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Personal views on current Child and Youth Care affairs

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Finding foster homes: Try harder and treat them better

We have fewer families today to handle the increasing influx of foster children. Women are joining the workforce in large numbers, leaving fewer stay-at-home moms. Lifestyles have changed. Our foster care system needs rethinking, but that may be long and slow in coming.

What can we do in the meantime, today? Here are several strategies for recruiting and retaining foster families. Some are new. Others are in place, but may require a more concerted effort.

The child’s extended family is the number one resource for a temporary placement or a permanent home. As soon as a removal is contemplated, the caseworker should search for available, responsible kin. For reasons of personal commitment and possible reunification, kin families come first.

With the internet beckoning, new strategies for recruiting foster families abound. Here are a few:

Foster parents do all the hard work of day-to-day child care. When things go wrong, they bear the primary responsibility. They often suffer allegations, many of them unwarranted.

Despite their critical importance, however, they may not even receive notice of a conference or court hearing concerning the child in their care. In any case, they rarely have a significant voice in conferences or in court where decisions are made. To retain our best foster parents, we need to treat them better. Here are some suggestions:

These suggestions may be the best we can do with today’s system. For healthy and safe development, children will continue to need care within a family setting. Recognizing that our past foster care system has failed to keep pace with changing times, we need to do more than tinker. We need new models for the future.

By Jim Kenny

23 September 2016


The International Child and Youth Care Network

Registered Public Benefit Organisation in the Republic of South Africa (PBO 930015296)
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