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CYC-Online 1 FEBRUARY 1999
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Hi! I'm new here

Just sitting here in the corner, keeping out of the way and watching all the goings-on, I must tell you it’s pretty scary being new in a place. I’m not sure what’s around the next corner, let alone the complex geography of the whole place. Are those two really hurting each other – or are they just playing? Is there a dog (or worse, dogs!) around here? I haven’t seen any yet, and I still don’t know who are the good guys and who are the bad guys.

I hope you'll notice me here, and that you'll realise how I’m feeling. No one has said Hello yet, and right now I’m very much the outsider. I’m not being anti-social sitting over here – and I really wouldn’t mind if you felt like picking me up off the floor for a while.

It’s specially bad when everyone runs out of the room and goes off somewhere, and I don’t know what I’m supposed to do – stay here or go along.

I know I scratched that one kid just now, but he was poking that stick at me and I thought he wanted to hurt me. Nobody told him to stop. If you give me a chance you'll find that I’m very nice, actually, and if you like, I’d love to play with you – or just sit on your lap.

I also need to know a few things, like where’s the door (I have to go outside every now and then and it’s embarrassing not knowing how to ask) and do you think I'll find someone here who likes me and will I be safe? And would you be my friend? If I can get through today (and maybe tomorrow) I'll be OK, I’m sure.

Two last things: who feeds us when we’re hungry, and where do I sleep? And do you maybe have a little milk?

The International Child and Youth Care Network

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