editorial comment
Heather Modlin
I am writing this in the aftermath of
the disastrous ambush of President Zelenskyy by Trump and Vance. I am
horrified, appalled, disgusted, dismayed – there really are no words to
describe the lunacy that currently exists in the White House. So I was
going to devote this editorial to a rant about the state of the world.
Just thinking about what I was going to write, however, made me tired.
And sad. And dejected. So, I reconsidered my plan.
Everyone knows
about the problems we are currently facing, as a planet and a
civilization. It is easy to feel overwhelmed by the enormity and
complexity of the issues. It is also easy to lose hope, to feel
helpless, to believe that we have no influence on the state of the
world. Fortunately, I am a child and youth care worker. I know that
change occurs in moments. It occurs through safety and connection. It
occurs when individuals have experiences of themselves and others that
are different from their previous experiences. In that regard, we all
have the power, moment by moment, to change the world.
In my
organization we employ over 250 child and youth care workers who know
about the power of moments. They work purposefully, every day, to create
meaningful experiences for young people and families. They celebrate
each achievement, no matter how small, and often share these with the
group (including pictures) so that everyone can feel inspired. Below are
examples of these messages (names have been changed):
Tonight was self-care night! We did facials, pedicures and relaxed by
the fire with hot chocolate. I love my job.
Bobby showed selflessness and dedication shoveling the driveway today.
If you are snowed in and need a Superman to get you out, just call on
Ryan has been
with us now for about 3 weeks (and 3 snow days!)! He's enjoying a cool
blanket fort this afternoon to ride out today’s stormy weather.
Little Johnny has transitioned from riding bikes to confidently riding
an ATV. His adaptability and infectious sense of humor never fail to
bring a smile to everyone around him.
Today Kevin was open to trying new things outdoors and tried cross
country skiing. Although we all fell many times, many laughs were shared
and memories were made.
Chris is such an amazing kid, we wanted to share with you all the
shenanigans of our weekend so far. He offered to cook supper for us
today! Yesterday we went out for wings followed by a back yard fire with
a playful snow fight challenge! (I lost as you can see). He has been
telling us about his fun night with Bill and Beth last night and all the
"jump scares" and Bill not loving the scary movies. Can't wait to see
what tomorrow brings. THIS IS WHY WE DO WHAT WE DO.
We may have amped up Christian’s dance parties with some fancy disco
lights lol.
jamming to his music on the drive to school with me and Robyn. Our
little cutie!
Mr. Shawn wanted to bake a cake so he can share it with his friends in
school and staff tomorrow. The before & the final product. We are
opening up Shawn bakery branches soon!
Martin is kicking our butts at monopoly tonight. He's determined to win
and is tossing around money like cold water.
Yesterday evening we enjoyed some homemade pizzas for dinner! The youth
engaged in the creating of their pizzas, picking out the toppings and
getting them all dressed up and looking delicious! Mr. Edward also had
the fabulous idea of creating homemade dessert pizzas. He was thoroughly
engaged in going to the grocery store with staff to pick up some yummy,
sweet toppings for these! They were a hit in our home!
Dave gave me a personal concert while I was finishing up my work this
morning. I love our mornings lol.
Here is a small glimpse of Nalujuk night January 6th, 2025. The Nalujuks
venture outside to reward the good and chase the "bad" (this goes on for
hours). Absolutely amazing to have the opportunity to be here and be a
part of this tradition.
Today we attended the family Christmas gathering with all extended
family. We are touched to get a gift for the team from our mom. Her
sharing how appreciative and grateful she is for us and the care we give
the kids means more than words can express. I am so grateful to be here
for these experiences and gatherings during the holidays!
I had a wonderful supper date with our football player, Mr. Jeff. He has
been doing great and he deserves a lavish treat. Cheers!
We have achieved another goal. Today at hockey Braden was promoted as a
captain assistant, so he asked to be called Mr. Assistant from today!!!!
He baked a cake for the first time!!! Bravo, Mr. Assistant!!!!
Jody, Kelly and Bonnie had a great weekend decorating their Christmas
tree and wearing matching pjs what a wonderful time and so much love
shared between siblings. It's truly heart warming.
Today we made some homemade ornament wreaths and I wanted to show off
the beautiful wreath that Alex made for the house! She spent all
afternoon on it and it's absolutely stunning!
We had a great time at our Halloween party of games, potion making, and
trunk or treating!
can’t not share how Brian cooked food tonight "in case I will be
hungry". He said because I took care of his hockey equipment he is going
to take care of me. I swear I’m proud of him!!!!!
I am so excited to share my experience with Charles. I have no picture
to share this time, but my words will allow you to draw many photos of
my day with Charles. Yesterday, I was on call, and there was an open
shift with Charles, the program that everyone was afraid to go to
because of some incidents that happened in the past year. Before the
shift started, I reviewed UMAB techniques and TCI to be ready; from what
I heard, I assumed I would need to apply at least one of the techniques
during this shift. The photo they drew in my head was not applicable to
Charles these days. He may have been challenging in the past, but that's
over now! At the beginning of the shift, I met Charles at the front door
with his staff Zane, and he greeted me by shaking my hand. Then, he went
to do his activities independently, and Zane provided me with all the
information I needed. After a while, Charles came to the living room and
started chatting with me about many things, such as soccer, video games
and computers. Then Charles invited me to play FIFA and Fortnite with
him. We spent a lot of time chatting and playing. I went and checked
Charles’ logs in the past year and this year, and between what I have
seen in the logs in the past and what I have seen in reality now, it is
a considerable change. For a while, I thought I was in the wrong
program. Thank you a lot to all the members of the Charles’ team for all
the challenging and fabulous jobs they have done with Charles and for
improving my passion for working harder to see all of our young people
living the lives they deserve. I hope everyone will have the experience
I had with Charles and improve their passion.
We had an early Thanksgiving dinner at the group home today. We have
some young people going for family dinner tomorrow, but wanted to still
have the opportunity for everyone to sit and eat together in the
program. And I'm so glad we did! We had all our young’uns not only eat
the same meal together in the same room (a very rare sight around here),
but they all gladly participated in going around the room to give
personal thanks before sharing the meal!
I'm grateful for Timmy’s help with supper today, which followed an
interesting discussion we had earlier on my second shift, about gender
roles in cooking; he believes cooking is a women job. Although we may
have differing opinions, I appreciate his willingness to lend a hand and
support me in this task, maybe I changed his mind about it.
Something to share and brighten your day! James has been stating he
wants a microphone and says he wants Santa to bring him one. James and I
have been using everything as a mic while rocking out together (I even
balled up my sheet one day and belted out Carry On My Wayward Son. He
copied me with his own sheet today). Well, today I told him I would make
him one. Behold my masterpiece lol! A microphone made from Saran Wrap
and tape! And well, black marker which didn't work well. Who knew Saran
Wrap and tape could make a 7 year old the happiest child in the world!
He just had to put on a concert haha! Enjoy!
Here is a photo of Amy enjoying herself at the trampoline park with
Frank! This is HUGE for her as she doesn't do well in crowds or over
stimulating areas. Although, facing many changes this week she's still
smiling and doing her best - which has been wonderful!
I've really been trying to get Steve to try new things. Tonight, we had
homemade chicken curry! I've already got him hooked on Thai food and now
he's loving the Indian food. He even made himself a curry taco with the
naan and asked for cilantro after seeing me put some on mine. "I like
lettuce!" Haha. Had to get him to try it first in case he had the gene
that makes it tastes like soap. He was loving it so much! Did my heart
good so I thought I'd share!
Today, Rachel got her very first pet! She has been thinking about this
for months and today was finally the day! She helped us do research on
what sort of supplies we would need for her Fancy Goldfish! Rachel set
up his tank, and picked out all the decorations, she decided to name him
Today we had a
family funday/BBQ! We had water balloons, a slip and slide, catch with
the Velcro pads, badminton, the trampoline, and some wonderful company!
Brenda, mom and her siblings came to enjoy a wonderful sunny day with
some good quality time together.
Full bellies and full hearts here today! What an amazing birthday Todd
had. From getting a birthday cake celebration at midnight, going
shopping to pick out some new Blundstones, to celebrating with a
birthday lunch at a restaurant with his team (thanks to you all). This
is huge for Todd as he has severe social anxiety and has not been out to
a restaurant to eat in years. He didn't even mind being sung to at the
restaurant. SO PROUD OF HIM!!!
Last night Ruby attended the Shania Twain concert and stayed out until
930pm! This was huge for her as she is a gal who gets ready for bed at
8pm and is not a fan of crowds. She enjoyed ice cream, french fries, a
Pepsi and bought a Shania Twain T shirt! As soon as she heard Shania’s
voice, Ruby jumped up from where we were sat and made her way through
the crowd to get as close to the stage as she could. Ruby is brave,
resilient, kind, and caring. We are all so proud of her!! Let's go
I just had to
share this picture of Kevin testing out his new bike at the skate park
this evening. Staff's words to me in their text was, "he's over the moon
happy here at skatepark". Kevin has shown so much resilience and seeing
him decked out in all his gear with this smile on his face is so
touching. What a great kid we have!
This is too good not to share. Although it may have taken close to one
year, I am happy to say we were able to get all our youth in one vehicle
and on the way to Thurborn Lake campground.
The average person
may read these examples and wonder what the fuss is about. Anyone who
has worked with young people in out-of-home care will know exactly what
the fuss is all about. These are examples of moments that change lives,
and of the child and youth care workers who see the potential and
celebrate the success.
The world – and our work – can often feel
overwhelming. There are many things over which we have no control. It is
easy to get stuck in a negative and hopeless mindset. When we focus on
what we can control, take responsibility for our own actions, act with
intentionality, exercise patience, and believe that we can make a
difference, we will.