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Stories of Children and Youth


Foster carers are making a huge difference to the lives of care leavers in Cumbria

The important role foster carers play in ensuring the best outcomes for care leavers across the county are being highlighted during National Care Leavers’ Week.

The theme of this year’s awareness week, which runs until Friday, is ‘togetherness’ and focuses on how foster carers, working alongside our Care Leavers’ Service, can have a huge impact on the lives and futures of care leavers.

Cumbria County Council is responsible for 275 care leavers aged 16 to 25 in Cumbria who receive ongoing help and support as they leave children’s services and prepare to make the transition to independent living.

The foster carers are an integral part of this support, with 95 per cent of young people who are fostered in the county choosing to remain with their carers when they turn 18, as part of the 'staying put' arrangements that enable care leavers to remain with their former foster carers if they are in further education, training or employment.

Barrow’s Liam Murphy, 17, who has Asperger’s syndrome, has lived with foster carer Alexandra Finnie since he was 10 and will stay with her while he pursues his dream of becoming a professional musician.

Mrs Finnie said: “When Liam came to live with me it was thought that his autism was so severe that he would never manage mainstream school and now he is at Kendal College studying music. He is a wonderfully polite young man and always strives to do his best. He has come a long way from the quiet, shy boy who wore his disability like a badge. I am so proud of him.”

With her support, Liam has overcome many obstacles to get where he is today. He said: “I’d lived with 19 carers by the time I was four but being with Alex has helped me a lot. She’s always here for me and I couldn’t ask for a more amazing foster carer. After I finish college I am hoping to join a band and work on a cruise ship; to sail across the world and meet new people. That’s my dream and that’s Alex’s dream for me.”

Alistair Kirk, 22, is another Cumbrian care leaver with big dreams. He is one of 21 Cumbrian care leavers currently at university, completing the final year of a politics degree at Aberystwyth University.

The talented student had an uprooted childhood and moved around several foster homes before making his home in Barrow with foster mum Brenda Nelson.

He said: “From early on in life I never knew what home was but when I moved in with Brenda I no longer had the looming threat of being moved anymore.”

With a secure home life Alistair thrived in his studies, eventually going to Barrow Sixth Form where he discovered a passion for politics during his A-Level studies and where he also won the prestigious CN Group Golden Apples Learner of the Year Award.

He also passed an entrance exam to gain a scholarship to Aberystwyth University, where he’s now in his final year and has recently applied to do his Masters. He still returns to Brenda’s in the holidays and knows “there is always a place for me with her”.

He added: “I don’t hide the fact I was in care from my friends at university; this is what made me the person I am today and I feel the need to promote that. My ambition is to show other fostered children they can do it – they are as good, if not better, than everyone else!”

Councillor Anne Burns, cabinet member for Children’s Services, said: “National Care Leavers’ Week is an ideal opportunity for us to shine a light, not just on the remarkable achievements of our care leavers, but on the essential role that our foster carers play in helping young people across Cumbria to pursue their dreams and achieve their potential.

“From continuing to offer them a stable home whilst they train, study or seek employment, to helping them make a transition to independent living; the support our foster carers offer is invaluable to young people leaving the care system.”

30 October 2017


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