Aspects of Relational Practice
This book sets a framework for supporting new Child and Youth Care practitioners to be developmentally aware about the limits of what they should be trying to achieve with young people and families. It tempers the impatience and feelings of incompetence that haunt many practitioners in the first year of Child and Youth Care experience.
The information about threshold concepts will guide more experienced practitioners through the difficult path to accurate empathy and strength awareness, which in turn begins the transition into deep relational connections that are the key to the skill set of a mature practitioner. Supervisors will also benefit from awareness of the developmental roadmap to structure the scaffolding of strategies to build an expanded view of one’s professional self and intentions for the transitioning, treatment focused practitioner.
Mature practitioners can learn deeper relational frameworks and increase “self” development in relational practice. It will also assist mature practitioners to be effective mentors to less experienced colleagues.
Supervisors will find this book to be a valuable reference for creating developmentally useful plans for staff improvement, as well as a personally challenging read to evaluate their own practice.
Administrators will gain a stronger appreciation of what a relationally-based program is, as well as how to create this type of program for their agency.
No. 313 - March 2025
Editorial Comment: Moments | Heather Modlin
This Problem is a Solution | Thom Garfat
Why Can’t We Respond? | Kiaras Gharabaghi
Breaking the Cycle: Bobby’s Path from a Children’s Home to a Life of Purpose | Tuhinul Islam
The Power of Acknowledgment: Embracing Change in Child and Youth Care | Kathryn Colford
News from the Front: The Coming Darkness | Hans Skott-Myhre
‘Be My Lifeline’
Thoughts and Recommendations on Considering Blackness and anti-Black Racism in Youth Work Research and Advocacy | Idil Abdillahi
Postcard from Leon Fulcher


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