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CYC-Online 1 FEBRUARY 1999
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Why she ran away

A. Freeman

So, I walk in to this unit one day and I see this young teenaged girl, dressed in coveralls a size too large, brown messy hair draping down both sides of her hair, looking about as sad as a child could get.

So, I walk over and ask her what she's doing there. She says 'My social worker brought me here. They're deciding if I can stay. But I don't care what they decide, I ain't staying!'

So, I ask her, why did they bring you here?

And she says, Well, my mom and dad split up and I had to live with my mom. Her and me we don't get along so I ran away, and then they put me in a foster home, so I ran away from there, too. And after I ran away a few more times, they put me in another foster home. So I ran away from there a few times too. So, now they brought me here.

So, I ask, Why are you running away all the time?'

And she says, 'I thought that if I ran away enough they'd just give up and let me live with my dad.'

The International Child and Youth Care Network

Registered Public Benefit Organisation in the Republic of South Africa (PBO 930015296)
Incorporated as a Not-for-Profit in Canada: Corporation Number 1284643-8

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