Aspects of Relational Practice
This book sets a framework for supporting new Child and Youth Care practitioners to be developmentally aware about the limits of what they should be trying to achieve with young people and families. It tempers the impatience and feelings of incompetence that haunt many practitioners in the first year of Child and Youth Care experience.
The information about threshold concepts will guide more experienced practitioners through the difficult path to accurate empathy and strength awareness, which in turn begins the transition into deep relational connections that are the key to the skill set of a mature practitioner. Supervisors will also benefit from awareness of the developmental roadmap to structure the scaffolding of strategies to build an expanded view of one’s professional self and intentions for the transitioning, treatment focused practitioner.
Mature practitioners can learn deeper relational frameworks and increase “self” development in relational practice. It will also assist mature practitioners to be effective mentors to less experienced colleagues.
Supervisors will find this book to be a valuable reference for creating developmentally useful plans for staff improvement, as well as a personally challenging read to evaluate their own practice.
Administrators will gain a stronger appreciation of what a relationally-based program is, as well as how to create this type of program for their agency.

FEBRUARY 2025 (No. 312)
Editorial Comment: Reflections on the Power of True
Connection in Relational Child and Youth Care
Lee Loynes
Young People Being Heard in their Residential House
Adrienne Cryne and Laura Steckley
Reflections on Relational Practice: The In-Between
Between Us
Thom Garfat
Care and Abuse: One Setting, Two Dynamics
AI’s Response: Please Die
Nadeem Saqlain
Unseen Lives, Unheard Voices: The Fight for Residential
Child Care in Non-Western Contexts
Tuhinul Islam
Deinstitutionalizing Care
Hans Skott-Myhre
Canadian Child and Youth Care Education Accreditation Board (CYCEAB) Practicum Committee: Supporting Child and Youth Care Education and Fieldwork across Canada
Postcard from Leon Fulcher

Relational Child and Youth Care Practice
Volume 37, No. 3 (The Graduate Issue 2024)
Editorial – Centering Vulnerabilities, Readiness,
and Wellness within Child and Youth Care Practices
Talia Esnard
and Aurrora De Monte
The Provision of Mental Health Supports in
Ontario Schools: A Critical Literature Review
Manmit Rakhra,
Shannon A. Moore, Heather L. Ramey and Naomi Andrews
A Guide to Supporting Young Carers Through
Relational Leisure and Practice
Rebekah A. Norman
Fighting the GRAND fight: How a CYC Approach
can Benefit Grandfamilies
Janice Daley
An Exploration of the Consideration of Gender
in Prevention Efforts and Intervention around Adolescent Harmful
Sexual Behaviour in Residential Child Care Homes
The Significance of Place Attachment in Young
People’s Sense of Wellbeing in Singapore
Thérèse Simpson
Young People Being Heard in their Residential
Adrienne Cryne and Laura Steckley
Media Reports, Youth Representation and
Counter-Storying in a Suburban Community in Trinidad and Tobago
Ayodele Eastman-Wilson
Today’s Criminal, Yesterday’s Delinquent - A
Look at Juvenile Detention in Trinidad and Tobago as a ‘Gateway’ to
Adult Offending: An Exploratory Approach
Renee Maingot-Pesnell


Find these articles and thousands of others in our Subject Reading section

Female Care Leavers’ Experiences of Transition into, Through,
and Out of Residential Care Centres in South Africa
Juliet Ramohai
Finding traces of everyday life in unusual places: looking beyond case files
in German and Scottish residential child care
Ruth Emond, Florian
Eßer, Max Schäfer, Miriam Buncombe, Andrew Burns, Sian Lucas and Karl Magee
Availability of support
systems for youth who left child and youth care centres during COVID-19
Fadzaishe B. Zingwe and Maditobane R. Lekganyane
A Population-Based
Analysis of Birth Rates and Placement Patterns Among Care-Experienced Young
Women in New South Wales, Australia
Amy Gill and Betty Luu
Challenges when
Combining Expertise to Provide Integrated Care for Youth At-Risk and Their
Family: A Qualitative Study
Laura C.M. Veerman, Eva A. Mulder, Robert
R.J.M. Vermeiren, Lieke van Domburgh, Anne van der Maas and Laura A.
Navigating Relationships with Birth Family After Aging Out of Foster Care:
Experiences of Young People
Judy Havlicek, Sally Holland and Heather
The Role of the
Church in Reintegration of Street Children into Their Families in Lusaka
Phiri Chinyama Daniel
Factors enabling
smooth transitions from out-of-home care: A scoping review
Grage-Moore, Hayley Wainwright, Danielle Newton, Philip Mendes and Helen