak of having a child leave home. Recent research has certainly demonstrated the need for mental health treatment to include families more, and Youth Dynamics and other cutting edge providers often provide services right in the family home.

Further, the federal government includes a wide range of Boys Town programs in their list of evidence-based treatment options. This is important because we want parents, who are giving precious time to take the CSP course, to get the best benefit possible from the training.

Our agency will offer a variety of free education opportunities to Great Falls, including a CSP class that began Dec. 23 and will take place once a quarter throughout 2015. Call Kim Perkins at 406-453-5592 to see if late registration is available. If not, another class starts March 17.

I am very passionate about the impact this program will have in supporting families in the area. When you participate in CSP, you are not just helping your own children, you are arming yourself with the tools to be an advocate for vulnerable kids.

For more information on CSP courses, contact Perkins at 406-453-5592. At the workshops, you will also receive more information on other services available.

It’s never too soon; it’s never too late. All of Montana’s kids are worth it!


Shari Morin-Degel, a licensed clinical professional counselor with a master’s degree, is clinical director for residential services at Youth Dynamics, a mental health agency with more than 30 years of experience serving Montana youths with behavioral health issues.

16 January 2015


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