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313 MARCH 2025
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editorial comment


Heather Modlin

I am writing this in the aftermath of the disastrous ambush of President Zelenskyy by Trump and Vance. I am horrified, appalled, disgusted, dismayed – there really are no words to describe the lunacy that currently exists in the White House. So I was going to devote this editorial to a rant about the state of the world. Just thinking about what I was going to write, however, made me tired. And sad. And dejected. So, I reconsidered my plan.

Everyone knows about the problems we are currently facing, as a planet and a civilization. It is easy to feel overwhelmed by the enormity and complexity of the issues. It is also easy to lose hope, to feel helpless, to believe that we have no influence on the state of the world. Fortunately, I am a child and youth care worker. I know that change occurs in moments. It occurs through safety and connection. It occurs when individuals have experiences of themselves and others that are different from their previous experiences. In that regard, we all have the power, moment by moment, to change the world.

In my organization we employ over 250 child and youth care workers who know about the power of moments. They work purposefully, every day, to create meaningful experiences for young people and families. They celebrate each achievement, no matter how small, and often share these with the group (including pictures) so that everyone can feel inspired. Below are examples of these messages (names have been changed):

The average person may read these examples and wonder what the fuss is about. Anyone who has worked with young people in out-of-home care will know exactly what the fuss is all about. These are examples of moments that change lives, and of the child and youth care workers who see the potential and celebrate the success.

The world – and our work – can often feel overwhelming. There are many things over which we have no control. It is easy to get stuck in a negative and hopeless mindset. When we focus on what we can control, take responsibility for our own actions, act with intentionality, exercise patience, and believe that we can make a difference, we will.  

The International Child and Youth Care Network

Registered Public Benefit Organisation in the Republic of South Africa (PBO 930015296)
Incorporated as a Not-for-Profit in Canada: Corporation Number 1284643-8

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