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Mark Gamble

Location: Cape Town, South Africa

I started in 1994 working for an outdoor programme for marginalized children in rural communities. From there I spent some time working in a residential care facility, whilst studying a Diploma in Child and Youth Care. A moment of dream into reality was launching a wilderness programme for at-risk youth through Educo Africa ( Several very happy years wandering the mountains of South Africa. On one mountain I met my wife. No, she wasn’t a student. Surprisingly enough this resulted in a child, and the need to refigure our life. Thus to the running of a child and youth care centre in Hout Bay, a small fishing village within Cape Town. Almost eight years later I sat on a beach and decided enough of that. This decision lead to my joining a large and wonderfully diverse organization named MaAfrika Tikkun, running community-based interventions for children in a family-centred model.

How I came to be in this field
Since three I wanted to be a game ranger – actually did manage to become one, but I just couldn’t get used to the camel cigarettes. The moment of transition was very specific. Sitting on a sand dune on the Southernmost tip of Africa watching a whole bunch of children running wild. I turned to my colleague and noted that the children had a greater need to talk about alcoholic fathers than learn about the migratory patterns of the lesser spotted roughly feathered white bird. This led to the meeting with a certain Brian Gannon, who in turn¦ well anyway that is how I came to be in the field.

A favorite saying (this week)
'Don’t be a shithead'. My 5-year-old son expressing his anger when witnessing me smacking his dog for digging up my garden.

A few thoughts about child and youth care

Last thing I read, watched, heard, which I would recommend to others
Watched a DVD with Jacqueline the other night, When last did I see my father. Made me cry – always useful. Oh and then Jack Kornfield’s latest book The Wise Heart.

A favorite Child and Youth Care experience
Watching from a distance my colleague and friend Anthea Jansen, move from working on the floor to running one of the most successful residential programmes in South Africa. (Again, my opinion)

A few thoughts for those starting out

A recommended child and youth care reading link

A favourite writing

Influences on my work
Quite a request. I want to say almost every moment. People, so many people, my family; Jacqueline, Emma and James. The wounds my father gave me. The incredible gift of friendship and mentorship from Jeannie Karth. Working for Educo Africa, Buddhism, Tai Chi. Oh, and the many, many children and young people I have worked with.

Anything else
Two things. One is the reward when a young person with whom you worked with years back contacts you. I had two of those this week, one an sms from a young man announcing that he had passed his driver’s license; and two through Skype, a woman that I had taken on a wilderness programme almost 16 years ago. (Game Ranger days).

Second is this: I now work mainly in organizational leadership; every single lesson I ever learnt in child and youth care applies in the realm of leading and managing an organization.


The International Child and Youth Care Network

Registered Public Benefit Organisation in the Republic of South Africa (PBO 930015296)
Incorporated as a Not-for-Profit in Canada: Corporation Number 1284643-8

P.O. Box 23199, Claremont 7735, Cape Town, South Africa | P.O. Box 21464, MacDonald Drive, St. John's, NL A1A 5G6, Canada

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